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Posts posted by Poopface2

  1. I can't use any of my support upgrades on SWAT, yet every single person I play against seems to have their little red icon on me stalking me.


    How are they using this ability on SWAT???


    Why can't I??? How can I???


    Nemesis Support Upgrade is about to make me sell this game.

  2. Why do people even talk about this pathetic ranking system???


    You get 1785 points every single time you finish a game, and if you did awesome it throws in an extra 1200ish and if you did poorly you might only get 600. Meaning most of the time you get 2200-3000. Not much of a difference. Pretty much just counts your games played and the time you've put in... what a joke.


    Commendations on the other hand. You have to earn them. You have to use different weapons. You have to play different maps. You have to DO IT ALL.


    Instead of this pathetic ranking system, how about they just show your Commendation Percentage number???


    I'm much more interested in knowing if someone is just sticking with AR, DMR to boost their k/d or if they are going through all the weapons.


    I don't know. I'm new to Halo. I prefer Gears of War. It has boss battles and is 3rd person.


    Another thing: what is the appeal of 1st person view?? I can't ever see anything close range. Like as if I can't move my neck.


    Why no boss battles in Campaign??? Or was that a Boss Battle on Mission 8?? Tap the button twice to win?? Whoa...

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  3. Let's compare the helmets created for Star Wars to the helmets created for Halo 4.


    All the helmet's in Star Wars are perfectly awesome. (Boba Fett, Vader, Stormtrooper, Crimson Guard, even Sandpeople)


    Then you look at all the helmets in Halo 4... uhhmmm, they all suck????

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