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Posts posted by DrummDragon

  1. Hey everybody,


    I recently finished a Fake Movie trailer using cosplay footage from the 2014 Portland Wizard World Comic-Con. There's some GREAT Halo cosplay, including a small child in a Grunt costume, and a Halo 5 Master Chief.


    I also edited in some dialogue from various Halo games.



  2. My favorite kills animations are any that involve the Spartans kicking. As trained fighters and martial artists, the Spartans should have a unique understanding of the physical power of a well timed/aimed kick. Much as I love punching or pistol whipping my problems away, kicking them is much more fun and effective.

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  3. There are a lot of factors, but it all boils down to quality content. With youtube's current algorithm, the more videos you upload over a shorter period, the more youtube will promote said videos. Youtube also promotes newer videos that have been released within the span of a week.


    Here's my channel:




    And an example of some of my content:



  4. As much as everyone hates the flood...I do sort of miss them in a way. And I honestly did enjoy the dreaded Library level in the original Halo. Mostly, I just like using the shotgun :D

  5. ...then I took an arrow to the knee. Ha, joking.


    Seriously though, I used to spend a LOT of time posting on the bungie forums back in the day. And by "back in the day" I mean about 7-8 years ago.


    And if anyone was around back then, I also used to be fairly involved in the Guardians of High Charity clan. We were the largest clan that used the Elite(Sanghelli) player models exclusively.

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