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Darph Iroth

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Posts posted by Darph Iroth

  1. I am a sniper, a warrior, a rogue, an assassin, a gun runner and adventurer. I am Darphiroth but you may call me Darph. More commonly found acting out and seeking my “Frags of Vengeance” on those that would frag me. I am the only online clone of a Human counter part gamer from the UK.


    I spend more time in MP and in Forge than anything else!

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  2. I've noticed a lot recently that there seems to be a lot of people managing to kill me when watching the killcam's after being killed. The person killing me didn't even have the crosshair over me or near me but is able to get kills even headshots.


    Is 343i aware of this or are these people using aimbots to get these sorts of kills?


    Are there 2 liscenses for DLC's?

    I have the LE but Map Packs and Specializations seem to only have liscense for gamertag only.....All DLC's for every game I own work for anyone on the console AND gamertag. I have the Family Gold Membership


    Now since the release of crimson, it only works for my (Primary Account) and not everyone playing the console.....Why is that 343?

    I dont really expect a reply from anyone at 343 as this problem has gone unanswered for some reason since Crimson release and you guys offer no one any avenue to contact you directly except these forums that you seem to ignore.


    Im very disappointed in the Customer Support as there seems to be none. It would be nice however if you guys wouldnt ignore individual requests for help and information.


    Thank you for your time


    Some DLC is not console specific but is Gamertag specific. I've spoke with MS on this in the past and that was their response.

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