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Posts posted by Exile

  1. The sword block is outright ridiculous, and stupid. Why did Bungie even implement it?


    If you are dumb enough to charge at me with an AR and jetpack, you should be punished by my sword. If I was stealthy enough to get close to you, without you knowing, you should be punished.



    HAHAHAH, you noob, people dont get sneaky with the sword, they sprint and and lunge and you cannot kill a sprinting opponent before he gets to you even if you spam the pistol and hit every shot.


    Sword block takes timing and skill.

  2. They're doing new maps for Reach, Halo: CEA, Halo 4, and a TU for Reach. They're busy. I want new maps more than remakes. You can't just use the same maps every game. Each game needs it's own maps that will always be remembered such as the ones in previous Halos.



    Maybe but Reach simply lacks good team maps.

    Zealot and countdown are the only symmetrical maps that arnt made in forge world.

    Asylum was made by Bungie but MLG preferred to make their own version.


    Halo 3 had enough good maps for competitive slayer and objective games, Reach doesn't.

    Forge maps by the community are a huge fail due to the spawning system.

  3. What are your thoughts?


    Sounds like 343 will be listening to the masses, maybe taking a few ideas and using them?

    For the doubters of Halo moving from Bungie to 343 are you happier? more relaxed? or more scared?


    i'm scared, 343 can ruin 10 years of Halo with bad games...

  4. It is called the bob helmet for a very specific reason they look very similar


    Its called the BOB helmet cuz ppl dub it that way in belief that its related to the BOBs in game.


    @the guy saying Lt colonel was the max rank.

    If you stayed offline on Reach it would show you your true rank and the rest of the armory.

    When you went back online, you would be back to Lt Colonel.


    My guess is that 343 is adding some armory updates with their title update/next DLC/Halo CEA.


    I'm not going on a wild goose chase, ill let others do that.

  5. I think the spawns are cheap on pretty much all the non BTB forge maps.

    You either make dynamic spawns and place them right, or you let people spawn on their side of the map all the time and provide enough cover.


    Like in the pit on H3 you could switch sides if the other team had over run your side, but only if they were on your side.

    If they stayed on the middle you would keep spawning on your side.


    Forge maps these days suck, you either spawn IN your tiny ass base or you spawn near team mates.

  6. reach needs more blood and scaring of land from exp,osions. its to plain with a head shot and a falling ragdoll body with no blood or bullet holes in walls.



    Let me guess, you play modern warfare...


    Looks arn't everything, Reach its graphics are fine as they are.

    Halo has always been about the game play.


    Besides you cant put that in a title update..

  7. And theres still the instasplode, where in Halo Reach you throw a prefferable a plasma and then you throw another grenade over it and when the plasma explodes it causes the other grenade to explode also, its realy effective in reach also but a bit harder to do than halo 3, if your on a team and you all throw nades in the same place instasplode style its like instant death


    And thats when i yell "F*king nade spamming noobs!!!" :P

  8. Uh no. All Halo titles use the projectiles defined speed located in the weapon tag. The only, and I say again only weapon to ever use or be close enough to be conscidered "hitscan", was the battle rifle. That is the only weapon.


    I may have confused some people with the previous post. When we all say "real time" we are clearly talking about a different definition and use when it comes to the Halo games. I am quite aware that every weapon has a starting velocity, and a maximum velocity, both which are reflexives (32 bit floats) located inside the weap tags.


    When I talk about real time, I am literally using it as it is meant...real. Real is all chance, all gravity, yattah yattah. Halo is pre-defined and bound to the limits of the engine itself.


    Halo Reach does not use hitscan. They are using a method similar to hitscan, but make no mistake it is not hitscan. If that were the case, you would not have to lead enemies with your shots.


    Reach DOES use hitscan, you do not need to lead your shots on long distances.

    Halo 3 you DID have to lead your shots with the BR on long range or mid range (thats what i call real time AKA travel time)

    Like the other person said, go check the vidocs they posted.


    Wikipedia hitscan explenation, Halo 2 and Reach used as examples at the bottom of the page

    You can just google "Halo Reach hitscan" and you will find many threads on various Halo/X box sites that discus the return of hitscan in Reach.


    No, i dont want you to be able to change back and forth in game, i mean as like a setting for your gametypes, like how in classic slayer you can enable or disable super shields


    I completely understand that people want this, mostly MLG players would want this.

    Its just to much to ask though, Reach is already much more customizable then the previous Halo games.


    And toggling the real time VS hitscan is also a huge programming demand for a title update.

    And yes i understood that you meant in custom games and not as a setting like toggle crouch or inverted sticks.

