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Posts posted by SPECTERLIGHT

  1. I log onto Live for the night, and am trying to get my Flood commendations completed.

    I enter matchmaking and it drops me into a match 2/3 of the way done.


    How can anyone win, or even get any medals at that point?

    This gametype is seriously flawed and should NOT be in the commendations.

    It spawns people with Assault rifles too.


    Shout outs to 343.



    Tonight I just got banned for leaving games. There are three reasons I have a problem with this. First, I did NOT leave the last game I played before getting banned, I had lost the game. Second, there was no warning that I left too many games and would get banned if I left anymore like in Halo Reach. And lastly that people can join in the middle of games, so I do not understand why leaving games matters. People can leave games for different reasons and people that want to join a game can come right in and there is no problems. Why is there a penalty for leaving a game that someone can take your spot in?


    Why should we be penalized for leaving a match, when you drop us in a game that is more than half over and there is no way we can win or do anything to get medals?


    Newest shoutout to 343. The first round begins and I am heading to shoot enemies, when a Spartan in yellow with a DMR or BR starts shooting at me and I am out of SG range. Way to go guys!

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