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Posts posted by DrThaddeus

  1. Attention Clan/Squad Leaders,


    I will be holding a summit for leaders of all group types! Community, squad, clan, etc. All are welcome.


    This will be a place to talk to and socialize with other leaders. This will be a think tank or knowledge and hopefully the bonding of new friendships and alliances throughout the Halo Matchmaking system.


    If you wish you join me then on Sunday the 9th join me, DrThaddeus in my party. My party status will be set to open! I hope some of you come out to join me!



    Founder, Alpha Squad



  2. God this thread is a bunch of retards who are too stubborn to give up their way of thinking. Honestly I think Thaddeus is right he also has a right to voice his opinion and it's like you who put down a person who is trying to say what they want. Sure some of you make good points but seriously there are some things really wrong with Halo 4. Promethean vision mainly pisses me the hell off honestly if that was gone I think Halo would be a pretty decent game. But ordinance drops and all that crap is weak as crap. As Thaddeus has basically said, Halo 4 has rewarded you for being crappy. Games like call of duty and crap take no skill but a game that has been crafted like this over the years should retain it's main element of skill and I feel like that's been taken out of the game. It DID start with Halo: Reach I'll give you that Reach had some crappy crap in it too but Halo 4 has gone over the edge with it's bullcrap. Just voicing my opinion also no need to get all pissy because you don't agree. Alpha Squad C for like people.


    I'm an ignorant person excuse my language

    Well said pizza! These people here that claim themselves to be TRUE FANS like all the retarded changes that 343 has made to Halo...for shame. I like take my squad and we will continue to use something call skill.


    I warn you all though. Who claim to be true fans and like this skillless game. Don't come to Destiny with that same mentality. Bungie will STILL require skill as a part of game play. So you might wanna get use to actually aiming. :)

  3. Hahaha you 343 fanboys are something else. Nothing but pointless talk and to action. The fact of the matter is this: I provide valid points and reasons behind them, you have succeeded in anything, what have you succeeded in doing? Proving that your ideas clash with mines. That proves neither your nor mine correct. Finally you should look up the definition of a hypocrite lol.


    K/D does mean something to some of us. And because it means something to some of us you have a chance to judge my skill as I have judge you and it's sad to say that no one on this 343 fanboy ridin forum could offer not even the youngest in my squad competetion. I ask again will you prove yourselves in battle. I will show you want I call skill and you can show me your version. This 1v1 in essence could be the data collect I need to prove my points valid.


    So what do you say to this little experiment by DrThaddeus?

     Allow me to clear things up, banshees in bigteam is the most LAME method of killing a person ever, you spam the dodge key after bombing don't you~? What do you know of honor. You who have bombed men from a distance then ran out of fear of being destroyed. You wish to argue that you have the greater skill~? Try ditching the banshee and see how long you survive against those AR's you hate... By the way, boltshot is a noob gun.

    hahahaha actually I dont use the dodge button, that's my true skill. It does more hurt than help. You should try it. And AR's in Big Team thats stupid lol NO ONE does that, not even noobs. And the Boltshot, I dont care if its a noob gun, you can use a AR and I think thats a noob gun so I guess we are even huh?

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  4. Haha, you call us out on personal comments related to your skill, yet you just did that, you hypocrite. K/D doesn't mean skill. Even though I'm not particularly good at the game I still enjoy it. I have my good games and I have my bad games. If you have adapted well, then why are you complaining about it? Also, I don't "love it because they dumbed it down", in fact Halo 3 and CE still remain as my favourite, I only like it because it's a nice change of pace and it's a good fun game. I understand if you don't like it, I respect other people's opinions. Just don't force your opinions and/or make yourself look like a hypocrite because that makes you look like an idiot. Then again, it's probably too late to give you this advice.

    I assume you just learned the word hypocrite lol. I didnt attack you personally I simply stated facts...you do have a negative k/d. You admit you are not good. I can be good at something without liking it, you know that does exist.  I didnt force my opinion upon anyone. Not one place in my thesis did I state this is why everyone should be doing this blah blah blah. I stated MY personal opinion and asked other like minded people to join me in my quest. If you didnt like what you read you could have just kept moving. With your .89 k/d. So are we gonna 1v1? Oh and I sent you a nice message on Xbox Live btw.

