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Seeker of Truth

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Posts posted by Seeker of Truth

  1. Well, guess what, everyone. Thanks to a six-month hiatus between high school and uni, I'm back. And I've moved back to Canada. So I'll be around a fair bit more until September. 


    Discuss the Halo: Escalation comic series here. Issues 14 and 15 were quite interesting, with another new Covenant faction and all three groups involved at Atkis IV in a bit of a sticky situation. I suspect that Issue 16 will conclude with a confrontation between Jul and Sali, and either Jul or Sali will get the entire Janus Key. I also have a feeling that Palmer will majorly screw things up for the UNSC with her desire to kill Halsey and cost them the battle and the key. Issues 19 and 20, which were just announced, look like they'll feature Majestic, which probably means the Infinity will be trying to get the key back. 


    Feel free to talk about anything else related to Escalation. 

  2. In Halo 5? No. At the very end of the franchise? Possibly, possibly not. I could see him sacrificing himself, say, to stop the Flood or Precursors and bring peace to the galaxy, but not in any way smaller than that. Seeing him retire just feels anticlimactic. 343 has already explained that the purpose of Locke is not to replace John, but simply to let us see him from an outsider perspective for the first time, allowing for character development for both John and Locke. 


    Also, the reason John never interacted with Thel was because he had less personality than a toaster in Halo 3. He was quite literally a blank slate save for the scenes involving Cortana's rescue, Johnson's death, and Keyes' death (somewhat). In H2 he at least had *some* personality, while in H3 he had disappointingly little character development.


    As was  stated before, you don't necessarily need to have long, face-to-face conversations with someone to be their friend. Fight alongside someone and trust them with your life for several days to several weeks and a deep respect and camaraderie at the very least is almost certain to develop. Surely the fact that Thel explicitly said he would consider John a friend in H2A outweighs fan speculation? 

    • Like 1
  3. Prologue, Pt. 1






    A panoramic view of a Forerunner city under a brightly shining sun, bustling with activity. Three personal transports zoom past the camera.

    Cut to a view of the central of three towers that crown the center of the city.



    And so...we meet again.


    Cut to the interior of a dimly lit council chamber. The Ur-Didact, bound by energy restraints, is escorted into the chamber by three Warrior-Servants. At the head of the chamber stands the new Master Builder, Storm over Sunset, with the Iso-Didact on his right and Chant-to-Green on his right.



    Are you satisfied now? The blood of countless innocents is on your hands. You have betrayed the Forerunners and all that we stand for. You may well have doomed-



    That will do. The council will hear him out before they decide his fate. 


    Cut to a closeup of Storm over Sunset's face, which shows signs of great age: loose skin, noticeably matted fur, pale, faded eyes.



    Didact, you are charged with abandoment of your people, the murder of seven-point-zero-zero-two-three million humans, unauthorized mass production of military units, and complete desertion of the Mantle of Responsibility. Should you make no attempt to justify your acts, the presently standing sentence is permanent exile within a Cryptum. 


    Cut to a medium shot of the Ur-Didact, who casually, almost indifferently, shifts his weight.



    What say you in your defense?


    The Ur-Didact regards the gathered Forerunners positioned in the stands at the edges of the chamber.



    My attack on the human homeworld was done purely in the interest of protecting the...other species that the humans had threatened to drive to extinction.


    Surprise lights Storm over Sunset's face. The Ur-Didact presses on.



    I take no pleasure in slaughtering innocents. I acted out of pragmatism. The fact remains that the human leaders seek total dominion over the galaxy. 


    The IsoDidact steps towards the Ur-Didact and addresses the council.



    Councillors, the end does not justify the means. This Didact may have been well-intentioned, but the essences of the composed individuals are now forever lost. Even if we assume his accusations to be true, the vast majority of the individuals he targeted were innocents. I ask you, should the many be punished for the actions of the few?


    The Iso-Didact steps back, allowing the Ur-Didact to speak again.



    In times such as these, councillors, where the existence of one species is threatened by another, the continuation of the species outweighs the survival of individuals. Had I done nothing, entire species would be lost to the humans over a simple matter of revenge. 



    His argument is hollow. He would have you believe that his actions were done in defense of another species. You have no reason to believe this tale. Need I remind you that before the end of the war, he acted solely out of hatred towards humanity?


    The Ur-Didact steps forward smugly.



    I am beginning to detect hipocrisy in the words of my counterpart. Did he not light the Halo array? Was he not responsible for the deaths of many more individuals than were indoctrinated by the Composer? The collapse of entire civilizations?


