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Posts posted by jdl1201

  1. thanks for the reply. I am new to the boards but have been playing HALO since the first one. It just seems to me like HALO didn't have these problems before or if they did it wasnt this bad. I mean there are some games I can't even play. I can't go from getting 30 kills in one game to 6 kills the next. It takes all the fun out of playing when its not an even playing field. We all bought the game expecting one thing and were given another. I guess you are right I either accept it or just quit playing and I'm very close to just stopping playing. Just wondering what the official word from 343 is. I notice that no mods ever answer these post.

  2. Maybe this should go in matchmaking but this is the only place that i can post. I read a post somewhere talking about the system that 343 has in place to make it more balanced for players with bad connections. The way I read it is that if you have a good connection it brings you down and the people with slower connections have an advantage. Is that true? I am getting very sick and tired of watching the kill cam and seeing the player who killed me shooting at a wall and not even looking at me. Is there something that can be done to fix this? One game i get 3 hit kills with the dmr the next its 7. Is that because of lag?

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