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Abraham Walton

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Posts posted by Abraham Walton

  1. I like the human warlock just because it's that middle class, evenly balanced sort of feel and look to it. Otherwise, I'm going to be exo, look really badass! Awaken just looks too pale and human like to it, they should look a little more alien or something.

  2. Unfortunately, that is the truth of the matter, consoles are crap in comparison to PCs. I would also love them to get dedicated servers, but like you said, it can't happen.


    Yes, I understand that there is an excessively large amount of complaints about Halo 4 additions, but destructible environments was not one of those additions. Again, I agree, it would not work with their current engine, but maybe they can work with someone else, use their engine, or create a new one entirely and toy around with to see what it's like. Maybe they could have a beta specifically dedicated to making the proper destructible environment for Halo, you really can't go wrong with that.

  3. I'm just going to be really straight forward on this one:


    Full sized forge world like in Halo:Reach or Requiem forge world


    If those are TOO big for 343 Industries, then just give us something big like Sand Trap in Halo 3


    More blank maps like forge world in Halo:Reach, there doesn't need to be any permanent structures or items, just blank. Also, the terrain should be more varied, have like snowy mountains, grassy hills, oceans, islands, spaceships like the Infinity or Covenant Carrier, Earth, Sanghelios, Harvest, Halo, etc.


    More items to build with, not just map specific items, all items should be unlocked for all maps.


    That's all for now, have a nice day :)

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  4. Well, I wasn't exactly meaning to have Halo taken to the PC, I meant that it should have as many players at one time as Planetside does as well as specific capture points and such. I've read many of the novels and played all of the games, but I do not recall the Elites pushing the Brutes to near extinction. 


    I don't see what would be wrong with having destructible environments in Halo, and seeing how no one's even tried experimenting with it anyways it could work for Halo but who knows. 


    16 vs 16 would definitely be wild for Halo :)

  5. Just a brief introduction guys:


    The first game I ever played on an xbox system was Halo 2 and it was just epic, I was blown away, and I was only 7 years old. After that, I was ultimately a Halo fan.....until Halo 4 that is, no offense to 343 Industries(or anyone else). I'm absolutely convinced that if Halo 5 is to be successful as well as the entire franchise, they need to focus on the players needs and wants, but that's just  me.


    What is war?


    I would love Halo 5 to take a different turn than the other Halo games. Halo has always involved some sort of conflict, aka war, but it has never really shown it on that grand scale, it's always been relatively small. I would like to see it be a lot more than just 8 vs 8, I mean, that's small. The closest thing I've seen to war in the Halo series is Halo 3, there were tons of battles with vehicles and troops, it just gives you that sense that "this is war." Basically, I want Halo to go in a Battlefront, Battlefield, and Planetside sort of direction. Everything needs to be bigger such as maps, number of players, weapons(more of them), vehicles(scarab), etc.


    What there should be(generally):


    monstrously large maps, with destructible buildings(unless they're Forerunner), a variety of vehicles, different classes(such as ODSTs, Marines, Spartans, etc.), lots of weapons, and ultimately some sort of goal or mission that gives a direction to the battle.


    Now, what I don't mean is to entirely eradicate small, close quarters, urbanized combat. I honestly love playing small maps that are perfect for 4 vs 4, but sometimes bigger is better. I just want lots of variety and Halo 4 didn't really do the job for me.




    For God's sake guys, bring back or create new and aggressive enemies like the Flood! Halo 4 was just really dull with the lack of various enemies, weapons(were to standard), vehicles, and missions(campaign too short).




    I agree with everyone on this one, the flood, the brutes, and the elites need to return! I miss being able to play as an elite in multiplayer as did many other players. I would love to see them make a huge return and be free to upgrade/customize their armor just as you can with spartans, that would an amazing experience!


    Also, the Arbiter should make a comeback due to his mysterious disappearance in Halo 3. I think he should somehow reunite with 117 to go on the search for Dr. Halsey and the Didact's Hand, but the story should have some sort of dark turn to it, just as 343 Industries have been rumoring about for some time now. Furthermore, I don't like the fact they took Cortona right out of the game, and really, that was the only thing that kept me playing the Halo 4 campaign. She needs to comeback as well. 




    It's becoming nullifying, it's the same old stuff really, no creativity or imagination. I like how the UNSC weapons had real gun sounds to them, but as far as the Covenant weapons go, nothing new or at least nothing stands out among them. However, with the Forerunner/Prometheons, there was definitely an attempt there, but they could have been made more unique and alien like.




    I'm a novice writer, so PLEASE, correct me if any of my information is inaccurate. I would like to know new information about Halo 5, though there really isn't any, and also I would like to hear your guys opinions on the matter. If you read this all the way through, give me some feedback and I will get back to you ASAP! Thank you ahead of time for you that do read this(or at least skim over), have a nice day :)




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