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  5. JXZAW


    I looked you up on Halo Waypoint. LMAO. You have a 0.89 K/D. You don't even come up to my knees. You talk about strategies and teamwork, you must not use them very well to have a negative K/D. I am literally laughing at this.

    I am not gonna argue with you. You are no threat it is clear that you are one of the people I Banshee Bomb in Big Team. The people that do not see me until it's too late because they don't know how to read their radar well. The people that jump up and down to AR me but like do they know I was settign them up for an assassination by my team. The people the throw grenades and all the while I am counting them to time when you run out and when to star shooting you with my DMR. The people that you Pro vision to see around counters, little do they know I am avoid you. The people that chase me and I turn around with a Boltshot handy.


    You are one of those people. NO SKILL. You love this game because they dumbbed it down from Bungies high standards. If you really think that I lack skill and I just didnt adapt to the game well, I would very much like a 1v1 to prove how well I have adapted. :)

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  6. Please stop replyign to this post because all of your comments and reasons are absolutely unfounded. And once again personal attacks on skill. Youre classy.


    I have killed people across a map with rockets and cannons. It's not hard at all.


    Your counting term is "if you use team work and strategy." I have my own squad. Have had it for 5 years now. I know what teamwork and strategy is.


    There should be one vehicle killing weapon on a map maybe two...not many...

    Do you remember the old Valhalla. How the laser was in the middle of the map, two snipers, and thats it for killing vehicles and maybe stick grenades you pick up on the map. Thats all you need. Back to Halo 3 style.


    I dont spawn camp, nor spawn trap. I have something called honor in the game. Though it is only a game. I dont do it to people because its not fair and doesnt give them a chance to show their true skill in battle. And I wouldnt want it done to me. I am just a hell of a pilot.

    We have. We are countering your arguments, and have done a decent job at doing it. You are not making any effort to counter my arguments, presumably because you can't.

    I have been counter your statements. You have not presented an argument only statements and false acqusations. But it's okay it is clear who is winning this argument even if I dont get what I want.

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  7. 1. Like I said, Rocket Launchers and Incineration cannons have a limited range so take them out at a distance! They can also kill themselves with them. Also "8 snipers in a game of big team" You mean that you never think to get a Sniper Rifle or a similar weapon yourself in a game of big team? You're stupid.

    2. No they don't last a long time. Also, they're easy to counter. Speed boost isn't overpowered at all so no point in complaining about that. Damage boost though can easily be countered through means of teamwork and strategy. Also, you have grenades as well, use them.

    3. Then why complain about it? Also, they may have Rocket Launchers to kill enemy spartans, regardless of whether they're in a vehicle or not. They may be using lasers to kill them quickly before the vehicles annihilate them.

    4. "#89 Banshee bomb kills" Spawnkilling doesn't count as skill, buddy. Also, we are not saying it should be this way, we are just saying that it's not a very bad thing.


    So If you love vehicles, then why are you complaining about them? LOGIC? YOU HERE? Nope, didn't think so. A person who uses vehicles frequently, but complains about them being overpowered, I find to be hypocritical. Okay, we understand you're asking for a new playlist that suits your playstyle but... It's already there! It's called Team Throwdown! Also, there's going to be a new playlist called Legendary Slayer coming sometime. I don't know when, but I'm interested. We're not going against for asking these things, we are going against you because you are providing invalid arguments.

    Then do this. Prove my arguments to be invalid. You have not done so yet. The people avoid you have tried but all have fail. You may try if you wish.

  8. K/D is not a true skill measure. Just because one has a high K/D doesn't mean they have a lot of skill. They may have camped to get it up, and/or like you said, played a specific gametype and/or kept taking other people's kills. K/D doesn't show your skill or your teamwork.

    Im not going to have a long reply for people who dont read carefully. I stated "but if you have a true K/d" meaning if you have not dont anything to augment the status of your K/d. Thank you.


