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Posts posted by phoenix731

  1. Halo Community, 343i, Microsoft,


    These last couple of weeks I have been looking for a place where it seems like 343i might be reaching out to the community and actually listening. However, I realize that the relationship between game consumer and creator has deteriorated.


    Microsoft has forgotten who made Halo popular. Let me remind you. It had NOTHING to do with you. Bungie stumbled upon a great game, and you know what they did? They made it better. Bungie worked with the community. They didn't stray from their roots and I always remember occasionally getting in a game with a Bungie employee or Frankie always making news updates and even see developers in the forums. Not anymore.


    In Fact, 343i think they did a good job. I don't know if I should laugh or cry.


    The community has always been what has supported Halo, hell it even made the Xbox what it is today. The only reason people bought the Xbox was for Halo, have you guys forgotten? Or do you think you did it by being a greedy, power hungry corporation?


    Sorry for the rant but this has been built up for awhile. I can say that I am genuinely emotionally attached to Halo. I remember seeing Halo CE when I was like 12 and immediately wanted an Xbox. The rest is history. I probably played Halo 2 Multiplayer since it came out until Halo 3. Countless hours of fun and joy. That is now completely gone from the game. I want nothing more than for 343i to succeed and make a game that will make me want to play but I am so demoralized by their incompetence I don’t even want to buy Halo 5 unless I know there are certain things implicated in matchmaking.


    What's even more sad is I am considering switching to PS4, which makes me hurt to even say that.


    It really isn't complicated, so stop making it. Games these days are a dime a dozen. Nothing lasts, nothing has true passion in the game anymore. It's all about money and I see it in almost every game I play. I am ashamed in the gaming community for even allowing this to go this far. If I could organize a boycott, I would. So yes, I am now switching my blame to Microsoft. Once they got their dirty little fingers on the game all I could do was sit back and watch it be destroyed little by little. Completely powerless.


    In the end, I realize this will hardly be read by anyone even of remote importance, but I digress.

    Here are my, (and from what I have read most of the community (by community I mean diehard, played since the beginning fans), suggestions for Halo 4:


    These are in no particular order:


    1. Who, what, when where and why did anyone think it was a good idea to take out the competitive aspect? After reading this you should immediately go into Halo 4 matchmaking and put IN GAME ranking system. I don’t give two craps about what my guy looks like when I just domed a guy. Getting armor from XP and who can play the longest, really? It is a FPS I cant even see myself. Please, put ranking system back.


    2.Maps. The maps were horrible! Maybe one or two that were kind of fun but getting boring very quick because that is all that plays. Then, you have the audacity to make us buy new map packs for maps that already should have been in the game!!! Let me give you guys a business tip: first make us love the game, then we won't have a problem buying anything you throw at us. If you just make crap and then expect us to almost immediately start buying more stuff. You drive everyone away. Now you have A) less money and B ) smaller fan base. Good job.


    3. I’m sorry, I will admit that I wanted to see AA. Unfortunately they did not work very well and has driven most everyone away. They need to be severely nerfed. If someone had said to me while playing halo 3: in the future you'll be able to fly and see through walls and have unlimited camo. I would just laugh in their face! It ruined what was Halo, please please please get rid of them. They were cool for a second.


    4. Lastly, the weapons. A big WTF. Why is every weapon so strong? I swear I played a game today where everyone had a SAW. That weapon literally is one of the worst things to happen to Halo. Not because of the weapon itself, but because you choose to have it on every map and have it spawn ALL the time. WTF. Another match the sword kept respawing every what seemed like 30 seconds. Literally 4 people were running around with them. I thought I had picked the wrong playlist. Please, less is more. I like the innovation but CONTROL it.



    If any of you have actually made it this far, then I am surprised. All I want is 343i to succeed and I want Halo to be popular again. I want to play so much online that I can not get off at night. Where me and my friends keep saying one more game. I want to be able to come home from a long day and enjoy what I am playing, not be frustrated. So please open your eyes, realize what made Halo popular. Go to your roots.






    P.S. I will be posting this in multiple locations in hopes that it gets read by people who can make a difference. I have done my part as a fan. If you want my money in the future, do your part. Also, if anyone has any emails or other ways for going directly to the developing team, please let me know or forward this to them.