    The Iso-Didact paces, his anger now detectable.



    Councillors, you know very well that the activation of the Halo array was an act of pure necessity. I opposed their use myself, to begin with. I urge you to see the weakness of his argument.



    I had not intended to justify my actions by comparing them to the activation of the Array. I am comparing the activation of the Array to the needless slaughter of other civilizations by the humans. I have opposed the use of the Halos for far longer than my counterpart, and I know well that the council was somewhat...divided on the matter of their use. Yet I see no reaction to the news of the massacre that the humans prepare for as we speak. 


    Murmurs spread throughout the council.



    Why is this, councillors? Why do you favor humans? Are they innately superior to the other civilizations we indexed? Does their alleged inheritance of the Mantle grant them the right to commit genocide?


    The Iso-Didact prepares to respond, but Storm over Sunset gestures for him to step back, before addressing the Ur-Didact himself.



    Didact, if I may inquire, I very much wish to hear how you know of this plot.



    I retrieved data from a human vessel that became trapped on Requiem. I learned everything of the humans: their history, their present activities, their plans for the future.


    Storm over Sunset steps back, concern etched on his face.



    They are more dangerous than you know. Their wrath is currently directed towards races that have done them wrong in the past, but when those species have been eradicated, I should presume the humans will turn on us. 


    Another murmur spreads through the council.



    I assure you, the humans have no desire to share the galaxy with any other civilization.


    Storm Over Sunset steps back towards the Ur-Didact.



    Will that be all, Didact?



    It will be, Master Builder.


    Storm over Sunset addresses the council.



    You may now submit your votes...and decide the fate of the Didact.


    The councillors each enter a response into a small data pad, which is transmitted to a terminal near Storm over Sunset. The Master Builder surveys the votes, pauses and then turns back to the Ur-Didact.



    Very well, Didact.


    Cut to a close up of the Didact's face.



    You are officially cleared of all charges.


    Fade to black.



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  4. Considering the rapid bombardment of material by 343 Industries, I have decided to make yet another Halo 5: Guardians script. Keep in mind that although this will almost certainly become lore-unfriendly very quickly, I will finish it regardless just so you all know exactly how I'd like Halo 5: Guardians to go down. This will be in keeping with the lore and principles (such as Guardians being the darkest Halo game to date). 


    Table of Contents

    Prologue, Pt. 1

    Prologue, Pt. 2

    Segment 1: Locke

    Mission 1: Landfall

    Mission 2: City Center

    Mission 3: Orbital Siege

    Mission 4: To Kill a Rebellion

    Mission 5: Homecoming

    Segment 2: Inquiry

    Mission 6: Line of Investigation

    Mission 7: Amongst the Ruins

    Mission 8: Faded Trail

    Mission 9: Wreckage

    Mission 10: Revalation

    Segment 3: Reunion

    Mission 11: The Portal

    Mission 12: Installation 00

    Mission 13: Distant Thunder

    Mission 14: Heart of the Machine

    Mission 15: Mendicant Bias

    Segment 4: Forerunners

    Mission 16: Emergence

    Mission 17: Fallen Heroes

    Mission 18: Into the Unknown

    Mission 19: Fractured Loyalty

    Mission 20: Spirit of Fire

    Segment 5: Outbreak

    Mission 21: Sanghelios

    Mission 22: Downward Spiral

    Mission 23: Siege of Vadam Keep

    Mission 24: Global Evacuation

    Mission 25: Janus Key




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  5. Before I begin a lengthy explanation; let me clearly state: HALOFOLLOWER IS A HORRIBKE SOURCE OF INFO! He has admitted multiple times to NOT READING THE BOOKS and uses wildly inaccurate information and clickbait to spread misinformed ideas to his fans about Halo's story. Do not use it as an accurate source. (Shameless self advertising, but I would highly recommend The Halo Archive for lore expertise)

    Anyone who takes the lore seriously is less likely to give you credit if you use HF as a source.

    I never said Halo Follower was a good source of information, in fact I pointed out how lore-unfriendly, and unwise from a marketing perspective, it would be for 343 to reintroduce the Arbiter only to make him an antagonist. He also doesn't know who Bornstellar is and he thinks all Forerunners are out to destroy humanity. 

  6. So I just watched the motion comic of The Return (practically no difference between it and the original comic). Anyway, this Shipmaster is probably in my top five favorite Covenant characters, even though where he stands isn't exactly clear.

