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Posts posted by AbandonedCashew


    This is like eye-candy for me. I've been waiting for a good invasion map forever. Is it a modded gametype? Or did you use the extraction pieces? The aesthetics look great. I'm slightly concerned about the open area in pic 3, but I doubt it will be much of a problem. I'm definitely downloading this.

    If you need a tester, message me: curmugeon


    I used the extraction pieces for the dynamic spawns, the map is going through updates so I would recommend redownloading it, for I have made some balancing changes to the map and game type, including fixing up the open area you have concern for. Speaking of the game type you can also use Conversion with it if thats what your used to. I'm glad youre interested, I prize this map quite a bit :) …and yes to save the trouble it is modded for extra rocks.

  2. Many amazing moments, but one that clearly sticks out in my memory is a game of slayer on Simplex. I was top yellow, the enemy was top purple, the overshield had just spawned. Me and him swing our heads toward the overshield, then to eachother, then to the overshield, and we run for it. I was a split second late as he got the overshield as I came right in front of him, I jump into the air and thrust forward, diving over his invincible head, I throw my thumbstick down and to the right, and assassinate him. He lays dead, confused about his end before I did a diving ninja to destroy his new overshield. Another amazing moment was in Lightning Flag on Haven. I earned an ordinance, I selected an auto-sentry, and deployed it over the enemy spawn. "Here it comes," I thought as I saw the entire game line up for me. Kill, Double kill, Triple kill, Overkill… Killtacular, Extermination!! "Oh god…" Double kill, Triple kill, Overkill… another Extermination!

    So yeah I got a dual-extermination on the enemy team with only an auto-sentry.






    I didn't get Halo 4 because of the multiplayer or the campaign - I got it for the custom games. Mini games, indiana jones, underwater maps..all not possible in Halo 4. Or at least not to the full potential as they were in Halo:Reach.


    How can we convince 343 that the new forge maps suck? We keep posting threads about it. I'll be making one later today, just to keep the flow going.


    What! Are you joking! You can make even MORE minigames in Halo 4 with trait zones, grav volumes, the new armor abilities, and the new pieces in forge island. With the modded infection gametype you can do so everything, if not more with Flood- based games.

  4. Name: Forbidden



    Forge Island, along the Mid Island cliffside

    Forerunner Themed


    Forbidden is an open invasion map that initially starts off easy for the defenders, but gradually gets harder through phase 2 and 3. Phase 1 offenders start with one spawn area, similar to their initial spawn area. They get a Railgun and SAW to help offend, while the defenders spawn with a risky Overshield to take up. Defenders can spawn on either side of Phase 1's building. Phase 2 offenders now move up and take on a Sniper Rifle, and defenders get a sticky launcher. Offenders take on the spawns of Phase 1's building, and on the opposite side of the width of the map. Defenders are pushed back into Phase 3's building, and on the opposite side of the width of the map as well. Phase 3 offenders now get a rockethog and a SAW, and move up into phase 2's building, and defenders get a standard hog and a rocket launcher. Phase 3 defenders get pushed even further back and must defend a round-about garage type scoring area.


    Author: AbandonedCashew


    NEW: I've done a major balance update to the map! I expanded Phase 1 to about 50 feet more play-space, added more cover, made reasonably sized larger shapes for extraction points, added a spawn area to Phase 1 Offense, made the whole floor seamless, and added a pillar in 3rd phase for cover.


    Download Link: http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/abandonedcashew/halo4/fileshare#!/?section=GameMap&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=7fccb943-eb3e-4100-bf53-9ec085583694


    Phase 1



    Phase 2



    Phase 3


    • Like 4
  5. Name: Figment (Version 2.1.2)



    Large Island of Forge Island

    Enclosed by mountain ranges

    Vortex-Style Bravo

    Exile-Charlie-Style Alpha and Charlie


    Description: Figment is a semi-symmetrical map tailor-made for dominion. Alpha and Charlie have cave routes between each other, and Bravo has wrap around entrances to Each of the bases. Sightline blockers are present throughout the map, but Bravo still has limited lines of sight to Alpha and Charlie.


    Initial Drops and Vehicles:

    -StandardHogs off the bat

    -Center neutral laser

    -Red Sniper

    -Blue Sniper

    -Red SAW

    -Blue SAW


    Objective Drops and VPads:

    Bravo Ground

    -Power Forerunner


    Bravo 2nd Story

    -Resupply Forerunner


    Alpha/ Charlie Exterior

    -Power UNSC


    Alpha/ Charlie Interior

    -Resupply UNSC


    Author: AbandonedCashew

    Download Link: http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/abandonedcashew/halo4/fileshare#!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=f418780b-495c-4adf-b4be-839286b01658







  6. Name: New Elevation


    High up on Ravine

    Forerunner Themed



    Description: New Elevation is a map designed for pro gametypes and 5-capture CTF (No-Sprint modes are recommended). Many areas for cover are accessible, but camping is hard to achieve. Long lines of sight are present, but sparing if you aren't higher up.