  2. Halo Community, 343i, Microsoft,


    These last couple of weeks I have been looking for a place where it seems like 343i might be reaching out to the community and actually listening. However, I realize that the relationship between game consumer and creator has deteriorated.


    Microsoft has forgotten who made Halo popular. Let me remind you. It had NOTHING to do with you. Bungie stumbled upon a great game, and you know what they did? They made it better. Bungie worked with the community. They didn't stray from their roots and I always remember occasionally getting in a game with a Bungie employee or Frankie always making news updates and even see developers in the forums. Not anymore.


    In Fact, 343i think they did a good job. I don't know if I should laugh or cry.


    The community has always been what has supported Halo, hell it even made the Xbox what it is today. The only reason people bought the Xbox was for Halo, have you guys forgotten? Or do you think you did it by being a greedy, power hungry corporation?


    Sorry for the rant but this has been built up for awhile. I can say that I am genuinely emotionally attached to Halo. I remember seeing Halo CE when I was like 12 and immediately wanted an Xbox. The rest is history. I probably played Halo 2 Multiplayer since it came out until Halo 3. Countless hours of fun and joy. That is now completely gone from the game. I want nothing more than for 343i to succeed and make a game that will make me want to play but I am so demoralized by their incompetence I don’t even want to buy Halo 5 unless I know there are certain things implicated in matchmaking.


    What's even more sad is I am considering switching to PS4, which makes me hurt to even say that.


    It really isn't complicated, so stop making it. Games these days are a dime a dozen. Nothing lasts, nothing has true passion in the game anymore. It's all about money and I see it in almost every game I play. I am ashamed in the gaming community for even allowing this to go this far. If I could organize a boycott, I would. So yes, I am now switching my blame to Microsoft. Once they got their dirty little fingers on the game all I could do was sit back and watch it be destroyed little by little. Completely powerless.


    In the end, I realize this will hardly be read by anyone even of remote importance, but I digress.

    Here are my, (and from what I have read most of the community (by community I mean diehard, played since the beginning fans), suggestions for Halo 4:


    These are in no particular order:


    1. Who, what, when where and why did anyone think it was a good idea to take out the competitive aspect? After reading this you should immediately go into Halo 4 matchmaking and put IN GAME ranking system. I don’t give two craps about what my guy looks like when I just domed a guy. Getting armor from XP and who can play the longest, really? It is a FPS I cant even see myself. Please, put ranking system back.


    2.Maps. The maps were horrible! Maybe one or two that were kind of fun but getting boring very quick because that is all that plays. Then, you have the audacity to make us buy new map packs for maps that already should have been in the game!!! Let me give you guys a business tip: first make us love the game, then we won't have a problem buying anything you throw at us. If you just make crap and then expect us to almost immediately start buying more stuff. You drive everyone away. Now you have A) less money and B) smaller fan base. Good job.


    3. I’m sorry, I will admit that I wanted to see AA. Unfortunately they did not work very well and has driven most everyone away. They need to be severely nerfed. If someone had said to me while playing halo 3: in the future you'll be able to fly and see through walls and have unlimited camo. I would just laugh in their face! It ruined what was Halo, please please please get rid of them. They were cool for a second.


    4. Lastly, the weapons. A big WTF. Why is every weapon so strong? I swear I played a game today where everyone had a SAW. That weapon literally is one of the worst things to happen to Halo. Not because of the weapon itself, but because you choose to have it on every map and have it spawn ALL the time. WTF. Another match the sword kept respawing every what seemed like 30 seconds. Literally 4 people were running around with them. I thought I had picked the wrong playlist. Please, less is more. I like the innovation but CONTROL it.



    If any of you have actually made it this far, then I am surprised. All I want is 343i to succeed and I want Halo to be popular again. I want to play so much online that I can not get off at night. Where me and my friends keep saying one more game. I want to be able to come home from a long day and enjoy what I am playing, not be frustrated. So please open your eyes, realize what made Halo popular. Go to your roots.






    P.S. I will be posting this in multiple locations in hopes that it gets read by people who can make a difference. I have done my part as a fan. If you want my money in the future, do your part. Also, if anyone has any emails or other ways for going directly to the developing team, please let me know or forward this to them.


