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Posts posted by CoopEhLoop

  1. I don't mind them. They might get me the first time, but since they are camo camping, they will be in the same spot when you come back. Either flank and look for the concentrated dots on radar if still cloaked, or if the AA is recharging pick them off. Can't flank? Hide behind cover for 15 seconds or whatever then pop out guns a blazing. Not saying its a rule, but generally camo camping snipers are horrible under duress. Easy pickings, and take their rifle too :)


    As far as camping in Dom next to a base, easily countered. They may not be visible, but your radar will tell you everything you need to know. I find when defending a base simply kneeling is more effective at catching most people. Hitting the cloak screams "I'm waiting for you...I'm sooo sneaky!!!"

  2. Pretty sure only Shutout is a remake.. If ANY of the other ones are remakes, I have never seen them and I've played a lot of Halo....


    While not carbon copy similar, playing the maps they definitely bring back memories. Although it could be my memory failing me haha There is one that is almost exactly like a map off Halo CE, can't remember any of the names (either the new or old) though so that's not helpful.


    I'm just glad the map design that made halo so popular is making a come back. Shotguns, swords and other weapons can be used effectively at multiple spots on the maps. Generally in the halo 4 maps if you have one of these types of weapons you have to stick in one area and hope the enemy comes to you. I am much more successful using these weapons in an assault like play style with the new maps.

  3. Hard to say. Judging by your post you don't know that almost all of them (maybe I haven't seen them all) are remakes from previous halo games. That is why you enjoy them :)


    I personally love the addition, the sharp corners and short to mid range engagements encourages different types of play styles compared to the DMR spam you see on the other maps.

  4. @Back, it was big team battle...Vortex I think it's called.


    This thread took a little different direction but that's cool. If we are going to talk vehicle design philosophy, it seems that they want vehicles to not be power weapons as much as they want them to serve support roles. In previous games, we could use the vehicles in offensive aggressive playstyles. That isn't really an option anymore. The Covenant vehicles seems to be the weakest of the bunch (in strength.)


    To use this support weapons more effectively you have to pay attention to map orientation and where the enemy is. I have found that the enemy is attracted to vehicles. Tantalized by the idea of getting a double kill. Well you can use that to your teams advantage. If you have teammates that keep your vehicle in eye sight, anyone that tries to come destroy is is easy pickings. If the enemy ignores you and tries to take out your ground troops your gunner lays down suppression fire, either killing the enemy or weakening them up for easy clean up kills for the ground troops.


    That being said I would make a few changes to the vehicles if I had a choice.


    Wrath---a little extra armor

    Ghost---a lot of extra armor, but more driver venerability (should be able to hit the driver's head facing the ghost at the same level)

    Warthog---increase armor so that it takes three plasma grenades to destroy OR faster acceleration and increased responsiveness

    ---gat hog (one of the following)

    decrease gunner venerability (increase survival chances in mid range battles with DMR's)

    increase fire rate of gat

    increase range of gat

    ---missle hog

    make the missiles function like the mantis, with either a single shot (more accurate) or overload barrage (with a spread)

    ---gauss hog

    no other changes needed

    Scorpion---increase mobility and armor slightly

    Mongoose---increase top speed, reduce armor substantially

    Banshee---increase armor slightly, not to Reach levels, but make it a formidable task to take down

    Mantis---Make it a one shot Spartan laser kill, with how maneuverable it is a good driver won't be taken out by one at the current two shot

  5. Hey Everyone,


    So I just had the most amazing game the other night. I had zero kills, zero deaths and 42 assists. I was driving smart by paying attention to where our teammates were and where the enemy was, had a good gunner and a good passenger (for part of it). Basically the dream team. I was really excited. I noticed the lack of acknowledgement of achievement after the match and found it rather deflating. The only medals you get are wheelman, and assist spree for five kills in a row...and maybe one or two others....but that was it. Points wise I didn't do the greatest either, finished middle of the pack but that isn't a big deal to me.


    I think in the next game they need to work on this particular aspect. They have made tons of progress in regards to wheelmen in other game types (I'm thinking mostly of capture the flag where you get points for carrying the flag carrier, which is neat.) But if there can be all these different sprees for killing streaks, do you think that having assist sprees larger than five kills is a good idea? Maybe it's just me, but given how difficult it is to difficult it is to keep a vehicle alive the entire match against competent opponents I feel there should be some sort of cool achievement. To me, that game was perfection!



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