    No ordinance drops, only standard weapons:



    Many Battle Rifles


    Weak anti spawn zones are present in hot zones during CTF.

    Map is water-tight.

    Budget: 3710 / 10000

    Lighting: not nearly broken

    Framerate issues: None


    Gamerttag: AbandonedCashew

    Download Link: http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/abandonedcashew/halo4/fileshare#!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=7dcd18d1-6771-4c1e-a385-64bdb6fd42b5







  7. Thanks dude, yeah i really think that THFE doesnt thoroughly enough look through their submissions.. I've given up. Anyway thanks a lot for the feedback! And with the jumping flood, i completely took into consideration that possibility when making the gametype and map, and the flood cant (or shouldn't) be able to jump. I don't know what might have happened, sorry though bout that. Again thanks for trying it out.

    • Like 1
  8. Name of map: HalO Deluxe

    Name of Gametype: Halo Race
    (Gametype utilizes a mod where the alpha flood has customizable weapons)
    GT: AbandonedCashew
    Canvas Map: Forge Island (<3), largest island.
    Brief Description:
    Halo Deluxe is a Halorace variant (heavily inspired by Halo Extreme on Reach), where the flood is at the general center of the track, with power weapons, and the humans are on mongooses driving to the end while avoiding fire from the flood. The map encircles the large island, and has 4 stories before reaching the end.
    Detailed Description:
    The map starts as the humans are on a platform hugging the side of the cliff, out of sight of the flood. As the humans drive for the first 10-20 seconds, the track will slowly gain altitude until it reaches the actual track. All the levels of the actual track are mostly vertically symmetrical in the way that the track isn't freestyle roller coaster, but it is one huge ring with many tiers. After traveling about 30-40 seconds, there is a ramp leading to the second level, and if you choose to keep going, there is one final ramp that allows access to the next story. The race continues like this until the third level, where it now follows a roller coaster form, but still in a general circle, until the final jump, where the human gets weapons to choose from to kill the flood. The map has obstacles for the humans as well as plenty of cover, that gradually gets more and more sparse without being repetitive. No 2 parts of the track look similar. The entire track takes on average 2min10sec to complete with a perfect run.
    Player Count
    Supported: 2-16
    Recommended: 5-16
    Download Links
    • Like 1
  9. SPEED in Halo 4 is traditionally not possible to remake. in order for warthogs to not have control over their path, the ramp needs to be steeper than you can walk on. Anything that doesn't use dominion shields (like my speed does) as the floor will never catch the warthogs any fast speed.

  10. Hey Thomas, in reply to your last post, I would love to have the final version in the Sat Night skirmish. I'll work on the map more today and have the newest version on my fileshare a couple hours after this has been posted.

  11. Yeah what I've done to it so far is lower bravo by just over a startans height, Opened it up on the interior, took away camping spots, extended entrances, and covered unfair sightlines. To alpha I added a small roof around the banshee area to cover the terminal from bravo sightlines, and I also added a convienent walkway up to the roof. I will change ordinances to all human tomorrow (3/9). Maybe we could look it over together real quick just so I know what else can be done.

  12. post-9451-0-12911000-1373021348_thumb.jpeg


    Name of Map: Stronghold [uPDATE: V2 IS UP AND LINK HAS BEEN UPDATED]


    Gt: AbandonedCashew


    Gametype: Dominion


    Description: Dominion designed map made to have the bases fairly isolated from eachother, and have high lines of sight to and from Bravo. Structures have been built on specific areas of Erosion, intended for open play in-between the bases to allow for vehicle friendly play, but close quarters as you enter any of them. 


    Bravo- 3 story,most floor above the ground, Rockethog Vpad, 2 turrets, 3 entrances.


    Alpha- land locked with much cover and walls surrounding the perimeter. Banshee V-pad(to compensate for lowest ground), 3 turrets, 5 entrances.


    Charlie- Simpler, smaller, but better cover, Warthog Vpad and Ghost Vpad, 1 turret, 2 entrances.


    Recommended Player Count: 6-14


    Pictures: In attachments



  13. meh do u think a mere pulse grenade would kill a forunner





    Do you know what a pulse grenade does? Is expands with enough force to push itself through anything. You will never see a pulse grenade phase through a wall. Now imagine that same power expanding outward from within the Didacts body... Its similar to forging a block into a person then turning it on fixed and watching them become mangled.

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