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Anthony Oakes

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Posts posted by Anthony Oakes

  1. Ok, starting off, I noticed the venator armor, after a few level achievements, and decided to go for said armor set.


    I went through enough assassinations to get to the 50 assassination stretch which would give me an assassin mastery. The commendation was titled: Assassin - Mastery.


    After completing the fifty assassinations, it did not give me the armor, and restarted the challegne for the commendation. The only thing that changed, was that once I complete it this time, I get +2000 exp, instead of +1000 exp. It's still titled: Assassin - Mastery, and I have to get the same 50 assassinations.


    I am not really angry about it, but I think this may be:


    1.) a glitch


    2.) something in which the creation of the game that was accidentally done (does happen sometimes)


    3.) it may be how it works.


    But I seriously don't think 3 is the answer. Same title, same assassination count? Has to be something wrong...


    I don't expect this to be found soon, or to be answered soon, and I will definitely redo the 50 kill stretch, probably before this is answered, thanks to skill. I do not expect this to be fixed for me.


    For now, I am pointing this out, and asking if this is how it's supposed to work.


    The only thing it has impacted was about three minutes of my time. Creating a kill joy.


    I sign off for now.

  2. Ok, before I start, tis not MY clan, but I am a part of it, and have been dubbed as 4th member in command, and given the ability to recruit. I do not know if someone has posted a page for this clan here yet, but if not, I am here to do so.


    Emissary Secundus Phalanx is a pro-play clan. Meaning, you are playing to win. This is not a family or underground, this is pro. We keep ourselves in line, and if you join, we all expect you to keep yourself in line. No cheating, no bad language (outside of games), no disrespect, and if there is a quarrel between two, do not refer to the leaders of the clan, or higher ranks. Solve the dispute civilly and on your own time.


    As a known Warrant officer in the ESP, I am enabled to recruit, and therefore grant you operator status of the group. You're not entirely in yet. If you want to join, you start as rank OPERATOR, obviously, and work up from there. The minimum rank required to join is SR-10. Below that, you are operator, and when just joining, you are operator, even if you are a WK-73.


    The clan colors and emblem are as follows:




    Armor color. Black primary, cyan secondary.


    Emblem. The bulltrue. White primary, cyan secondary, black background, square background.


    If you are unable to choose an emblem background, just keep the bulltrue emblem, and change your background when you can later on.




    You are not required to wear a specific set of armor.


    When joining, you will stay in operator status until the board decides to give you a rank. The board has the ability to tell you to leave, or kick you out at any moment. I am not part of the board, I can not kick you out. I can only recruit. So please do not ask for me to up-rank you. And definitely do not ask to be ranked up, should you not meet the requirements. This may harm you later on.


    If you have any more questions, or need anymore information, refer to the board (top three ranking clan members), or the following links.





    Clan Ranking System:




    Clan Rules and Regulations:




    Rank Description:




    The Board:



    The ESP has a facebook page:





    We have late night meetings online, some times. I have been in a few already, and it's the very definition of pwnge.




    The ESP got together for a game at midnight of 12/29/2012, and after seven games, chose to play CTF, and the game happened to be on Ragnarok. The game did not last but maybe 10-15 minutes. Reason being, ADHD Blacksmith and Stonedsamari159 each took the two mantises. The entire game, both held the mantises while Totalamnesia and Forensicrat02 grabbed the enemy flag and used either mongoose or warthog transport to return it to base. The other team did not even get near making it to one point, making the end count a 5-0 victory. Perfect match.


    As a last piece of information, there may be subdivisions of the ESP, like for assassins, snipers, and close quarters combat (melee). There may not be very many, and it may not even be implemented into the system. Though there is high chance that it will.

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