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Posts posted by DustDevilharts

  1. Gamertag: DustDevilharts

    Map: Revelance  LInk: http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/dustdevilharts/halo4/fileshare#!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=4b2104f0-534d-4c36-9227-68bddedb0cf8

    Gametype: Infinity Slayer BTB 16 players Link: http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/dustdevilharts/halo4/fileshare#!/?section=GameSettings&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=2bbe64bd-9855-45cf-92ca-b77f63c04003

    Desription: Semi-symmetrical map on Ravine recommended for 10-16 players. In the center, there is a bridge with under acess. Further below the upper ridge there is a grav lift leading to the top. At the top, there is a shotgun and the ridge has good sightlines. On the other side, there is another small, infantry bridge with a sword and two oneway teleporters that go from base to that area. The ordance drops are sp laser, two snipers (one at each base), a rocket and sword (both random drops).

    Images: Use the RLV images. Link: http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/dustdevilharts/halo4/fileshare#!/?section=Image&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0

  2. Just a shout out to 343. I liked the progress from reach to h4, but one problem for me is that (i Still love Halo) but the game in general got somewhat boring as in Halo Reach. I still love halo but i am not always in the mood to play as much as i used to. Also, many of my hardcore halo friends are disappointed in how halo used to be a supreme uniqueness to it (which made the game extremely fun) but it is starting to lose its touch. I understand that it is hard to continue a series after 10 thrilling years (for example, Call of Duty has same thing every single game) but I miss that uniqueness that made halo so much fun.

     In halo 5 can u make the forerunner structures same on the outside but different on the inside. For example, in the second mission when you emerge from the caves (right before the warthogs) that is hands down amazing. Yet, on the inside of many forerunner structures i felt disappointed . For example, the interior of the Didact's ships is not as fascinating as i anticipated as on the library in halo CE with the mysterious structures. Also, I would be playing halo 24/7 if you could have an OPTION to change vehicle gameplay to first person, as Bungie did in halo 1. I think it would be cool to be able to look first person in vehicles for to feel like in Special Forces or something like that. Also, reinstating the remaing SPARTAN II's into a reliable team would be a cool thing. Also, If you continue Spartan Ops (please do) can we have a mission where we work alongside Master Chief and hopefully his SPARTAN II team. Also, this would continue the halo unverse, can u explain the gap between h3 and 4 respectively, why we continued the war with the covenant (it wasn't completely explained on the Thursday's War) and Human politics after the war (how the UNSC, UEG, and the human race would function, mainly how the UEG survived after the war). <--- This can be placed on waypoint if needed as maybe terminals in halo 5. Finally, can u tell how The arbiter kept the covenant together if he does (in either karen traviss' new book or in halo 5) and please, please, please put the arbiter in halo 5 as hopefully an ally, but if not at least an enemy (and maybe we can play as im but thats too good to be true).


    If anyone has any thing else they would like to add just reply and put what u want in halo 5. Maybe with enough replies or views 343 would be persuaded to put in reasonable things that the community asks for.


    P.S. 343 Since i am a hardcore halo fan i would love to have these things in halo, i would still play halo if u don't. 

    Good luck with the journey, I will be there the whole time supporting you guys.



     I LOVE Halo. YAY!

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  3. Gamertag: DustDevilharts

    Canvas Map: Impact

    Map Name: AfterBurner Link:http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/dustdevilharts/halo4/fileshare#!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0

    4v4 INF Slayer Symmetrical

    Gametype: Infinity Slayer

     Screen Shots: http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/dustdevilharts/halo4/fileshare#!/?section=Image&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0


    Video: http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/dustdevilharts/halo4/fileshare#!/?section=GameClip&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0

    Description: Inspired by Hydro On Black Ops II, I used the water that kills you and replaced it with a kill ball. That is the only part inspired by Hydro. (Kill ball comes every 30 sec.) The main weapons are a rocket (right above the kill ball ditch), Rail Gun (Above the rocket there is a enclosed corridor that is only accessible from the top of each base) On the other side there are two corridors and the top one has a shotgun. Even farther from the rail gun, there is a small base with a sniper below the base. In Between the sniper and shotgun, there is a disabled crane holding a bridge walkway that has had wires snapped( follows the expression "hanging by a thread"). The walkway is right above the sniper, the sniper is right below the main floor and the destroyed walkway is used to pass a deep ditch( that will kill you if you fall in) and get back to the main map from the sniper spawn. The actual spawn bases have two levels (bottom level has 4 entrances, 2 are right next to each other like entrance/exit, top level has 3 entrances one on the lower level, others on the outside, one being grav lift, other being ramp. The map plays smoothly with long, undesireable sight lines for fair gameplay, yet close-courter encounters and even a kill ball suprise.

  4. just some advice. when u have HALO maps u should play halo songs. no offense to black ops 2 (fun game) but in next videos u should put the music that corresponds with what video is. anyway cool map. and it does look like a water processing plant. kinda reminds of Crysis 3. good job on the map.

  5. Gamertag: DustDevilharts

    Map: Calibrated

    Gametype: Big Team Infinity Slayer, 2 Flag CTF, KOTH

    Map is on file share. Don't know how to set links. srry

    Desription: This map is made to be a 8v8 slayer map, but does work for 6v6. It has two semi-symmetrical bases with each base having a sniper, and shotgun. Also, each has a warthog and ghost. There is a neutral rocket, railgun, and hammer. The actual map contains a overhanging at the center with two side entries and a grav lift at the center. it has a place below for mid to close range encounters. On the other side of the central base there is a tunnel system to travel below with flat ground above for vehicle warfare. The map still needs testing. I am pretty sure it is balanced in the weapons, vehicles, and the time to retrieve neutral weapons.



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