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Posts posted by FieryIce

  1. Also having the SR1 glitch. It has been 5 days now and still nothing. Still unable to earn a reasonable amount of xp. Still can't earn commendations or challenges. I seriously feel that 343 needs to award those of us who are being frustrated by this experience points to make up for the ones that we should be earning right now.

  2. I'm with you Cilla... It's been 5 days for me as well. 343, can you give an explanation as to how the fallback hopper works. I can't fathom that the same people stay stuck in this thing over and over for multiple days. It seems as though it would attempt to connect to the server each and every time. What are the reasons for us not being able to connect to the main server. If it was truly a server overload, wouldn't it just be putting the last people to join the server at a certain time? Please help. This is an extremely frustrating experience. An official response to what is happening would be appreciated.

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  3. I have not been able to log onto the server for the last few days. I am a level 64 and show up as a level 1. I can see all of my loadouts and all of my armor that has been unlocked, but when I enter a game, I am defaulted to the regular armor and default loadouts. I have not been able to earn hardly any xp due to no server limits. I can play with friends who are not having this problem. When they look at me, I have no service tag and I'm a level 1. When I press start I can still see that I am a 64 and I can see what class I'm working on but these never show in game.


    Not only do I feel that this should be fixed sooner rather than later. I also feel that we should be given an alottment of experience points to make up for the challenges, commendations, and daily points that we are missing as well as the daily frustration of not having the loadouts that were created and earned ( I can barely take down a ghost ro warthog because I don't have a plasma pistol or grenades in the default loadouts) This should be a bare minimum compensation due to the rampant problems this game has been having.

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