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Posts posted by teken

  1. I have always want to be able to group my game file in halo, for instance I want to be able to put all the map and gametypes I have created or helped to create in a folder so I can find them quicker, or be able to place all the sidewinder remakes in one place.

  2. I was trying to play a custom game when I found I didn't have the correct gametype, I then had to go on to bungie.net search and find it that way.


    What I suggest is that you can link a gametype to the map so, when you play that map and don't have the suggest gametype is offers a choice to download the gametype without have to go and find it. This means if you create a map that needs a certain gametype you don't have to go hunting for it.


    It would make have map that can only be played properly with 1 gametype much easier to play.

  3. It's been thought of a lot. Sure, i would like it. Just if it snows or rains, make it so the ground is snowy or the floor is if there is no roof and make it so that there are puddles if it rains.


    You need a proper night filter to make it night, so people stop using the dark purple filter that makes it imposable to see anything

  4. When I was forging maps in halo reach, if you want it to be night all you can to is to put a selection of effect that make it purple and horrible to look at. I suggest an weather effect, you could have snow,night,sun,sand,day,normal,evening,sunrise. What do you think, please vote and comment.

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  5. i like both halo 3 and halo reaches ranking system, they both have problems. If on halo 3 you had a bad night you could go down 6 ranks. they should combine the systems to make something that takes into account bad connections, bad gaming night and the little 5 year old pr*ck that spends his time trying to kill his own team.


    Also i liked that fact you could buy armour in halo reach and i didn't like that way you got armour in halo 3

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