    Okay, so he clearly supports the Arbiter, is overwhelmed with guilt and shame at the loss of life at his hands (especially when he comes across the remains of the human civilians) and generally seems to be very sympathetic towards humans. However, at the end, it sounds as though he plans to forcefully interrogate the human for answers, which seems to contradict his previous behavior.

    So is he on the side of the humans or not? Opinions?  

  7. Okay completely going out on a limb here. If you follow the timeline of the Halo games, the last thing we ABSOLUTELY know about is Spartan Ops. At the end of season 1 of SO you get Dr. Halsey saying she wants revenge. Now it has been confirmed that there will not be a season 2 of SO until the Halo game of Xbox One, which we now found out, is called Halo 5: Guardians. Now what really interested me at first is that they would wait years to put out another season of the mini series. UNLESS, they realized that they could use the mini series ending of season 1 to their advantage for a bigger game....Guardians....The end of SO again has Halsey mad at the UNSC and wanting revenge. So...WHAT IF...the new character Spartan is created by Halsey to go after the UNSC. it's armor is definitely more high tech than Chief's older armor which makes sense considering it is new age Spartan armor. Now the cover art shows sort of a reflection of Chief  underneath this new awesome looking blue glow eyed Spartan. It's a "reflection" because Halsey built Chief back in the day and he was the only Spartan that made it thus far. So she built this new Spartan the same way she built Chief. Thus, the reflection of Chief. The only thing that gets me is the ONI symbol on the new suit. Maybe it was stolen by Jul 'Mdama's men for Halsey to use. Whatever the case may be, I think we're going to eventually see a fight to the death between two Spartans, Master Chief, and this new age Spartan. Old vs New. I'd be really upset to see Chief go, and I think the rest of Halo nation would too. So I'll say Chief comes out on top but who knows....

    You probably haven't read Halo: Escalation if you think Spartan Ops is the most recent event in the Halo canon.

    Second of all, the Spartan is confirmed to be an ONI agent, Agent Locke, and to be working with the Arbiter in order to find the Master Chief. 

  8. The Flood could return since there might be a couple of speciments left on other installations for research. Also when a Gravemind is destroyed the Flood don't instantly die or something, they go back a stage (I think ferral) Which leaves them wandering around searching for more biomass to create a new Gravemind.

    The Flood can always return.

    The Spirit of Fire has at least one infection form on it...In the words of Rtas 'Vadam, "One single Flood spore can destroy a species". 

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  9. The more I read, the more utterly convinced I am that the Flood will be the main antagonistic faction in Halo 5: Guardians.

    Now, with High Charity destroyed and the Gravemind killed, the Flood from Installation 05 are definitely defeated for good. However, there are several hints that suggest, very strongly to me, that the Flood is going to come back, and in a very significant manner.

    To begin with, Halo Escalation Issue #6's summary told of a "new galactic war". This is interesting, as the war with the Storm Covenant is ongoing and certainly not galactic; the Brutes are disorganized and not a very significant threat, and the Prometheans are out of the picture, at least temporarily, with Requiem destroyed. Now, this doesn't leave very many possibilities. I don't think 343 Industries would make the Insurrectionists the primary antagonists of any game, and in any case they are too weak to pose a threat to the galaxy as a whole. Like 'Gajat's splinter/mercenary group, they are more terrorists than anything else. What else is there to trigger a "new galactic war" excepting the Flood? 

    The issue itself basically confirmed this. The Spirit of Fire was shown on a collision course with an unidentified planet (in a similar fashion to the Halo 3 legendary ending), and inside one of the cryo-storage bays, a single Flood Infection Form was seen.

    Then there's the Master Chief Collection trailer, which focuses on a speech by the Arbiter, who says "all our lives are at stake". At this point in the lore, the Flood are the only known force that exists that would try to kill everything in the galaxy (most of the other threats are targeting humans specifically). 

    Chris from Halo Follower momentarily speculated that the Arbiter might be a supporting antagonist if Lock was indeed hunting for John, however, I think that would be an extremely unwise decision on 343's part, and probably would spark at least as much outrage as Cortana's apparent death, leading to sales drops (just look at how many Arbiter fans there are!). In the very next video concerning the trailer Chris more or less retracted that speculation. I think (and hope) 343i is smart enough to realize that from both a lore and marketing perspective, vilifying the would be a very bad idea. If Locke is hunting for John, then he is most likely doing it without the Arbiters knowledge (notice from the dialogue that the Arbiter clearly wants the Master Chief alive and in the fight). 

    It would be amazing to see the Halo saga conclude with a "Flood vs. Everyone" game and/or trilogy, but we'll see. 

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  10. Just pointing this out, but Halsey's interrogator was white, and Locke is black.

