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Roberto Gamboa

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Posts posted by Roberto Gamboa

  1. Hello, my name is Roberto, im an ex member of the "fist of the north star clan" due to leaders problems i decided to get out of the clan, im currently looking for a clan that has plenty events and good leaders that are currently hosting games and matches, my. KD:1.13 but i've not been playing halo a lot since reach, my best KD on halo reach while on the "NSC" was 6.12 so yeah i am real good, and by the way im a crazy ninja assasin so watch ur back, anyway im just looking to have fun and friends to play with all day, i can play almost every day... Anyone interested, as i said i just want to have fun and make new friends!!! (;


    My gamertag is changotito1 (;

  2. Hey you should check out warriornation.net if you are looking for a clan, i just recently joined in and its really fun, wt nothing more to advice you, GT:changotito1 if you join in make sure your username for the page starts with WNx, you do not have to change your GT or anything, i will vouch for you on the page, just send me a message (;



  3. Hello, my name is Roberto, im an ex member of the "fist of the north star clan" due to leaders problems i decided to get out of the clan, im currently looking for a clan that has plenty events and good leaders that are currently hosting games and matches, my. KD:1.13 but i've not been playing halo a lot since reach, my best KD on halo reach while on the "NSC" was 6.12 so yeah i am real good, and by the way im a crazy ninja assasin so watch ur back, anyway im just looking to have fun and friends to play with all day, i can play almost every day... Anyone interested, as i said i just want to have fun and make new friends!!! (;


    My gamertag is changotito1 (;

  4. Hello, my name is Roberto, im an ex member of the "fist of the north star clan" due to leaders problems i decided to get out of the clan, im currently looking for a clan that has plenty events and good leaders that are currently hosting games and matches, my. KD:1.13 but i've not been playing halo a lot since reach, my best KD on halo reach while on the "NSC" was 6.12 so yeah i am real good, and by the way im a crazy ninja assasin so watch ur back, anyway im just looking to have fun and friends to play with all day, i can play almost every day... Anyone interested, as i said i just want to have fun and make new friends!!! (;


    My gamertag is changotito1 (;

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