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Posts posted by Frostfog

  1. Hello everyone. My halo 2 disc isn't working =(. I have an Xbox 360 slim with a 320 gb hard drive and I got the Halo 2 limited collectors edition for my birthday. I want to play it badly but when I put the disc in it says: The game couldn't start. Try downloading it again. For more help visit Xbox.xom/support.


    But I can't download it because I've got it on disc! It doesn't make any sense! Please help!

  2. The flood firefight sounds awesome! I think it would be cool if you could throw prometheans, covenant and flood together in firefight. As for the brutes...

    Well... the thing is thanks to the human-covenant war brutes are an endangered species and can't afford to fight anymore. If we're lucky, they might find a way to implement them though.

  3. Hey guys! Sorry I haven't repley in a while! Thankyou for all your posts and ideas.


    I think it would be cool if the campaign really focuses on Chief (perhaps Arbiter?) and how they'ref eeling. This would be monumental for a Halo game and really bring it back where it belongs. This what I want most this I believe is something everyone wants in a halo game. 343 GIVE US A GRIPPING STORY LIKE HALO 4 BUT LONGER! GIVE IT TIME! DELAY IT IF YOU HAVE TO! GIVE THE COMMUNITY WHAT WE WANT WE'LL GIVE YOU THE FEEDBACK THAT YOU WANT!

  4. ummm...... Stig I think you're on the wrong forum.

    PS: Can you actually talk?


    Hey guys! I recently noticed that in Halo 4 there are almost no spots where you can make bullet holes on walls, trees, floor or anything really. So I'm now speaking directly to 343 Industries here. Can we please make bullet holes in things? Also make an easter egg with noble Six's helmet. Maybe you could have a mission on Reach again? Imagine going back to Reach in H5........ wouldn't that be amazing?

  5. An excellent point. I have also noticed that there is no flashlight or nightvision in Halo 4. Thanks for pointing it out! It didn't even cross my mind when I started this thread. Hey guys a lot of people have been saying it would be cool if you could assassinate a Hunter. I disagree it takes the point of them away then i started thinking. Hunters sometimes charge at you right? When it does this he'll slam his shield into the ground. Maybe you could board it like a vehicle and then stick a grenade in it's back like Forward unto dawn. What do you think? Comment below, let me know!

  6. Hi Guys! Frostfog here and I've decided to start this little forum with you guys to talk about some Halo 5 ideas, news and anything Halo 5 really. (I'm not one of those people that would just like a rehashed version of Halo 3 as I thoroughly enjoyed Halo 4.) If you've got an idea just paste it here, feel free to go crazy with some creative ideas. I'll do my best to keep you guys posted, I'll be on here regularly so if you would like I will probably reply in someway shape or form, so that this little forum will remain extremely active. Whilst I don't want everything in Halo 3 back I will be asking/discussing for a few things back from the older games. If a cool new idea pops into my mind I will be sure to post it here. So guys just go crazy if you like throw ideas out there anything you would like in the upcoming Halo titles and what you want back. The goal of this is to make a little community dent of our own in Halo 5 and show 343i what we want.


    I do have a few ideas already.


    - A Flying UNSC vehicle. Because they implied a lot of teamwork and were fun to pilot.

    - Underwater/Boat/Submarine Battles (with the ability to be able to swim)

    - A cool dark map with tunnels and a train that goes round and round in circles. Weapons ONLY spawn on the train implying map control and should be a lot of fun to play. (Or interesting at least.)

    - New creative weapons because in my opinion the weapons in Halo 4 seriously lacked in variety. (Every race has an assault rifle, sniper rifle etc.) We need more creative weapons such as the needler

    - 2 different matchmaking sets. 1 for people who like ordnance drops, loadouts, ranking system based on exp instead of skill etc. and 1 for the competitive Halo 3 players with a race for map control, all spawn with the same weapon and the Halo 3 1-50 Ranking System. This way both sides of the community are happy.

    - Destructible environment.

    - Remove Death Boundaries and invisible walls because they are lazy.

    - Being able to climb up ledges with the action button if you for example fall off of a tower.

    - Able to push rocks and other objects off cliffs, towers and other high places.

    - Bring the Arbiter back in Campaign. (But don't force it.)

    - Return of dual-wielding and Firefight

    - Bring back and introduce more crazy messed up gametypes such as Invasion in Multiplayer.

    - Introduce more Promethean enemies.

    - Promethean vehicles

    - SMG, Bruteshot, Plasma Rifle, Spiker

    Finally the best idea I've had in my opinion and what I would like most.

    - A Promethean Bow and Arrow


    Please note: Not all of these are my ideas I just simply support them.

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