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The Hitchenator

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Posts posted by The Hitchenator

  1. Halo isn't Farcry, it runs on a different game engine, so they have limited the map space to allow for the other awesome stuff like the multiplayer, Farcry has a bigger map creator because it doesn't have all the extra settings and modes, i doubt that 343 would be able to fit all that on one disc, but maybe there could be a different disk for the forge world, that way your idea could work, but i doubt that will happen.

  2. sounds epic!

    i think that you shouldn't have to destroy the armoury/hangar/vehicle depot, i think when you capture them, they should change the content to suit your team, and they could still be taken back by the other team, before they are captured, they should stay neutral, as if you are fighting for a newly discovered area, and they could be ruins until captured.

  3. I think that the planet in the advert is not a planet, but a ship of some kind, how many planets do you know of that have a massive hole that opens up (like a ship bay) when ships come near? i think that its a forerunner carrier ship that is being assaulted by the flood, trying to infect forerunners to create flood-runners lol.

    I also think that it will have some important tech on board that makes it a primary target to defend/capture, then The Chief will go in there and take down the constant threat of the flood, make peace with the forerunnners, make some form of technological innovation to create his own ship (or be given one), and make some advancement in his weapon technology, and look for Onyx so that he can save Halsey and the other spartans, Halo 4 would end there, then Halo 5 would start with cheif reaching Onyx, and a whole new plotline would evolve.


    Thats what i think the plotline is, but thats just a guess...

  4. I think we need to be able to make the armour black! possibly different ranks unlock different colours? also maybe when you have bought th nesseccary armour parts, you could have an auto-suit selection, so like if you have all the ODST armour, then give yourself an ODST quick selection that way you dont have to go through everything to find the right armour, and maybe make custom suits so you could save one suit, then still buy different items and save them in a different selection.

  5. Elevators, sliding doors, killball launchers, scorpion TURRETS (as in, ONLY the turret, so you can have a tank that is fixed to one place) mancanon tubes (tubes that propell you towards a specific area, like in the spire) weapons vending machines (you throw a grenade in the top hole and a weapon is dispensed through the bottom hole) UNDO AND REDO OPTIONS!!!! binding objects, and boats of some kind.

  6. there was a space battle in Reach, but only the campaign, i think there should be a space seige where you would batle against the other team, taking out their bridge, life support, coms array, engines ect (but people can still repair them), and when all the systems that can be destroyed from the outside are destroyed, you gain acess to the inner ship and can board the ship, land in the ship-bay, get to the middle of the ship (it would be like invasion, as you complete objectives you gain more options and spawn zones), plant a time bomb (set to 2 minutes, so it can be defused), get out of the ship, and fly back to yours while the other ship explodes.

  7. i think that it is not a planet, but a ship of some kind, how many planets do you know of that have a massive whole that opens up (like a ship bay) when ships come near? i think that its a forerunner carrier ship that is being assaulted by the flood, trying to infect forerunners to create flood-runners lol

    i also think that it will have some important tech on board that makes it a primary target to defend/capture, then John will go in there and take down the constant threat of the flood, make peace with the forerunnners, make some form of technological innovation to create his own ship (or be given one), and make some advancement in his weapon technology, and look for Onyx so that he can save Halsey and the other spartans, Halo 4 would end there, then Halo 5 would start with cheif reaching Onyx, and a whole new plotline would evolve.

    But that's just a guess...

  8. Elevators, sliding doors, killball launchers, scorpion TURRETS (as in, ONLY the turret, so you can have a tank that is fixed to one place) mancanon tubes (tubes that propell you towards a specific area, like in the spire) weapons vending machines (you throw a grenade in the top hole and a weapon is dispensed through the bottom hole) UNDO AND REDO OPTIONS!!!! binding objects, and boats of some kind.

  9. i could actually see phantoms and pelicans in big team battle, that would be absolutely brilliant, but then you would have to put some sort of anti air launcher into it to balance it out


    The Forerunners would have some form of tech to destroy targets in the air, possibly an AA turret, or another flying vehicle made specifically for taking down larger airships. But, people need to remember that its a new planet, so the same vehicles and weapons wouldn't neccessarily be avalable to Master Chief, he would probably sart out the first mission with some ordinary weapons, but the rest he would have to take from the bodies of his defeated foes, so he probably wouldn't have access to Pelicans, but i am sure 343 will think of some epic flying vehicle to use.

  10. Having ADS is not halo, dont try to make it realistic, in fact thats why many people like halo in the first place because its not realistic, why do you think so many people dislike reach, is it because of bloom?(recoil) an obvious attempt to add realism into the game? most likely, and look how much we hated it, imo if you want to play something like halo but more realistic, go play Crysis 2, you should love it


    The bloom just made it less easy for noobs (like yourself), and made it better for hardcore gamers (like myself) to get into the game because, believe it or not, people like realistic games, it made people have to adapt their style of gamepay depending on each situation, and it gave you a better feel that the weapon is actually there, in your hands, and made people think more tactically, making it mor challenging for a gamer, because nobody likes a game that is too easy. Bloom made it more of a believable game weapons wise, and actually, realism improves game quality, one of the things haters were complaining about was the lack of realism, Bungie replied to that, and muted the haters, 343industries would have to be insane to reverse the progress made to diminish the amount of gaming trolls, if anything they should make it more realistic, and make it so that you can look down the iron-sights of all weapons, and give the view a curved style of look due to the fact that you are wearing a curved helmet, and besides, if you don't want to use iron-sights, you dont have to!


    Yours Sincerely,

    The Hitchenator


    You have been Hitchslapped

  11. I personally believe the DMR is a much more well developed weapon, and Bungie got it wrong when they put the BR in Halo 3 and the DMR in Reach, they should have done it the other way around because the DMR has better accuracy, and the bullets do more damage if you shoot in the right places, but i think 343Industries should have a mix of the two and give the DMBR (Designated Marskman's Battle Rifle, as i think it should be called) two player-controlled settings, BR and DMR, that way you can have a choice of accuracy and damage, or speed and manouverability, it would create the perfect rifle.

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