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Posts posted by funnymongo

  1. ThatNightmar2

    Vehicle specifics- paint, rims, height (possibly change these in a garage I keep hearing about)


    Kurt S-051

    Also wants spaceships like frigates, corvettes, ect


    Space maps, aerial, spacial combat/dogfights

    christpuncher18 Every vehicle in any Halo game(even Scarab/Frigate) available for Forging. A.I. spawns is an awesome idea, and so is O.D.S.T. drop pods.



    im not the only one that wants more vehicles and customization

  2. now i posted awhile back of an revolutionary idea called garage because lets face it those of us that favor vehicles want more right.

    now the idea was to go into this oversized garage and to basically forge but dedicated towards vehicles for instance you spawn a warthog and start customizing it weaponry,tires,engine,

    same goes for tanks and all other vehicles from human to forerunner

    now there was another idea

    you could go through a door into a open area and actually build and create space craft like frigates battleships ect from human to forerunner and launch them into space ie actually go in the ship and take off or launch it through a computer terminal while staying planet side to build other space craft


    and another thing as players we would like to see more vehicle options add more to the game (that can be used in forge and not champaign for example THE PELICAN)


    the garage idea has been floating around and i would like to see this revolutionary idea actually put into the game instead of it just being talked about



    lets see if we can get 343 industries to put this into the game

    • Like 4
  3. This please! I am going to relate to Starcraft 2 again by saying it could work like the Space Battle mod, or maybe like Battle Stations Midway if anyone here has ever played that.




    i like that idea also the supercarriers from the covenant as well

    well all the space vehicles of both sides

  4. another good idea would be to be able to spawn larger structures such as the large beacons in the level halo and the map infinity. to make large maps better with larger structures. and be able to build underground so you can make underground tunnel systems. another would be light bridges. to bridge large gaps and generally improve the look of things. and be able to spawn human and covenant objects. that would be able to suit different people's preferences. another would be large pieces of ships instead of a whole ship. that way you could build a whole ship, or construct a crash site. and make it so objects not only have a rotational snap, but to be able to snap to other objects as well. that would make building structures easier and more efficient. and be able to make functional doors. you could put a door with a switch, or an automatic door. and connectible hallways of different designs. such as the human ones that use the square design with the airlocks or the massive forerunner hallways in halo ce. these are all object add ons of course so they are not very demanding on the game itself. and, this would make things interesting because there would be no way to tell who or what is on the other side of the door. you run to a door, hit the switch, and hello! another guy is on the other side and now you both fight to the death. that would be really fun.




    ok BUT when i piece the ships together

    they should autimatically like lock together

    but show i in a visualization too so we know that the ships is locking together (not jut locking together but also diverting the eletrical power to the other section of the ship

  5. since we are talking about AIRcraft

    id like to beable to land on ships

    like carriers

    and go within the carrier and interact with stuff like lets say i land on the part of the deck that lowers into the internal bay

    id like to beable to use the elevator

    (im speaking in aspects of forge)

  6. Yeah that's what I'm saying, like in black ops it has elevators you can interact with, so it would be good to put something like that in your maps :D

    well my maps are all about the vehicles

    i was thinkin since im sucha a vehicles person that customizable vehicles and a giant hanger (with working doors of course)

    and a docking station for like large frigates and battle ships

    but like one map is a docking place for the humans large ships and another map is a docking place for the covenant


    any one else like my idea???

    • Like 1
  7. On 2 disk idea:

    I think...

    Disk 1:Campaign, Firefight, Firefight Forge(my idea) and Theatre.

    Disk 2:Matchmaking, Multiplayer, Forge, Theatre


    Every vehicle in any Halo game(even Scarab/Frigate) available for Forging. A.I. spawns is an awesome idea, and so is O.D.S.T. drop pods.



    Probably if even firefight is going to be so big and complicated they should make 3 discs

    If they are going to start seperating discs they might as well do it for the better gameplay,less lag, and better graphics



    i like the every vehicle idea and i also have to agree more on the three discs

    it makes better sense

  8. ok so i was thinkin a space forgeable world and because i love vehicles i was thinkin of a hanger in forge where we could put our vehicles in (with working doors of course) and because it would be a vehicle hanger customizable vehicles would be cool

    and im not talking about a small hanger im talking about a hanger to stick a flagship in or a seperate docking area just sayin


    but basically take a mojority of the vehicles from the halo encyclopedia and put them in the game

    but not just human vehicles both human AND covenant vehicles as well


    or how about disc one is campaign and multiplayer and disc two is forge alone i say this because with a disc only for forge then the capacity of the disc will be higher therefor a larger forge world and forge possibilities


    this idea applies to both sides of the war human and covenant

  9. space forge

    and useable flagships and similar ships

    both human and covenant

    all vehicles are useable

    basically take most of the vehicles from the halo encylopedia and let us use them in forge

    and speaking of forge

    if we want to put a door down let the door be functional as well

    and because im such a vehicle person

    a giant hanger to put the vehicles we want inside (and of course functional hanger doors as well)

    but im just thinking out side the box(though i still hope you do this though)



    o and instead of swat i was thinking of like a hardcore mode so unlimited ammo (limited grenades though) and shields off for online play

  10. i dont know what happened to the vehicles forum

    but i seriously want to use a pelican

    and a majority of the other vehicles in the halo universe (i didnt want to retype my whole post but i just wanted to get the idea going on more vehicles we would want to use in halo 4)

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