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Russian Panda

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Posts posted by Russian Panda

  1. In reply to SilentGamer64. 


    You can't really agree or disagree with the OP, it's simply facts and if people are ignoring them then that's... well stupid. Sprint when implemented in halo reach and 4 wasn't done as well as it should of been (as shown in OP ) . But just because it wasn't implemented well doesn't mean it shouldn't be in halo.  I don't think it should be in halo because it's in other games, but for the reason that it's canon, by canon I mean if I see something books and media representing Spartans doing things it should apply to the games .

    Can it be in halo and not break the gameplay? sure I think so. Op's point was regarding that it hasn't worked yet and from the sounds of things it shouldn't be in future halo's ( that's what my impression is ?). I think that's perfectly reasonable but at the same time, and this is of course opinion. 343 should put it into the game in a way that makes the player experience better and make you feel like you're a spartan not for the sake of LOOK YOU CAN RUN LIKE IN THIS OTHER GAME.

    I think the main issue is that the core build of halo is based of something old. Halo 2 multiplayer and halo 3 are built on foundations of games where things were simple. eg, counterstrike, quake, UT and all these great games. All these games share similarities in a way that they are 1. competitive and 2. simple. So the main issue is trying to add new features to a game that is based in "old school" ideas. 

    Props to Jazzi btw for creating the Topic and being civil about it. (:

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  2. Well spartan abilities from what I understand are things every spartan can do, equivalent to say dual wielding or boarding vehicles in halo 2. 

    I was just simply saying I hope with these new game mechanics they're adding we'll be able to do things such as vault cover ( short walls ) and climb ledges now that for some reason have been absent from halo. 

  3. Since the introduction of sprint into halo. Which yes is debated in the community I like the idea of being a more versatile spartan.


    In the beta trailer we saw the opening scene with Spartans leaping, then a spartan sliding to cover and another doing a ground smash.


    I was curious what halo would be like with more movement added. Say, a fast vault or being able to climb ledges and such. What do you guys think about more movement / versatility in halo?


    Apologies for grammar and other things. Using phone :S

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  4. Surprisingly some good ideas in here(:


    One thing I'd like to see is as soon as you initiate the assassination you get the kill. Otherwise it'll be a step back from the classic back slap and not useful. (Also people stealing kills is an issue as caboose stated )


    Also I think weapon specific kills would be cool.


    Examples like..

    -pistol, one handed knife to the neck.


    -shotgun, strange/ neck snap with gun.


    Stuff like that would be cool I think, almost like the weapon specific executions found in gears of war3.


    Maybe this could ad strategy to assassinatios. Meaning pistol assassinations would be faster than a sniper one but the sniper would be more elaborate?

  5. If they have the assassination animations in the halo I hope they're more fluid. eg, kick the back of the players knee and then break their neck. something fast.

    They look really cool in my opinion but they just slow you down too much having to pause there awkwardly hoping you weren't going to get assassinated yourself. So I just hope they are quick and effective.

  6. Since I haven't played halo 4 (mehhhh) in a while I didn't really think about this.

    But as Twin just said it made the matches very unbalanced sometimes. I think what made halo have some of that "halo" feel was the strictness of the multiplayer. What I mean by this is the leveling system in ranked games matching you with similar skilled people and being locked into a match that you would have to finish and not just jump in or out of because " oh no we're losing I'm not having fun anymore". 

  7. As frog said. it's all opinion. It's starting to look like you're just here to argue with people for no real reason other than to support your opinion and we just go around and around. Sprint is a feature that's been introduced into halo and needs to be balanced. I'm quite sure it will be in halo 5. If you wish a feature is or isn't in a game that's your problem m8. 

    If all players are able to sprint I don't see how it's bad.

  8. I'm aware that gameplay comes before anything that's canon. I'm also very fond of the traditional halo style, referring to halo 2 and 3 of which I've played a lot of.
    ( that being said, since halo 1 and 2 there has been books and various media that's been evolving the halo universe, OF WHICH the games are based on ).

    Even so, I think 343 needs to strike some balance between putting in features that are canon and keeping gameplay fun balanced and fair.

    Having played a lot of halo 2 and 3 I understand how the sprint feature in newer halo's has changed this rock paper scissors mentality of halo but at the same time you can't expect them to keep things out of the game for the sake of gameplay. It is possible to put sprint into halo and other features as well, in my opinion anyway I just think it'll take a lot of creative design and careful thought.

  9. I just thought bots would be a good idea to fill the maps up with enemies. Otherwise you get that weird feeling of just Spartans v Elites that you had in Reach. Having bots like grunts and marines might actually make it feel more like a battle than a big team slayer. (: 

    Here's hoping they put invasion in halo 5.

  10. Seems a bit silly that as a spartan I can jump 2 meters high, eat bullets like salad and one punch kill people yet for some reason shouldn't be able to sprint?


    I think sprint is a natural progression of gameplay.


    IMO. If they put sprint in halo 5 it should be more similar to reach (more clunky ) my reasoning for this is say...


    When you initiate sprint you holster your weapon, like masterchief did in the halo 3 trailer? And that way when you stop sprinting there would be a delay and you would not be able to shoot instantly like halo 4 ( ugh ). This would stop people from sprinting around small maps because it would handicap your ability to be ready in combat :P

  11. Now as we all know from the e3 trailer halo 5 is going back to the arena style it is famous for. With no aa's and balanced gameplay I think a lot of old halo fans will be happy and hopefully 343 can also please new halo fans. I digress though.


    I've been reading the forums a fair bit and it seems a lot of people likes invasion from reach.


    I think if 343 has one side of multiplayer for the traditional multiplayer, eg. Arena. And separately have invasion for a larger scale multiplayer mode t would work well. I'll try n make this short.


    This is just my idea of what invasion would be like.



    -Just like halo reach you would play as either the Spartans or adversely elites.


    -there would be bots ( running off the cloud similar to how grunts work in titanfall ). Covenant bots would be grunts and jackals and unsc would have marines and odst.



    -fairly large maps with sections as you progress through them, similar to reach. Maybe something like 16 v 16 players, not including bots.


    -vehicles on the map scaling from smaller to larger as the game progresses, eg. At the start you would get mongooses or ghost then eventually wraiths, scorpions etc.


    -turrets protecting main spawn points. Spawning would be drop in style. For example, the Spartans would drop into the map in drop pods and the covenant would be drop off from ships.


    Wrote this with my phone. Sorry for any mistakes. What's everyone opinions? (:

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