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Posts posted by darkslayr114

  1. TS2 Compound:

    This map is a remake of Compound from Timesplitters 1&2. It has a building on one side, and crates, walls, and few small buildings for cover. All power weapons are outside to even the playing field so the building is not overly powerfull. Depending on the game mode settings there will also be AA's on map if AA's are turned on. My preference for gamemode on this is Classic Slayer (found on my fileshare). I recomend the amount of players to be 4-8 once you get from 10-16 it gets a little out of hand and chaotic.





    File Browser > Map Variants > File Share Search > Darkslayr114


    Feed back is greatly appreciated

  2. I am one of those players who only plays pro. Mostly becase the ordinance and custom loadouts is to much like CoD. I would rather have a fair playing field, no radar, no AA, just plain old Halo classic. Thats why i think they should have brought ranked and socialfrom halo 3, it worked so well and fit my play style. I only play swat because its the closest thing i can get to it. Really hope they get a pro playlist out soon so people who want pro can play pro and those who dont can play social.

  3. Halo 4 was some pluses and so negatives.



    -campaign was pretty good for the most part


    -spartan: ops, its like a new campaign every week


    -flood skin is great

    -forge is easier for a newbie



    -griffball - huge disappointment there. I expected many gametypes similar to reach. I expected many variations in maps but all i got were a bunch of squares with several minor changes. Even halo 3 had a map variation better than that

    -ordinance it promotes camping and gets rid of skill. In other halos you had to know the map if you wanted to win. You needed to know where power weapons would be found unlike now it just shows you where they are.

    -load outs unfair and unbalanced if u play longer you get better weapons. Everybody should start a match with the same guns.

    -skins should have a seperate section so i can put any skin on any armor.

    -mantis is over powered

    -no race

    -no multi team

    -no invasion

    -no assault

    -no percision forging

    -magnets dont always work right and can leave holes in maps

    -not enough small maps

    -not balanced starting points in maps


    - master chief shows his eyes in the legendary ending. If any more of master chief is shown without armor it will be my last halo.


    Unfortunatly there are more negatives than positives. some could get fixed others will not atleast until the next halo.

    This is just my opinion and you may feel free to voice yours.

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  4. 1. Stop killing all the good characters. Johnson died and now under 343 we lost cortana. If I dont get cortana back then i wont like halo 5.



    2. NEVER! EVER! Show any part of master chief without his armor! Especialy not his face! You show anything like his eyes again and Halo 5 will be my last halo game. And im sure many other 1st gen halo fans agree master chief is supposed to be a mystery like it can be anyone, its supposed to be like he is you, bungie understopd this and that is why they never showed his face.


    3. Either no load outs or or dont add to the weapons that can be used in loadouts because if ppwer weapons were in loadouts the game would ****.

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