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Posts posted by MuzzyA

  1. I agree that scythe is bad as well.  Every map in the game is bad, even after playing for a year I still can't get myself to like any of the maps at all.  I always pray to get lockout because that is the only good thing in this game one of the only things that keeps me playing.


    Complex was an epic fail

    Solace was an epic fail

    All forge maps were an epic fail.

    Haven sucks but it's the best map.

  2. if Complex were like a quarter of it's current size, it would still be a bad map. The overall layout is none other than one epic Design failure. Same with Settler, same with every single map in this game. The one thing they got right is the forge remake of Lockout from halo 2.


    WTF haven a 16 player map maybe for flood but not slayer, koth or oddball. Adrift maybe for slayer, flood for sure but the rest hell no I have to disagree with you.

    No matter the gametype, adrift and haven are both absolutely perfect for BTB. I play multi team the majority of the time just because it's the only play list that i don't have to spend half the game looking for someone to kill only to die to some random boltshot that's camping around a corner.


    And I'm sure any competitive halo player would agree with me that the maps are too big.

  4. Complex is about the size of Asylum, which is a 4v4 map. I like it for 4v4, but in BTB it's too cramped, and the player migration dynamics that are integrated in a 4v4 map (where players tend to flow towards one or two combat areas) just makes for unstrategic chaos with sixteen people.

    Asylum is less than half the size of Complex...

  5. It's built for 4v4-5v5, you put sixteen people on that and all the sudden you're playing COD.



    I think it's too big even for BTB. Why does everybody think these maps are small?!?!?! They're HUGE! I can't stand it.

  6. 343 really needs to fix the CSR rank. Counless times over and over again i can 30 kills and 10 deaths and win the game but I lose my level, sometimes 2 levels. I don't understand what's going on with this, but i can't even get my snipes past 48 because of it, and i've had it to 50 before, but i lost it do to this very reason.


    same goes with regicide I have one 8 games in a row, but the level still keeps on and on dropping, after it gets to 42 it will go back up to like 45 in a couple games then i when the next game and it drops 2 levels straight to 43.


    This is very frustrating, why match me in a game when no matter what i do i can't get any experience? CSR is the only thing keeping me playing halo 4, but it doesn't even work right. Either that or they want us to be punished for going against lower levels.



    Also why can't we have the CSR rank in game? It's frustrating to have to stay on the website to keep checking it.


    EDIT: Does it factor in the fact that you joined a game in progress? I really hope so, it would be stupid to lose a level like that when the game is already half way over when you join.

  7. Load outs should be removed from MM. Spawning with a DMR or BR causes a nasty trend.

    Look at Valhalla, people can just camp the center with DMRs.

    Long-range combat should be a resource that needs to be earned, not a given.


    Sprint also has the same effect. Giving everyone sprint by default is a bad idea. It makes every map smaller, vehicles become redundant.

    It should return to being an AA.

    Woah, the maps are huge as it is even with sprint.  Sprint should be automatically there, it makes game play faster. The maps need to be made it bit smaller, if they go any bigger in Halo 5 I guarantee there will be even fewer players than there are in Halo 4, which is a record low for halo. I know I wont get it if the maps are as big or as bad as Halo 4's


    But I can kind of agree on the loadouts, I like them, but if you're going to have them don't have a pocket shotgun or a pistol that can kill you in less than 2 secs.


    The flag pistol combo Is perfectly fine, absolutely fine. Just tone down the pistol damage it's insane. And ALLOW US TO DROP THE FLAG! That was a majorly poor design choice.


    Waypoints need to be a bit more visible, you can't have teamwork if you can't see your teammates.

    And you should ALWAYS spawn near your teammates and NOT near  the other team. 50% of the time i spawn right next to the other team when my teammates are clear across the map.


    I like the idea of having a button press to show the location of an enemy player, but I don't know about a waypoint. But maybe have some audio telling you "In the courtyard!" or have it show up on the kill feed.

  8. Agreed on the maps, the only one I can even tolerate is Haven. And like I said I have to tolerate it. The maps are all too HUGE! Not a single small map. And there are too many forge maps, we need more original maps.


    The MENU SYSTEM: Don't mean to be rude, but it is the worst menu system I have ever come across. Lists work just fine, we don't need windows phone style stuff.


    After game stats:  Doesn't display headshots? Hell you don't even get a headshot medal with the sniper. Basically the whole after game stats ordeal is just as bad as the menu system.


    I really hope to see all of this stuff make a DRAMATIC change in Halo 5.


    One thing I hope you guys plan to keep is the fast gameplay.



    To be honest I was totally upset with Halo 4,it's  the only one to make me rage.  But I still enjoy it, despite the horrible design.

  9. i dont like any of the playlists currently... i want a regular free for all, not that regicide crap. Slayer Pro,snipers,doubles, multi-team, are like the only good ones and they dont have any of them. Been a hardcore competitive halo player since the beginning of Halo 2, but i may be taking this one back to game stop if the update doesnt include any good playlists, hell maybe even if there's no ranked playlists...

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