    • Like 2
  3. Halo Community, 343i, Microsoft,


         These last couple of weeks I have been looking for a place where it seems like 343i might be reaching out to the community and actually listening. However, I realize that the relationship between game consumer and creator has deteriorated.


         Microsoft has forgotten who made Halo popular. Let me remind you. It had NOTHING to do with you. Bungie stumbled upon a great game, and you know what they did? They made it better. Bungie worked with the community. They didn't stray from their roots and I always remember occasionally getting in a game with a Bungie employee or Frankie always making news updates and even see developers in the forums. Not anymore.


    In Fact, 343i think they did a good job. I don't know if I should laugh or cry.


         The community has always been what has supported Halo, hell it even made the Xbox what it is today. The only reason people bought the Xbox was for Halo, have you guys forgotten? Or do you think you did it by being a greedy, power hungry corporation?


         Sorry for the rant but this has been built up for awhile. I can say that I am genuinely emotionally attached to Halo. I remember seeing Halo CE when I was like 12 and immediately wanted an Xbox. The rest is history. I probably played Halo 2 Multiplayer since it came out until Halo 3. Countless hours of fun and joy. That is now completely gone from the game. I want nothing more than for 343i to succeed and make a game that will make me want to play but I am so demoralized by their incompetence I don’t even want to buy Halo 5 unless I know there are certain things implicated in matchmaking.


    What's even more sad is I am considering switching to PS4, which makes me hurt to even say that.


         It really isn't complicated, so stop making it. Games these days are a dime a dozen. Nothing lasts, nothing has true passion in the game anymore. It's all about money and I see it in almost every game I play. I am ashamed in the gaming community for even allowing this to go this far. If I could organize a boycott, I would. So yes, I am now switching my blame to Microsoft. Once they got their dirty little fingers on the game all I could do was sit back and watch it be destroyed little by little. Completely powerless.


         In the end, I realize this will hardly be read by anyone even of remote importance, but I digress.

    Here are my, (and from what I have read most of the community (by community I mean diehard, played since the beginning fans), suggestions for Halo 4:


    These are in no particular order:


    1. Who, what, when where and why did anyone think it was a good idea to take out the competitive aspect? After reading this you should immediately go into Halo 4 matchmaking and put IN GAME ranking system. I don’t give two craps about what my guy looks like when I just domed a guy. Getting armor from XP and who can play the longest, really? It is a FPS I cant even see myself. Please, put ranking system back.


    2.Maps. The maps were horrible! Maybe one or two that were kind of fun but getting boring very quick because that is all that plays. Then, you have the audacity to make us buy new map packs for maps that already should have been in the game!!! Let me give you guys a business tip: first make us love the game, then we won't have a problem buying anything you throw at us. If you just make crap and then expect us to almost immediately start buying more stuff. You drive everyone away. Now you have A) less money and B) smaller fan base. Good job.


    3. I’m sorry, I will admit that I wanted to see AA. Unfortunately they did not work very well and has driven most everyone away. They need to be severely nerfed. If someone had said to me while playing halo 3: in the future you'll be able to fly and see through walls and have unlimited camo. I would just laugh in their face! It ruined what was Halo, please please please get rid of them. They were cool for a second.


    4. Lastly, the weapons. A big WTF. Why is every weapon so strong? I swear I played a game today where everyone had a SAW. That weapon literally is one of the worst things to happen to Halo. Not because of the weapon itself, but because you choose to have it on every map and have it spawn ALL the time. WTF. Another match the sword kept respawing every what seemed like 30 seconds. Literally 4 people were running around with them. I thought I had picked the wrong playlist. Please, less is more. I like the innovation but CONTROL it.



         If any of you have actually made it this far, then I am surprised. All I want is 343i to succeed and I want Halo to be popular again. I want to play so much online that I can not get off at night. Where me and my friends keep saying one more game. I want to be able to come home from a long day and enjoy what I am playing, not be frustrated. So please open your eyes, realize what made Halo popular. Go to your roots.






    P.S. I will be posting this in multiple locations in hopes that it gets read by people who can make a difference. I have done my part as a fan. If you want my money in the future, do your part. Also, if anyone has any emails or other ways for going directly to the developing team, please let me know or forward this to them.








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