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Posts posted by theULTIMATE217

  1. So I just came up with the Idea of Floodvasion. It would be set on maybe some dark, creepy maps, or maybe just regular maps. But it would have a better effect on darker maps. But anyways, one team plays as the flood, and the other as the Humans/Survivors. It would be sort of like Infection, But the humans respawn. So let's get started...


    Phase 1 would consist of the Humans surviving for a certain time, they would have a pool of lives, and can not loose all of them. Once they are all gone, the remaining players must stay alive. If they die, the round is over and the Flood wins. If they fight off the Flood (2minutes maybe?), they go to the next phase...


    Phase 2 is still being decided. But I think it would be pushing back the Flood. You would have to capture a point that leads into the Flood Nest. This would be like you discovered where the nest is, and now you have to destroy it. BTW, Flood Spores are alive throughout the whole game, and infect dead Spartan bodies, that fight as AI against the Human team (They aren't too strong, fight like an Elite Officer in Reach on Normal Difficulty but don't jump around as much). To Phase 3...


    Phase 3 would be the human team destroying the nest. Once the nest is destroyed, the spores will gather together and form another nest, you must stop them from doing this. The Flood must protect the Nest and the Spores. NOTE: No Flood/Spores can spawn while the Nest is destroyed. So the remaining Flood/Spores must fight and rebuild by themselves. If the nest gets destroyed, and all the Flood are killed before they rebuild, the Humans win. If the Humans don't complete the task, gravemind appears and kills them or something like that. Maybe the spores just attack you in swarms and tackle you to the ground and kill you.


    This could also be done where the Flood would be attacking. They pretty much just beat the Humans back, except the Humans have AI marines, and the Flood has less Flood Spores to help them.


    Would you like this gametype?

    That would be quite intreting but halo has already copied cod and gears so i don't think they should copy dead space.

  2. Well i guess armor abilities will be in halo 4.....If that is true i don't care because i will not buy it. There will be other great games out. It is a shame to see such an amazing game go downhill. So halo 4,5 and 6 will suck. Hey 343 add a bunch of other random stuff into halo 4. Lets add weapon perks and attachments. Why don't you guys call up treyarch and epic games and ask them for some ideas. A cover system would be nice as well.

    How bout when you get a kill you become superman and shoot lazers out of your eyes. The real question is... did bungie and 343 get there balls chopped off? Why do they always listen to clowns on the forums who come up with horrible ideas. WHAT ABOUT THE REAL PLAYERS WHO HAVE BEEN AROUND SINCE THE CE? Well we are going to give you a HALO CE REACH MULTIPLAYER! wow thanks a lot. Don't want to disrupt reaches awesome online? hahaha 343 you are all scared of what halo used to be... a fun game. Just put halo 2 back online.

    Nobody gives a **** whether or not you like this game. 343 made the defiant map pack and i think they did a damn good job. Also here is a shout out to all the people who hate halo reach: You can just play the classic slayer playlist and it plays just like halo ce so you don't have to deal with AAs.

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  3. Although through out the Halo storyline our enemy has mainly been the covenant, other options do exist. The flood for one is not out of the question, it could still remain as major threat. However, now we get to really delve into the story of the forerunners. The forerunners have always been in the background of Halo and now it is their time. Unless you have read the novels or really followed the Halo storyline, you probably have seen close to nothing on the forerunners. This is a great opportunity to bring them into the light.


    P.S. This stuff is a little off topic, so let me end with this. No do not add weapon attachements or ADS. I would like it if Halo mainly kept it's H2/H3 style of gameplay.

    I concure but some covenant combat could be nice for players who enjoy seeing grunts flee.

  4. How can this be halo with out covenant? :nea: if you hadn't noticed Halo's core campaign gameplay is killing covies. and the multiplayer maps need to be better though. They should have for btb more symetrical maps so no team has higher ground or more sniping positions. Blood gultch is a good example because each base has the same weapons in similarly placed locations and the same vehicles in similarly placed locations.you get the idea. On Spire BTB one team is on the oposite side of the spire with the BFG(big friendly giant)with less cover and more power weapons spawn near by. This basically means one team will be bombarded and one will have to cowar in their base because of snipers. :(

  5. the game will be like odst where the first disc is campaign and maybe firefight. while the second disc will be the EXACT halo reach multiplayer with all your armor and credits. all that is different is that it will have the multiplayer maps and a new playlist with halo ce gameplay and maps. SO THERE IS NO NEW MULTIPLAYER, ONLY THE MAPS AND PLAYLIST

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