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Posts posted by H3Mythic

  1. Before you think this topic is about the people who fly around, have aimbots, have ARs firing sniper bullets, etc. These people only ruin one or two games for you, this is about the people who can ruin your whole account and everything you have worked for, and are killing the game.

    I get that Halo 3 is extremely old but is this a reason to allow cheaters to run wild?

    I've seen these modders have max xp on NEW accounts, they can give you a 50 from just playing a game with them, they can make your highest skill 1, they can increase your xp, or decrease it. 

    I've had an account gain 12,000 Team Slayer xp from just playing one game with such a modder.
    My friend lost 30,000 xp on his account from playing against a modder.
    I've seen people get 50's randomly, one game they were a 45, 20mins later they are a 50. 

    I get alot of people won't care and just play for fun, while this is true for me, I am not going to lose 15,000 xp and 4 50's for nothing. I've had to make new accounts to play on just because of this.



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