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Posts posted by heysueskreesto

  1. While I like the ability to choose my loadout, the weapons that can be chosen kind of screw with the game. For instance, it used to be that finding stickys was fun and pretty awesome. Now everyone and their mother carries them, with the occasional few carrying frags - the stick ability in itself gives them an implicit advantage, even if their splash damage is minimal. It makes driving vehicles near impossible at times (that and how little damage they take). Second starting weapon - plasma pistol. I've seen one plasma pistol bolt change the tide of a game. It is kind of ridiculous that a secondary weapon should be able to effectively take out any vehicle. It is an interesting concept, but pretty stupid that a starting secondary weapon, which should be used as a last ditch quickswap in a battle (or if you run out of ammo), can function as a primary in taking out vehicles (or in a noob combo... why can people spawn with this?).


    Also, it should be pretty apparent by now that some of the primaries are virtually useless... And lag has been an issue. Other than that and the minimal number of weapons on the map, it's been fun :) Really love how you guys revamped everything.

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