    Try SWAT or Snipers then. But if you want to play Big Team and Infinity then go play it. But you say you want it without Armor Abilities or ordnance drops or vehicles, aka NOT Infinity. I don't know why you keep bitching about vehicles. Are you seriously trying to imply Halo has never had vehicles before? You call yourself a true fan? If you were, you'd be able to adapt to new games and playstyles. All I'm reading from people like you is "I suck at this game, I can't adapt and I want it to stay the same forever, kinda like CoD even though most people criticize it for doing this".

    You are pretty bad at critical reading from your posts so far lol. #89 HaloTracker Bansheebomb DrThaddeus. I love killing people with vehicles lol. It's my specialty. So you want me to play a certain game type and not be able to play what a lot of other people play? It's funny im not asking them to revamp the game, I am asking for a new palylist for people like me can enjoy the game justas much as people like you and you even will go against that. Why is that?

  9. So what you're saying is that ordnance drops eliminate skill? That's not true. If a player has terrible aim, will he be able to get kills with Sniper Rifles, RailGuns and other power weapons that require precision? No! He's just gonna miss every single shot, thus wasting his ammo and players with actual skill are easily going to take him out and steal his weapon. Shotguns, and launchers may not require great amounts of skill, but they do have weaknesses. Like the range. You could easily take out a guy with one of these at long range. Power ups (Speed boost, damage boost and overshields) run out quite quickly, so they're not overpowered.


    Anyway, as for vehicles. If you were a decent player, you'd know how to counter them. Rocket hogs and Gauss hogs can easily be countered by a power weapon or teamwork or maybe even grenades. Manti, sure are quite overpowered but they do have their weaknesses. For example being EMP'd by a Plasma Pistol, having an opponent jumping on the back and destroying it with a grenade. This method also works well with teamwork. Banshees aren't that strong anymore, they are easily destroyed too. "It's no point getting in a vehicle if you can only get one kill before it blows up" - If you are skilled, hopefully yours won't blow up, you'll still be able to get more kills.

    Oridiances weapons may require skill or may not require skill but the fact that there may be as many as 8 snipers in a game of Big Team is ridiculous. Heavy weapons do get in the way and should no be in the ordinance drop. People running around with rockets and inceneration cannons...sad.


    Speed boost and power boost do last for a long time relative to game play. Matches are at the max I believe 13 mins, somewhere around there and people boost last for around a minute.


    I very well know how to destroy a vehicle. It is almost too easy to do it. It is no reason that three people on my team should have a spartan laser...or rockets or any of that stuff.


    And I know how to fly and drive plenty well...DrThaddeus #89 HaloTracker for Bansheebomb kills...I think I am okay at what I do...


    You all who have commented have done nothing but state what is being done in the game and provided no real reason as to why it SHOULD be this way. You all just keep trying to use personal attacks against my skill, and driving/flying but my record speak for itself. If you want to say something say something of value.

    • Like 2
  10. You may believe you explained but really you only stated it was "helpful to know" the spawn times without saying why before saying that "all TOP halo players know these things".


    Again, K/D shows NOTHING but how much you care about your K/D. In effect its a number that's there for the purpose of...being a number.


    "Their teams"~? So your telling me that you're incapable of dealing with a man crouched on the ground not attacking you and some other genius running at you in some wild half-baked charge~?


    By the way~ this isn't 343's site on a sidenote.

    Purpose of knowing spawn times (player)


    -Predict where you will spawn after death

    -Know what weapons spawn near you

    -The ability to counter spawn camping (Smart halo players know how to do this)

    -Simple map strategies


    K/D can be a number to you but it still means something to some of us. Thus you are speaking for yourself in this matter.


    If you are on a team of randoms and they are dumb enough to fall for the srmor lock distraction strategy , which a lot of them did. It can make you lose a game, which it did.


    Okay so...if it's not 343 site then does that still make a difference as to why a momderator has not taken my post down if it was offensive....No...

    • Like 2
  11. You're welcome, but expect me to expound as well on this newfound knowledge. Firstly, what is the point of knowing when an enemy will spawn if you goal is not to spawn camp them~? Perhaps you can answer that question as a self-proclaimed "top player"~? Nextly, K/D's mean nothing. K/D is a number assigned a man based on how much he cares about the number. Allow me to explain, I have this number as well, it's beneath 1.00, why~? You would assume its because of my skill. In honesty its because I could care less what you think of my number. Armor lock~? A weakness more than a flaw or a help. Think carefully. How many times did you see some genius armorlock only to come out of it and be assassinated, run over, shot up, beat down, blown up, and humiliated~? As for the vehicles perhaps you should attempt to be more cautious and improve your driving skills~?

