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undr zid

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Posts posted by undr zid

  1. Damn man, thanks for the post. Much love Drizzy.


    The site started out as a phpbb platform, much like the old Forge Cafe. It was actually Destiny Cafe where I experimented with ip.Board, switching the old phpBB to the new, and fell in love with it's functions. So a big factor for switching Forge Cafe to ip.Board, was months and months of fiddling with the new DC layout. And of course, all of this spawned from visiting here and being a member of this board. So when I say "over a year", I am including the 10 months put into the elder version, before we scrapped it and started all over again. So yea, lots and lots of work.


    But I hope people like it, I tried to include everything that anyone will need for their Destiny experience, including myself. :thumbsup:



    Gonna be honest here.... not a big fan. I have personal reasons as to why.


    However, I wish Zid well with the site and also congrats to him for this new step.


    Since your being honest, I will as well. I apologize for some of the people who made their way into Forge Cafe the past months, and sort of took aspects of our community a bit too seriously. A small handful of people ruffled feathers, and sort of soiled the atmosphere there. If your reason is beyond that, then as you said it's personal. But if I am on target here, I do want to extend my apologies. I can't control everything all the time.


    Either way, thanks Mayh3m. *high five*

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  2. As always great write up Drizzy.


    I watched a lot of Titalfall footage of the Beta, and it does look like a lot of fun. Rooster Teeth has a nice long video of a few matches that is great quality. The only thing that I thought was a bit redundant was the way that you take down an enemy Titan when you mount it with your player. I know it's just a BETA, but it ruined a lot of the first impression seeing it over and over.


    It pains me to say this, but I have decided to get an xbox one, and am really looking into which game to get with it. I know that I won't play it very much, I enjoy my 360 games, and only know of a couple One games that look like fun, Titanfall being one of them.

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  3. Forge World surpasses Forge Island on just about every level in my book. But even with that said, I still like the idea of Forge Island, since it is a unique atmosphere all together. There is so much space in the sky to build compared to Forge World, there is just no real reason to use it. I have seen some rather incredible maps utilizing the Islands in unique ways, but that is not to say that the same map couldn't of been built in Reach in Forge World. It's personal preference in the end, most maps are not big enough to cover the whole map anyway, and you rarely even think about what map it is built on when you play. At least that is me.


    But if I had to choose, Sandbox would win. That map was just eery, futuristic, and ancient all wrapped up in one. You don't get that feeling on either Forge World or Forge Island. There are no giant pillars of death.


    I liked my pillars of death.

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  4. Interesting words, seems like they definitely put more emphasis on multiplayer experiences, but he did not want to admit that single player is not nearly as exciting. But every game is like that, so it should be a given to anybody who owns a newer game that has online capability, but no connection.

  5. Forge Cafe has always been pretty guarded when it comes to teaming up with other communities, but after prying into this place again and again and seeing that your community is as well behaved and motivated as ours, as a community we could not be happier with this shaking of hands. I have had nothing but good experiences while mingling at this site, and the Staff you have is admirable. I personally have great respect for any group of people who continue to work for the fans. It is Halo after all, and most of us are here because it is the title that we stuck with. Forge is just something that we have pinpointed our focus on, since it is one of the more rewarding aspects of the game.


    Shortly we will be throwing out all of the details pertaining to the contest and tournament, and know that many volunteers from several communities including your own, have carefully planned it and just simply want to provide something fun for everyone to participate in. Absolute Dog, you sir are a gentleman, and man to man, thank you for the partnership. Like I said, we were a fairly closed group until we started talking with yourself and some reps from HaloCustoms. We look forward to this and will bring our A game to the court.

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