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CW West Side

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Posts posted by CW West Side

  1. post-74657-0-29848700-1378440978.jpg
    Controller Warfare is hosting a 16-SPARTAN free for all! The winner gets their choice of 800 MSP or 1 Month of Xbox Live! 
    My gamertag: bW West Side (Send me a FR. I'm down to play anytime!)
    Feel free to ask any questions here, on the site, or to my gamer tag!
    You must register at Controller Warfareto participate and receive the prize.
    I originally had everyone in one large 16 player FFA, but broke it down into 8 to control lag.
    Once all 16 slots are filled. Players will placed in the brackets randomly. The top 8 will verse each other in a FREE FOR ALL! The bottom 8 will also battle it out in a FREE FOR ALL! Each match the bottom 50% of players will be eliminated until their are two Spartans left standing, who then go head-to-head in a best of 3 slayer duel.
    No cheating This means forfeiting the match purposely to advance another team. Use of lag switches or other game altering devices are prohibited. Any form of cheating will disqaulify you from the tournament.
    Maps Playlist Each map must be selected by a Referee or Admin. Forged maps in the 343 Match Making is permitted.
    Gametype Slayers Pro is the required game type. 20 Minute is the set time limit.
    Round One consists of 16 Players. The 8 lowest scoring players are knocked out while the 8 highest advance. 
    Round Two consists of the remaining 8 players. The 4 lowest scoring players are knocked out while the 4 highest advance.
    Semi-Finals consists of the remaining 4 players. The 2 lowest scoring players are knocked out while the 2 highest remaining.
    Final Round is a 1 versus 1 between the last two remaining players. The finals will be played in the best of 3. The first to win two matches is the victor and CHAMPION of the tournament. The match limit is to 15 kills wins. No time limit. Map is picked py Ref or Admin.
    Lag/Disconnections Lag is inevitable. All players are most likely at a disadvantage. If this is the case, the match must be played out. If you can provide proof that the lag is one-sided, please exit the match immediately and provide the proof. If the proof is not provided within an hour, you will forfeit the match. Disconnecting happens, if this occurs, you must start the match off at the same scores the disconnection occured. ex. if team 1 had 10 kills and team 2 had 4. Team 2's player was disconnected. The match ends there. A new match must be started but each team will allow the other team to get to their last amount of kills.
    By joining the tournament, you agree that you have read and understand the terms of use. You can find our terms of use policy here.
  2. I have a starting up game site that would be perfect for you. It has it's competitive side with ladders, tournaments and challenges. But it also has his play for fun side with all the friends, clans, and members joining. If you want to start a clan, come start it on there and I can help start you out!


    It has a ranking system with XP so you will be rewarded at each milestone. It is completely free. Everything is automated, teams just have to report the results of each map and the site does the rest :)



  3. You and your clansmen can join my site. Offers xp and ranking system with prizes and rewards for each milestone achieved. I know you were looking for members but this offers you current members some fun and perspective to their gaming! I have a few clans signed up already and have gained a few members themselves. Promoting winning clans in various tournaments on the main page.


    I try to do free to play tournaments once a week for Microsoft points or visa cards.


    Come check it out! http://www.controllerwarfare.com


    Hey everyone,


    Controller Warfare is a gaming site for clans, free agents, and anyone just looking to add some fun to their gaming. Controller Warfare is based off an XP system.


    Winning matches, showing 'sportsmanship' in the post game report/forums, challenging members, and participating in ladders reward you XP. 

    When sufficient XP is reached, you will ascend to the next rank. At each rank, free trials of a premium membership(has its perks) and a choice of a secondary prize from the rank rewards list.


    Ladders are always going. Jump in, battle your way to the top and claim the prize at the end of the season! 


    I host Free to play tournaments for prizes, either microsoft points, XP, credits, cash, games, and consoles!


    Since the site has been opened, about a month and a half ago, I've successfully held/completed 3 free to play tournaments with about $100 plus given out in prizes. Also gave a winning clan reputation by hosting a image of their clan on the home page. They love it. Gained a few members from it.


    Forums with game general information and how-to. You have a clan but don't have a site to discuss and showcase your clan? I offer clan sub-forum's and give MOD permissions to clan leaders to do what they wish within those forums, following specific guidelines of course.


    Just looking for people to play with? Come join! post-74657-0-81388500-1378148221.jpg




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