    As far as the spawning I have already explained the point fo spawning besides spawn camping. I don't like repeating myself. Go back and read carefully.


    K/D may not show skill it's true. Some people cheat. Some people play a particuliar type of game to get their K/D. But If you have an honest K/d it shows consistency. It shows your ability in battle. How much do you break even, positive or negative. If you arent that good then of course your K/d will be negative and the same for positive and even. I don't know about your K/d or what you play. For all I know I you could play a lot of Grifball in your spare time.


    And yeah some people didnt fall for armor lock but a lof of people did. And there were other situations besides the armor person themselves people had to deal with...like...oh wait...that persons team.


    Still. You have Throwdown, which is the closest you're gonna get. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with an opinion, but he way you go about voicing it is.

    There is nothing wrong with the way I am voicing my opinion. If there was it is something call a Moderator that would have deleted my thread. I have not said anything rude. I have not called out any one person. I have not done anything like that. I have simply voiced my opinion. My thesis. And 343 see fit to let it stay on the forum.


    I gurantee that there are tons of players that feel the same way.


    And I still have Therowdown...I want to play Big Team and Infinity too. So your saying to keep more of the game for people like you and leave a SINGLE  playlist for people like me... oh thats far...nothing like not having any vehicles or armor abilities once in a while maybe if you get the oridinance drop...

  12. Well actually, I read the first 4 lines, and the last paragraph because I saw it as another person complaining about 'skill' when they are just bummed about the fact that people of all skill levels have a chance to be decent as 343 has actually made all loadouts weapons decent. If you don't lik vehicles, don't play those playlists, if you want people to use one weapon they aren't good with do you get a feeling of satisfaction by being better with a weapon they aren't comfortable using. Seriously, if you want the game like that- play Reach. You can't get rid of people who don't care for skill, the only 'skilled' or 'competitive' playlist is Throwdown.



    My point is- you make it sound like people like me, who don't care for the DMR and prefer autos should be banned from the game as a while or be shoved in a corner somewhere.

    It's quite funny how people can put words in your mouth. I said nothing about people who use an AR. I am simply asking for a Halo: Reach style playlist. With this in mind I assume people such as yourself will not be in said playlist.


    I find no victory in knowing that I can beat someone who uses an AR. What I find is a victory is having a DMR duel with someone around or even above my skill level and winning! That is the victory I look for. Not some cheap gumball machine victory and loses it's taste after 10 seconds.


    You all miss judge me and my character. I am not some simple ahole on Halo 4 spamming how much I hate the game or the people who use an AR. I do ALL of this for my squad. I am nothing without my squad. They have been with me since I first started a caln about 5 years ago. My squad doesnt like the direction that this game has taken and I don't either. So I will voice my option and if other feel the same they should do so to.


    Nothing ever got changed by being quiet.


    You can keep using your AR but I am 200% positive that people like me who use a DMR will start to develop technique to counter it. I gurantee it.


    And FYI I love vehicles. #89 on Halotracker for Banshee Bomb kills DrThaddeus

  13. "Learning player spawns"~? So in effect, spawn camping~? Weak...

    "Praising the developer"~? Hardly, conversing with them on what to correct for the next one.

    "This is sad in the fact that you have allowed your new players to be on the same level as players that have earned their place in the top ranks of Halo by using skill." I assume this is meant to reference you~? Ever heard of humility~?

    "Unneeded vehicles"~?! Seriously~? Are you for real~? Vehicles are entirely necessary in Halo.

    "My thesis is the following: Let the reign of skilled players return." "The skilled players: players that priase the DMR, players that use stealth to get the upper hand, players that take the time to memorize span times. Give it back to the true Halo players for we are your future. If it is not given back you will have just created another Call of Duty and the players that once praise Halo will no more."

    No...just no....the skill to which you refer is weakness at its greatest, also you do not speak for all players. Stealth and the DMR are great, spawn camping and the removal of vehicles~? Crazy...



