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Posts posted by KAZSTRIXS

  1. Hi, I like firefight from halo reach and ODST. I also like Spartan Ops, but I miss fire fight. I was thinking that 343i could make firefight into a small dlc bundle, even if the fire fight maps are just multiplayer maps. Just some sort of firefight.


    Kaz out.

  2. Hi, I am starting a Halo 4 clan and am looking for people to join. I am looking for people who can have a good time but still be comparative at the same time. I ask that you be over the age of 12. If you do want to join please send me a message at my GT (KAZSTRIXS) or leave a reply.


    We will have game nights every Saturday Australian time.


    I am planning on putting together a website for the clan. (May not happen) bit I will have a Facebook page that I will soon make.


    Thanks for reading and hope to get few replies.


    FireTeam Raptor is just a temporary name, I am open to suggestions.

  3. Thanks for all your positive and negative responses. I see that my idea would get annoying with the A.I talking every 5 seconds, but maybe they could only talk when there is a power weapon be used on them. Or instead of having that guy that talks during the game maybe have that changed to your A.I... thanks for your support and responses. And I liked all of your ideas.

    P.s how do we get 343i to notice this?


    Kaz out



    I'm looking for some people to join my Halo 4 clan I'm starting up, its called FireTeam Raptor.

    If you are interested Message my GT, KAZSTRIXS.


    There will be game nights on Saturday nights (Australian Time). You dont have to have any required skill,I only ask that you are over the age of 12. (Not intended to offend. Sorry if I did.)


    Thanks for reading and hope to get replies soon!


    Kaz out!

  5. Hi. I was thinking,you know how master chief has cortana and she shows up on that little screen every so often. Well what if, for halo 5 we were able to have out own A.I that we could customize like out Spartans. We would have to level it up and every thing. When you get to maybe SR 16-25 you would be prompted with a question that reads "Sign up for personal A.I now." It would start off looking similar to Cortana but as you level it up you unlock more customisation for it, such as hair, body, legs ,arms, face, Clothes, colour, personality and gender. (Of course gender would be something that can be chosen from the start.) It could help you out with

    1- sniper support. (Pops up on the screen and tells you if your being targeted.)

    2- rear fire. (Points out where you are being shot from.)

    3- voice relaying. (For example, if you call in an ordinance that is a Rail gun, it will say " Rail Gun Ordinance concerned". And to end it, maybe when you get a kill it can say "ya Got him!" or "He's not getting back up". It will tell you if your flag has been stolen or when camo is active in your radar can point out a dangerous target in the enemy team. It would only be able to be used in certain game types. If you have stayed to the end, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Tell me what you think?!

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