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Wafl stoopidgir

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Posts posted by Wafl stoopidgir

  1. ODST was my favorite of the series. I loved not being an extremely overpowered 6ft tall superhuman. They definately need to bring back another game. especially now that all of the spartan 2s are dead and we have these stupid baby spartan 4s. I would much rather be a marine than a 4. they dont even feel like spartans anymore.


    Also another idea. with all the new specialzations in this game why not make one with every race a playable charactor. but give each race their own unique ability, such as brutes are tough with strong melee, grunts throw grenades like rediculous distances, odsts have stamina etc. Just an idea

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  2. I agree with the grenade pick up idea. I think that would be great considering there would be only a set amount of grenades on the map and players would have to choose their throws more carefully. To Mr. X though, I understand what your saying and i agree with you that no you can't take them out of the game. what would a war game be without grenades? but as for team swat, it doesnt feel like halo to me. its who sees who first basicly wins. one shot kill for basicly everybody. as i said before, a playlist like infinity slayer but without grenades would be great. that way you still get the feel of halo(ish) just without the constant throwing of grenades from everyone who sees you. Grenades have become second nature to many players and its just instinct the throw them as soon as they see someone. this shouldnt be.

  3. i think i can call myself a veteren to halo as i've been playing them since they've been out. Matchmaking has always been a huge part of it especially around Halo 3 (My all time favorite). Halo has always had a pretty balanced multiplayer and i usually have very few issues with them. Except one thing. Grenades. Now i understand thats its part of war and battle, whatever, and its a huge part of the game. Someone runs behind cover you throw grenades to get him. i understand. But when you get into a firefight with someone and your charging at them, you expect them to shoot back right? Well not in Halo 4. With the new loadout system a vast majority of players all have plasma grenades and will just throw grenades hopeing to stick because they dont want to fight back. or they'll see you coming on the radar and will toss all they have at the entryway having some 12 grenades coming at you and getting killed before you have a chance to fight, let alone see the enemy.

    Now don't get the wrong idea. I'm not saying they're overpowered or that they should be taken out of the game. you cant do that. What i'm saying is that a playlist like good ole regular infinity slayer would be great if there was no grenades flying around. It would give players a chance to actually show their marksmanship skills. Some feedback would be nice. Let me know what all you think. Lets get this going!

    (One more thing: What's up with spawning with only 1 Pulse grenade)

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