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Prophet of Mercy

Prophet of Mercy (12/19)



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  1. why does 343 let people hack them some time's i feel bad the other time's i don't but i hope they fixs the hacks i'm not setting into one more war game with out the main hacks being gone

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Banehalo


      i wish someone could make and anti hack so that people can unhack the noobs and reported them sadly f someone did the hackers would hack that and make it so that they can't be un hacked

    3. RedStarRocket91


      There is something like that: it's called 'banning'. The hackers can either have their accounts suspended or, if they keep making new ones, even have their entire console banned from accessing XBL.

    4. Banehalo


      well that doesn't solve much i mean the console banning might but if people hack there console should be watched without them knowing and when they hack disconnects them from xbox live

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