    Signed: A true fan

    Learning spawns are not only used for people that spawn camp. They are used by the players themselves to give them a possibility of predicting where they will spawn but also the possibility of spawn rotation. Knowledge about spawning isn't a dark art. If you feel like you don't need the knowledge then fine, but once again the TOP Halo players understand spawning. It's a key element in the game.


    Halo: Reach definitely had flaws in it, like armor lock but what did Bungie do? They released an update that made armor lock not invincible anymore BUT also kept the old armor in the game as well for people who enjoyed using it Thus listening to players.


    It is not only I but a lot of people far better than me that feel this way as well. I only have a 1.46 K/D if that. I play with some people that have K/D's far beyond a 2 and they hate these updates as well. It not about the level it's the fact that Halo as always been about skill but now it seems skilled is based on the weapon you choose or an ordinance drop. Sad.


    It is fine to have vehicle on a map. But there is no reason that rocket hogs and manti and banshees should all be on the same map. It's pure overill. It takes skill to have a vehicle and keep it going for as long as you can. Now you can no longer do that because there sre so many vehicles on the map they just constantly blow each other up. It's no point to getting in a vehicle if you can only get one kill in it before it blows up.


    Just as much as you THINK you have found weaknesses in my thesis you have only given me further space to explain myself. Thank you.

  14. In other words- make it so only people who are masters of the DMR have any chance at succeeding, correct?


    I for one can't stand it, preferring the Assault Rifle and Carbine.

    You prefer a weapon that lacks skilled you use and that is fine. Skilled players such as myself find no victory in defeating players like you...


    That is why I said but in seperate playlist. If you read my thesis carefully you would have noticed that I am not forcing every player to play my way, but simply suggesting that the skilled players not have to play YOUR way.


  15. <p>Attention ALL Clan/ Squad Leaders!!!!</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>I will be hosting a Clan/Squad Leader Summit <strong>THIS SUNDAY, THE 9TH ON HALO 4</strong>!</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Join me and other like minded individuals that have a thirst for leadership and sweat Halo 4. If you want to socialize, trade strategies, or even schedule some clan battles! We can do it all at the Clan/Squad Leaders Summit!!!</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>I will have my party status to <strong>OPEN at 12PM SUNDAY, THE 9TH</strong>. Just join me. My gamertag: <strong>DrThaddeus</strong></p>

    <p> </p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>DrThaddeus Ph VD</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Victory through Domination, Domination through Victory</p>

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  16. For all the true fan of Halo. People that agree with my thesis, rally behind me so we may once again claim Halo for our own! My gamertag is DrThaddeus, friend request me.

    Reply to this topic! Lets make a change!


    What is skill? What make a player skilled at what they do? What is the total number of hours played that creates a skilled player? Skilled enough even that they themselves may call themselves skilled?


    I do not have the answer to that but I do know what makes a good Halo player.

    A Halo player spends hours upon hours of their day playing the game. Not so much for the fun or the victory but in the hopes that they too will become skilled at the game.


    A good Halo player learns things about the game that go far beyond the realm of regular knowledge of Halo players: the spawn time, the weapons on a map, player spawns.


    A good Halo player knows their strengths but even more so their weaknesses. And tried their best to compensate for those weaknesses.


    Halo doesn't just stay a game to these players it becomes a way of life for the gamer. You literally breathe the game play in. You worship the developer and thank them for their hard work and they in turn provide you with what you wish.


    It is as if they are the Gods and we praise them and for our dutiful praise we are rewarded with what we most desire in the game.


    Halo 4 as destroyed the system of the skilled player. Halo 4 has destroyed the praise of the gamers.

    When Bungie was in control of Halo did you hear many people curse the name of Bungie for what they had put in the game? No. We the gamers may have not always agreed with it but we coped with it until Bungie in kindness and understander of their gamer follows changed the situation. The situations that caused some (very few) players to curse their (Bungie's) name.


    Skill is something that is created by the player. He learns techniques that help him in battle and this becomes their skill. Every player is not skilled in the same thing. 343 took away the need for skill when you let weapons such as the AR, Carbine, and Suppressor run free. The fact the people openly praise the use of weapons that require no skill is sad. Truely sad.


