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Benj Boss Milson

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Posts posted by Benj Boss Milson

  1. 1. (WEAPONS)
    There needs to be A FEW VERSIONS of each individual core weapon. 
    Lest say for a quick example, 3 versions of the DMR, 3 versions of the BR, 3 versions of the Carbine, 3 versions of the NEEDLE RIFLE (Yes bring back the needle rifle) We need variety to make players feel more unique even just purely unique cosmetically. 
    I liked the h4 dmr and br, however there should be an option to select the reach version of the DMR and the h3 version of the BR just so players can be different. i also believe that the needle rifle needs to come back, and the smg plus silencer as an option, and it would top it all off if that in some way they could incorperate red dot or green dot laser site into one or two unsc weapons as an option, Maybe on the Magnum So that the magnum is used more, and possible make it an option for the SMG ????? I like how the red dot can blind the opponent and put the opponent off like how it does in battle field when u aim at someone. 
    Its a sexy effect that could be nice, but incorporate it into the game where it can have a PLUS/NEGATIVE impact, something like the BINARY RIFLE has. it has a zoom feature but it gives away ur position when u scope in.

    I would also like to see the option of having different scope attachments with none being more beneficial than the other in game play, but just purely for cosmetic appearance and to create individualism between players. 

    (It would be nice to pick up someone else's weapon after killing them during a slayer match and take a look at what sort of weapon ur enemy has put together in the "customise weapons section" and then rape the other team with the enemies own concoction)

    The weapon spawn system should be like how it was in halo reach regarding primary weapons to make it more exciting to obtain a basic weapon. 

    2. (PERSONAL ORDINANCE vs WORLD ORDINANCE) - Personal Ordinance should NOT be so easy to acquire. They should be something that are so hard to get so that way when u do get one, its more exciting!!!! 
    Ordinances need to be something to entice the player to learn to acquire more skill. No noob should be able to acquire a personal ordinance. When a player graduates to his first ordinance, he should be talking about it all week!!!!
    It should be like, the noob sees his friend get an ordinance, and it looks so cool, and if this noob ever wants to be on that level, he needs to learn to get better.  
    World Ordinances on the other hand are fine the way they are. They enter the game every X-Amount of minutes and give all players equal opportunity to retrieve what comes down. Because of the fact that Personal Ordinances are so hard to acquire, World ordinances create balance and this where it creates equal opportunity for players. It allows noobs that cannot earn them selves a personal ordinance to compete with midrange level players who can sometimes earn them selves one ever once in a while.
    The personal ordinance needs to be more rewarding when u acquire one. It should not be a give that almost every player Aquires an ordinance during every game!!!!!!!!! THAT SUX !!!!

    3. (ARMOUR) They need to get rid of 80% of halo4s armour its disgusting and stupid looking. only a few helmets and torsos did they get it right.

    4. (THE ARBITOR) - He MUST make a return to make it feel more like halo because halo lost the halo feel to it after halo4. Because halo incorporated brand new concepts that made the game feel more like COD but this wasn't a bad thing, however in the process it lost the halo feel, 343 need to keep evolving like allowing for a bigger selection of core weapons and attachments.. This is not the halo we have grown up on, but its the way halo needs to go. BUT UNLESS they do something to retain the halo feel that we all know and love, the game will die. 
    THIS IS WHY The Arbitor needs to return. And even brutes as well as any other ideas Just to help give the game that halo feel back. IT IS POSSIBLE to add these new generation COD and BF3 ideas into H5 with out losing the halo feel. But 343 need to get it right this time because in h4 they didn't.

    5. (MUSIC) - The halo4 music at the menu and pre game was atrocious. Needs to be better. more pumped up and adrenaline pumping.

    5. (UNSC Ariel vehicles) need to return for BIG TEAM battle. The falcon used to be fun.

    6. (LOBBY) - The pre game lobby needs to go back to the halo reach version. The halo 4 one sux

    7. (JUMP HEIGHT) Jump height in h4 was too overboard. It needs to be cut back so that the player feels a lot more like a real person rather than a cartoon character that can leap tall buildings in a single bound. We don't want the spartans to have basically zero jump height like u see in COD or BF3.... BUT We also don't want our spartans to be cartoonish to the point where they can jump 20feet into the air. 
    My assessment of COD & BF soldier jump height would be about 2-3 feet. Halo5 spartans should be able to jump about 4-5 feet high max. At the moment our spartans are jumping at least 10foot high ATLEAST ! this is GAYYYYY!!!
    The game will feel so much more deadly ad realistic if 343 just change the mechanics a bit regarding jump height. This is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Important i feel. Because in a world where realistic shooters are dominating the universe, halo is dying due to its unrealistic nature. Halo can be saved if we do small adjustments like making the jump height feel more realistic. We want halo to be arial but NOT SO ARIAL !!! We wanna feel like we are wearing heavy armour to a degree, we don't wanna feel like we been pumped full of helium and ever time we jump we gonna land on the moon. 

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