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Posts posted by Ren335

  1. nawhhhhh diversity is excellency.... switch it up sometimes and these updates only last a week or two and revert back to regular playlist options so cut loose brh and chill

    I don't know if you play swat or not, but every recent update they have put out for the Swat playlist has stayed permanently. All the Objective and weapon variants have stayed in. I don't mind covenant or forerunner, but not having the choice of two maps with the regular Swat game type gets old.

    I hate to be cocky, but this is coming from a sweaty kids point of view. Anytime we face a team or someone who's decent will back out of the lobby because of map selections.

  2. Hey man, I'm in UEG (United Extreme Gaming). If your still looking for a clan/community to join let me know. The branch I'm in is very competitive. We have a lot of Swat players (like myself), as well some other very good slayer and objective players. We have set colors and emblem, and we change our motto and bio. Let me know if you'd like to join.



  3. It's much easier to join a clan than start one. I know it sounds cool, but you gotta think on how to keep track of all your members. Not only that, but how to distinguish your players from other clans and players etc.

    For example:

    I'm in UEG (United Extreme Gaming)

    Depending on what branch (each has from 60-100+ members, and over 10 branches in Halo alone), determines what colors we wear, and what our Motto and Bio says.

  4. I Doubt 343 will take a look at this, but for everyone else on here I'd like some opinions on my complaints.

    First off, the new update as of today, 07/07/2014, includes "Swagnums". If people want to use the magnum, then fine, but don't make it a specific game type. (I'll get to my reasoning later on) The new maps for SWAT (Panic Station and Excavation) are decent maps, but they should NOT be appearing almost every match. Out of 15-20 lobbies, at least 10-12 are Panic Station, regular or covenant and some random objective. If your wanting to add maps that everyone can play without DLC, add other maps from slayer playlists, within reason that is. (Ex. The Ark (Snipers) would be too small, but Onyx would be fine) Another issue: there should be two maps designated as regular SWAT, and the third should be a variant of objective or weapons.

    With only three maps available to choose from, one always objective, one always a weapon variant, and usually Panic Station regular SWAT, it's hard to even play an online game. People back out majority of the time because of the map selections (mostly being Panic Station), and because the other choices are either objective or weapon variant.

    I'll make it simple, and sum everything up in a list

    1. Two maps with regular SWAT, third choice a rotation of objective and weapon variant

    2. Less Panic Station

    3. Less weapon variants

    4. If you want more maps, add existing one's from other playlists

    5. "Swagnums" should be removed. If you want to use the pistol, then do it, if not that's fine.


    ****(Host with pistol = unstoppable and won't die)


    My two cents guys. Let me know if you agree or not. I know a lot of good SWAT players rarely play anymore because of the playlist change.

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