    Also, the fact that he is working with the Arbiter, who wants the Master Chief alive (listen to the dialogue in the Master Chief Collection trailer) basically proves that he is not associated with Kilo-Five (who want to exterminate the Sangheili) and probably not hunting the Master Chief (although he could be, without the Arbiter's knowledge). 

  11. All of those people you just talked about went against the UNSC....Lasky disobeyed an order...Cortana obviously doesn't like the UNSC anymore and Halsey is trying to be killed by them....

    How is disobeying an order going against the UNSC? Disobeying orders is sometimes best, anyway, both in real life and in fiction. 

  12. Okay, so at the end of Halo: The Thursday War, due to the ethically questionable activities of ONI, the Arbiter's forces were left in a weakened state which allowed the Covenant Remnant to form. In Escalation, the Arbiter is shown with a number of assault carriers, cruisers, and destroyers. How did they reform?


    The Halo Encyclopedia, IIRC, that the few Huragok/Engineers that have stayed with the Sangheili are under the control of the Arbiter and his allies and very well-protected from harm or theft, but there are very few of them and they could not possibly build/repair such a large fleet in five years. 


    The most likely explanation, in my mind, is what Black-Box said: the Arbiter had access to more than five cruisers, but didn't want to risk anything else in war due to the severely limited number of Huragok and the difficulties in repairing damage. For Escalation, because of the importance of the delegation, the Arbiter probably took an "all hands on deck" approach and brought out his entire fleet in case the negotiations failed.



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  13. I hope Keith Szarabajka (how the hell do you pronounce that?) comes back to voice him (and Bornstellar, if he is still alive) for Halo 5. 

    In any case, I hoped Escalation wouldn't spoil too much but it looks like, like Halo 3 and 4, there will be quite a gap between the games that only Escalation can fill.

    Also, I'm thrilled that the Didact is indeed returning - in my opinion he is the best villain to appear in the series - very powerful and dangerous, but somehow he doesn't feel completely evil. 

  14. More XP for winning a game: Agree.

    Penalized for losing: Completely disagree.


    Your personal skill is not the only factor that influences whether or not you win a game. The skill of the other players, the extent of cooperation and teamwork, the map itself in some cases (if you are near-invincible with a DMR but can't use a shotgun to save your life, or can rank up a sniper spree no problem but are hopeless at driving a Ghost then your ability to contribute will be influenced by the map setting), and so on all are contributing factors. A team consisting of four decent players would probably win against a team with one MLG-level player and three horrible players, for example.

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  15. Hello again my Friends, 


    PSSSSHHHH, Wake up call, lets start a Riot crowd of bringing back the Arbiter in Halo 5 Guardians!!!!

      Recently just almost hours ago, my Twitter (@VenialZero6) has started a war, crowd basically to let 343 know that we want the Arbiter back in Halo 5! Please come join and support this cause... LETS LET 343 INDUSTRIES KNOW THAT WE WANT HIM BACK, THAT HE'S IMPORTANT, AND WE WONT STOP UNTIL WE SEE HIM BACK! COME SUPPORT THE CAUSE AT TWITTER!!!!!! HOPEFULLY THIS WILL SPILL SOME CONFIRMATION OUT OF 343 INDUSTRIES, BEFORE OR AFTER E3!!!!!

         Lets let them know, we really need a lot of people apart of this, i mean, BIG TIME LOTS, THOUSANDS, maybe if we're lucky enough even MILLIONS! I doubt it but you never know. Even thought theres a good possibility that he will return in the next installment, we are gonna push boundaries and catch 343 Industries attention. All you need to do, is Retweet the Tweets i make about them, Favorite them if you'd like, and most importantly, Reach out to 343 and share this with them, i mean i am aiming for Hundreds and Thousands of people apart of this...Even another step further, why not Elites back in MP? Hopefully, but lets show 343 we care, i mean, not bringing back Elites would be hella silly, no Elites in Multiplayer at least just ruins idea's of Machinima's! Lets hope we see our favorite Arby at the Launch of Halo 5: Guardians as Master Chief's sidekick again, lets even hope we see him in a trailer of the game at E3 2014! All we can do is hope and do this crowd. If you llike Arbiter and you want him to come back, please be apart of this if you have a Twitter, we're gonna start something big, i mean reallly BIG!!! Please join, and thanks for tuning in, this mean's a lot to me! :)


    Gamertag: VenialZero6

    It's quite likely that they've already planned out the story as the previous two pointed out, but it's also likely that they'll include the Arbiter

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