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Biggest Halo fan ever

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Posts posted by Biggest Halo fan ever

  1. I just hope it will be Halo 5 and if it's a Halo 2 anniversary edition I hope they cange the ending to something more continues.

    the reason I think it will be Halo 5 and not H2A is that 343i announced in a bulletin that they moved development to the xbox one, even if a Halo 2 remake would be awesome, it shouldn't be the first step on a new platform, but I just hope they will not rush development on Halo 5.

    Same here buddy I need halo 5 like right now but if it is  halo 2 then i guess i'm fine with that to, but i recently found some things, which maybe rumors and nothing more and probably are but it looks to me the halo 5 is coming this year in November which was also the original dates that they would release it at also i found out that they are having a upgraded Xbox 1 come out and with it halo 5. To me there are 3 possibility that could happen 1. halo 5 come out 2. halo 2 comes out 3. or they revieal the halo TV shows. In truth we have to what for more info.


    I severly think this is Halo 2A and another Halo 5 teaser. Why? BECAUSE WHY WOULD 343 RELEASE A NEW HALO GAME WITH ONLY 7 MONTHS OF MARKETING. That is such a bad idea I don't want to even comment. If it was Halo 2A then they can get away with that timeframe. If not they're just doomed. 


    Me personally, I am not holding my breath for a Halo 2 remake. Why? Because working on a remake can hold back development of your next big release and it might be released unfinished, much like Halo 4 was. They need to work on Halo 5 as much as possible if they're to make it the great game they're promising.

  2. God the questions, the questions and did I almost forget? THE QUESTIONS. Until real release dates come out everyone including myself will have to deal with these dates. Thank you by the way for posting this. I had no idea about these dates whatsoever. Honestly I think the Arbiter is alive and that Cortana is dead. 

    You are correct in that the arbiter is a live but i am not sure about cortana but i agree about the date thing from what i have see it looks like it will be on the 12/31/14 i have see that every were.

  3. you got that right i can't want for halo 5 and i know that some one on this stinking sit is checking what we post so if you read this 343 then send me some info on halo 5 listen i have been looking for halo 5 info for what 2 years now along with 6 and 7 so give a kid a break and help them who am i going to tell i only email of school heck i'm using a school computer now the only reason i even bother with this sit is that i can find halo facts or point me in the right direction then again completely ignore me and move on thinking that this post does not matter and this brat wont find anything on halo what so ever and what is he even going to do threaten us as if but i say to you i will find halo 5 fact.

  4. Thanks this site was helpful i'm trying to become an MLG to although i'm not much team effort because from the 987 games i played on halo 4 it seems that every one does what he or she wants. i's lone wolf every were.

  5. Thanks for the tips, i'm trying to become an MLG but so far my score sucks i'v played 8 days total beat every thing on legendary with two skulls on but my matchmaking is only 7041 kills and 6825 deaths not good enough for MLG but good enough to beet my friends.

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