  9. Baykem, again, you have no understanding of the weap, hud or proj tag reflexives or the links between them using the scripting system of the blam! engine. Bloom is exactly what I defined it to be. Bloom is not some magical formula that the weapon uses to prevent the players from firing rapidly accurately. The spread of a weapon is pre-defined in the weap tag, by a min and max data value. The spread is random, and is not subject to if the bloom effect on the reticule is at rest or not.


    As for your remarks for the battlerifle. The battle rifle was a "hitscan" weapon. If you know what "hitscan" is, then you know why it functioned the way it did in Halo2, and because of this, it cannot be thrown into the normal catagory you would throw other weapons that have a firing spread. Perhaps you should search for my very detailed, engine in-depth explination on how this works and why it is what it is.


    As for the post about the real time physics vs hitscan. Do you even know what hitscan is? How it works, or why it has no place in the game? First off, you would not be able to toggle it on and off. The physics handling of the game objects and assets is hard coded into blam!, and would not be easily turned off and on as you suggested. Real time actaul physic calculations for weapons is unrealistic and could not be achieved using the current hardware. Those types of calculations would have to be done at the time the weapon is fired. the game would then have to reffer to player locations, trajectories, the pre-defined projectile spead, or (hitscan - infinite speed), then go thru the process of calculating how much damage based on range at firing, place of hit, and so on. It would have to do this for every single shot you made.


    Even in Halo 2, there was a slight jitter in animation, which was caused by the collision detection system, to calculate the "hitscan". Hitscan is far less complex and it caused that slight drop in framerate due to calculating it. Could you imagine a 16 player match of people using all real time physics weapons? The game itself would seize due to the computational power needed to run all those game triggers. No weapon in the Halo franchise or the game itself uses a real time physics simulation codebase. Everything is pre-defined with a min max value, and everything that occurs is simply at random. Which is why sometimes you can do the same exact type of stunt one time, and the next it comes out completely different. Suggesting something like that, leans me towards believeing you are one of those lesser skilled players who is looking for someone to blame for your poor tactics or ability on the battlefield.


    I have no shame in saying I suck at multiplayer, and just cannot get used to how it feels in Reach. My multiplayer skill has gone down roughly 200% compared to the skill I have and still use on HaloPC and Halo2PC. I do agree that things have to change, but before you throw ideas like these out there, you better do a little more research on the engine, it's map structure and architecture before you do.


    You do know that Halo 3 had travel time for bullets right?

    Halo 2 was hitscan, Halo 3 was real time, Reach is hitscan again.

    It was one of the major changes Bungie did for Reach to go back to the hitscan system.

  10. Show stopper and i'd have to say 'overkill' its not the greatest medal, but when you only get them from time to time, its a thrill to hear, especially if its with a DMR :)


    Extermination is always great too

  11. We are already getting a bunch of CE maps with Halo CEA, but we really should get some Halo 2 & 3 maps aswell.

    343 doesn't need to invest alot of time in new maps, they have 10 years worth of excellent game play in their hands.

    Just adapt them for Reach game play, slight altering are ok, just don't rape them :s


    - Guardian

    - Construct

    - Lock out

    - The pit

    - Valhalla

    - Zanzibar

    - Heretic/mid ship

    - High ground

    - Narrows

    - Rats nest

    - Sand trap

    - Beaver creek

    - Relic

    - Sanctuary

    - Warlock

    - Colossus

    - Headlong

    - Terminal

    - Tombstone

    - Turf


    Enough for 6 map packs!

  12. As i said earlier, we need nore than small changes this game needs to be completly revamped, as i posted earlier, #1 Battle Rifle returns, #2 Bloom ON/OFF toggle for custom games and etc, #3 The return of ranked playlists, id rather have this than a overall BPR, #4 Fix to the Oversheild so we can see who has it besides in classic slayer, #5 Individual Weapon damage modification (being albe to change the damage of all the weapon individualy) and #5 The ability to toggle on real time physics or Hitscan (also should be able to do individualy) -my wishlist I want to see big changes because reach definatlry needs it, not small changes like the betrayl system and stuff, even though those things would be nice also



    Posts: 63

    Joined: Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:07 pm


    You're unrealistic, do you even know how much programming would go into real time AND hitscan toggling?

    Have you ever seen a multi player game that has both? no, because its simply not done.

    And changing damage for all weapons is not needed, use what you get and adapt.

  13. Shees is there anything you dont want to change? <.<


    Armor lock should indeed be a 1 charge AA, you go in and you stay in till your meter runs out or you jump out when you like and lose the rest of your charge meter.


    Nades need a damage reduction aswell or make it like the melee system so that a sliver of shields will block nade damage from reaching your health.


    Vehicles, especially warthogs, need more defense against simple rifle weapons.

    Snipers are power weapons so they should do some damage.


    Also, black screens, please fix all the back screens.

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