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TJ Clacher

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Posts posted by TJ Clacher

  1. The only thing that requires me to play the game for hours upon hours a day is a visible ranking system similar to that of Halo2/3. The fact the ranking system has been taken out of the Halo:Reach and Halo 4 (CRS can only be viewed on waypoint) is why I have barely touched the game. Below I will post some arguments and suggestions towards the ranking system.
    For people AGAINST the 1-50 ranking system
    Let me talk about point by point common arguments i've heard
    "I don't like being assigned a rank, I like to play for fun!"
    Easy fix is make a separate set of playlists for ranking. If you don't want to be ranked, then stick to the social games such as Halo 4 has right now.. Have a option to "hide your rank" only when in matchmaking for social games(will always be visible when in ranked matchmaking and friends list). If you're embarrassed about your rank, then hide it and only stick to social games if you want.
    "Too much abuse, boosters, account sellers a 50 means nothing!"
    Read my basic layout of the 1-50, again someone much smarter than me can make this better but this is a basic idea of what it could be.
    "Why do people care about a stupid number so much?" 
    Why are boobs good? Who knows! It is something fun to work for that means something to me and other people. I have a lot of real life friends who are gamers. When Halo 3 was out they would say "Oh yeah i am so good at halo!" and i would ask them what level they were.. "35".. Always a good measuring stick. There was prestige to the higher numbers. It was fun before starting a game knowing the caliber of people you were playing. How many times when you played Halo 3 did you say "Oh crap they got 2 poeple with highest skill level 50's on their team we are in trouble"
    "Everytime I try playing I always run into people much better than me that shouldn't be at that level"
    Example if you didn't understand that, is a guy who got a level 50 in slayer is just now playing team objective. Of course this will happen but not all that often. It is the same as if you were playing strictly social, you will always run into people better than you but playing people better than you, makes you better in the long run.
    Basic idea of a level 1-50 formula
    *Each level requires a certain # of points to go up, or down. Progresses higher so leveling is slower as you get higher level. This is for a level 50 isn't something easily achieved. This will limit mass account selling as people won't be able to get a level 50 in 20 or even 50 games no matter how good they're.
    *Skill of YOUR team does NOT effect your +/- point progression towards leveling. This will help fix boosting. The only thing that matters if the skill of the team you win/lose against.
    *Assign points +/- for your opposition based on their level and how close they're to next level. Basic example: There are +50 points needed to get from level 5 to 6. 0-10 points = tier 1, 11-20 = 2, 21-30 = 3, 31-40 = 4, 41-49 = 5. Beating a tier 5 level 5 will grant you 10 points, beating a level 5 tier 4 will grant 9 then 8 then 7 then 6. This can be scaled appropriately at all levels. Ideally, it should be harder to level as you get higher level. This COULD also be scaled that losses hurt a lot more as you get higher level. Meaning it could take 3+ wins just to get back where you were at before because of one loss. This can be reversed backwards for losses so losing to a top tier will make you lose 5 points. ect. Tiers and amount until next level WILL be hidden. (Problem I see with this that I can't control is matchmaking's problem where people can manipulate matchmaking a play the same team over and over.. Hypothetically they could take turns winning/losing and still come out ontop.. only way to fix this is to cap on matchmaking how many times you can play the same people in a given time period.)
    *Facing opponents higher/lower than you. This will be capped as in if you're level 1 playing with a level 40 and you're winning you will not jump up massive amount of levels. It will be a constant bonus as in (just a example) gain a *1.05 point bonus for beating someone higher than you and lose same amount. That would be constant as in you get the same bonus as a level 1 beating a level 2 as you do if you were to beat a level 40. This is to protect against power ranking and account selling. This way it will be much harder to carry a friend to the same level as you quickly.
    *Amount of actual points awarded/loss will be determined by average of the team you beat/loss.
    *Level max is 50, but points can always increase. People like to play on their 50 because they love that playlist and love the competition of playing other 50's so if you keep winning you will get more points so losing one game on your 50 doesn't drop you to 49.
    *Matchmaking is determined by max level, not average. For example if I am level 45 trying to rank up the best way could possibly be to get 3 super low levels on my team that are good so we play worse people. Game will first search for other mix parties with ATLEAST 1 other 45 in it, if not then it will treat it as all level 40-45+'s are searching ect. (basic matchmaking)
    *Overall idea of this is level 50s should be rare. It is not something that can be achieved easily. You need a mixture of time played and skill but with skill being a lot more weight. It shouldn't be amount where to get a level 50 you need something crazy like 1000 wins or something of that matter. 
    Overall of WHY it should be incorporated WITH visible view
    Again, Halo is a competitive game and that is what makes me and other people play it hours upon hours. I'll be completely honest when Halo 4 came out I played a lot but I did get bored with it. Wins didn't mean much to me. Leveling up to SR130 was nothing exciting for me because it didn't mean anything to me. It didn't show skill. Heck i think I am only SR40 or something in Halo 4 and this is only from War Games. You can incorporate both SR levels and 1-50 levels in the game. I liked Halo 3's system where it showed your highest rank QUICKLY.. It was fun sizing up the people you were playing against. I liked Halo 2's system where it showed you their highest level on your friend's list. Why not incorporate both?.. It NEEDS to be visible or it won't be worth a damn. Who is going to take the time to go on their PC and check waypoint to see what level they're? I am sure not. If you realize a 1-50 system that is only visible on waypoint it won't bring me back to crank in the hours on Halo 4. That ingame 1-50 is fun to brag about, work towards, meant something to me and a lot of people. People could quickly look at your service record and see you're a level 50 so you MUST be good. On waypoint what am I going to do? write down people's gamertags and check after the match? no. It NEEDS to be visible.


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