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Posts posted by leviathan

  1. Yeah, definitely!


    And to TUCK3R: Its pretty safe to say that Halo 4 is a lot like COD  





    I think AA's are fine so long as they are implemented in the correct way, being map based pickups with fuel.


    Agree %100 with the notion that Halo 5 should be more relate-able to Halo 2 and 3 than Halo 4. Preach it loudly and often! 


    Agreed! halo 2 is my favorite game of all time but halo 3 has amazing vehicle battles.

  2. Halo 5 plot ideas. ever herd of mendicant bias? he is a forerunner AI that was given the tasked with the study of the primordium(a flood gravemind) to find ways to stop it. after 43 years of talking with it he was persuaded to assist the flood with the destruction of the forerunners. the eventually stopped him, disassembled him and buried part of his systems on the ark. you may think he has no relevance to anyone anymore but in halo 3 you can find terminals to interact with that display massages from him to the master chief saying that he is repentant and wants to assist the chief in his journey. so I would not be surprised if the flood return in "halo 5" and I would love to see that happen. as for master chief in the teaser trailer I think he is trying to find this AI to get help. can't wait till e3 2014 to see what is true and what is false. i like campaign better than multiplayer so i hope they make it long and AWE INSPIRING!

  3. I to was disapointed that the elites where taken out of multi-player in halo 4. I enjoyed being the elites in halo reach because they where big,intimidating and the assassinations where fun to watch. they where also good for machinimas and pix. I would love to see them return to multi-player

  4.  just so you know my experience with halo: I have been playing halo campaigns since I was 8 years old. I am now 18 and halo is sill my favorite game franchise of all time even over COD and BF. on the subject of playable elites in the campaign: I believe having the arbiters and the master chiefs sides of the story alternating in halo 2 was a brilliant idea and in halo 3 having both of them together made it possible to do split screen on campaign without clones of master chief running around and helping the story at the same time. when it comes to multi-player I think there should be traits that the spartans have and traits that the elites have. one of them should be better in certain ways and the other be better in other ways. I do hope 343 brings back the arbiter in the next halo game(whatever it may be called) and alternate sides of the story like halo 2.

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