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FS Malevolent

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Posts posted by FS Malevolent

  1. Who are the Forgotten Soldiers?

     Our clan goal is to HAVE FUNarrow-10x10.png be the best of the best. Take out rival clans with intimidating lethal force, we are a friendly and laid back Military-Based Clan. We don't force upon you a strict set of amour. All we ask from you, is basic Military-Based Clan requirements, such as Spartan Colors and Emblem. We are very understanding, however, we DO NOT tolerate attacks or threats from other clans. We also DO NOT tolerate Traitors, and such Traitors shall be dealt with accordingly. We are not a clan to be messed around with as said famous by the Ex Co-Founder - Ghost Reaper "There is a reason why we are forgotten don't be one of those reasons". We never lost a war, nor plan to, we fight till the last man standing has no blood or breath left. We are Relentless, Fearless, Powerful. We shall stop at nothing to proclaim our victory within the battlefield.

     Clan Government / Set-Up

     The Forgotten Soldiers run a very relaxed Military-Based Clan. Their is a Clan President as all clans have, however, decisions of the clan are made by a press that is carefully chosen by the President. EXECUTIVEarrow-10x10.png decisions are made by voting throughout all the clan members to see what is the best option for the clan. In our Government style, each member of the FS has an equal chance to show their true colors. Each member of the clan can be a true unique soldier to the clan in his/her own special way. You can be that soldier that is remembered by his/her armor, his/her branch and rank. You can, and will be remembered for your time served within our ranks. Show people what it truly means to put in work! The FS can be relaxed, however, when things are serious. Nothing will be tolerated, and proper consequences will be enforced by the Clan Officials. The clan is divided into 5 Major Branches.
    MARINEarrow-10x10.png Corps
    Military Police
    Remain Victorious at All Costs
    Join a fight with a true Purpose!
    Enlist into a war with a true Reason!
    Learn from the Best of the Best!
    LiveLove, and Begin your own Living Legacy!
    Create and Become Your Own LEGEND!
    Clan Fourms 
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