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o Mike the TV o

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Posts posted by o Mike the TV o

  1. yoinking isnt a problem in any free for all scenario, but to intentionally take someones assassination in a team based game mode is a pretty messed up move, in


    most cases an assassination is something the player has to work a little harder for and its a pretty sick feeling to get one since you have complete power over


    the enemy that your taking on, its almost like a kill and teabag all in one, i can see if you and a teammate are taking on the same guy and he takes the


    assassination away because he was still attacking, but if im in the middle of one and a guy just picks him off to benefit himself im going to be a little frustrated,


    imagine jumping off the tallest point of map on an enemies head who's at ground level in an attempt to pull off an assassination and at the last moment you find 


    yourself standing there without points on your screen because some **** just jacked your kill, all im saying is that assassinations need to be respected more, and


    if at all possible make it so that kill cannot be taken by a teammate


  2. My one big issue with Halo 4 is the fact that i paid for the GOTY edition after buying the original game and finding that there isnt a playist specifically meant for


    dlc.  I shelled out an additional 40 bucks and its rare for me to be playing on a dlc map.  If you could add a playlist for slayer and objective game modes on dlc


    maps it would be greatly appreciated.  I would also like to add that I am for some of the more classic playlists like assault, 1 flag, and territories as well as multi


    team and I fully support the idea of penalizing players that choose to back out.  Still its a great game and i hope to see further additions and improvements to halo


    4 in the future. 

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