    You barely have to aim, keep count of bullets, strife, or pace yourself to receive a kill. This is sad in the fact that you have allowed your new players to be on the same level as players that have earned their place in the top ranks of Halo by using skill. All of the above mentioned qualities are part of skill.


    But not only do you go so far as to change the weapons, add ordinance drops, un-needed vehicles to maps, you won't listen to the players. You won't listen to the players that want a classic Halo: Reach like play listen. No ordinance drop, Promethian vision, and regular weapon spans on a map. You change things as how you want them but refuse to listen to your players and you are okay with that...I think it is sad.


    I have seen the best clans and squad crumble under the weight of playing Halo 4. You have reduced some clans as to only playing custom games because their members are tired of the unneccasary variables in Matchmaking.


    My thesis is the following: Let the reign of skilled players return. Give up our own Reach like playlists. Give us back the ablility to use skill and fight for an honorable victory and not a victory won in cheap tricks. Give up back Halo. The skilled players: players that priase the DMR, players that use stealth to get the upper hand, players that take the time to memorize span times. Give it back to the true Halo players for we are your future. If it is not given back you will have just created another Call of Duty and the players that once praise Halo will no more.


    Dr. Thaddeus Roth Ph. VD


    "Victory through Domination, Domination through Victory."

  17. I'm not buying the next Halo...I refuse. And it is disappointing. 343 has totally changed Halo 4 into something that it is not. Halo was a game about skill and tactics. Now all you have to do is get a lucky ordinance and use Promethian vision and youre set. It's a shame. I will leave Halo to follow Bungie to it's Destiny. Burn bright, burn blue.

  18. There are a lot of issues with Matchmaking whether it be opinionated or fact. The job of the developer is to satisfy most of their gaming community to the best of their ability. We paid good money for Halo 4, stood in long lines, and were promised things that I think as a consumer, Halo fan, and Squad Leader should be taken care or. I will list all of the problems I see in matchmaking below:




    Armor Abilties:

    Promethian vision should not be an option in Infinity Slayer. The maps are too small and there are too few people on the map to make this armor ability effective. On Adrift for example a large amount of people use Pro. Vision (That's what I call it) and it because a match of who sees who. It is completely ridiculous. By pulling Pro. Vision in the game you take out the key skill of stealth that has always been used in every Halo game by the best players. You have taken a wonderful tool from skilled players and given it to those who can not read their radar.





    I enjoyed them at first but now I see that they are too much in Halo 4. The fact that people can call in Rockets and Spartan Lasers, and much more is too much to account for to play the game as Halo is meant to be played, with skill. I once played a game of big team where there were three Spartan Lasers on the enemy team at once. That is too much. It makes the use of vehicles ridiculous. What is the point of having vehicles on the map if they are going to be destroyed as soon as they go out. I ask that you either make separate playlist with no ordinances or remove some of the items...like the Spartan Laser from the ordinance drop list of weapons.





    Most weapons don't bother me, but automatic weapons are too much on this game. Halo has always been based on the principle that precision weapons kill your enemy faster if you shoot them in the head. This takes skill. The automatic weapons are just as powerful as the precision weapons. By upping the power in the A.R. and Suppresor you have taken out the line that separates the skilled players from the not so skilled players. Not even to say oh im better than people but for me to learn what I need to practice on and my squad. What is the point of playing a game the new players can be just as good as players that have worked on their strafing and dmr/br skills for years.




    The vehicles are like toys in this Halo. The blow up so easily it is so frustrating. I get so annoyed. I am a skilled warthog driver. I have prized myself as a warthog driver for years. This new warthog is too easy to blow up. I should not have to camp back in the corner of the map because my warthog blows up with one grenade stick.





    The plasma grenade lags so much in the game. They will go past or over shoot the intended target and still stick the target. I have been stuck so many times by this effect. It is so annoying, this really needs to get fixed.



    There is a lot to fix in the game for sure. It is okay but it could be a lot better if it were more like Halo and less like Call of Duty. There needs to be rewards for skill. Skill with stealth, weapons, spawn times, map knowledge, call outs...things like that. Not the running and gunning that I am seeing now. I hope you consider some of these things that need to be fixed.



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