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Posts posted by o0MrCheesy0o


    It humors me that you say that, considering that it seems that it is YOU who doesn't know what you are talking about. I AM active on B.net. And unlike you, I probably pay more attention to what goes on there more than 3 times every 2 months. People like you make me want to gag. Acting like you know anything at all about the community. YOU need to pay more attention. You know why I KNOW people wanted jetpacks, and bloom, and AA's in general? The beta ********. When people got a hint of the beta, they wanted all those abilities but to be fixed, and that is what bungie did. Now how about you use the little bit of knowledge you have and go jump off a bridge. Try to hit some rocks.


    PS. When searching for rants about armor abilities and bloom etc, be sure not to just use "bloom, aa's" in the search bar. Try using some more common sense. If you actually know about the community at all, you'd know that there is probably more than 18 threads a day on halo reach forum at b.net, ranting about AA's and bloom. Up untill about 5 months ago. Go kill yourself. You failure.

    Kid, I've got over 9,000 posts on B.net. Post your B.net handle before you start spewing insults at me.


    Like I've said before, people have always complained about bloom and AAs right from the start, but it was less vicious than it is now as no one had actually played the game back then. When the beta rolled out people got a taste of the changes, and some people got a reinforced opinion that these changes were bad. They were still hesitant as everyone was relying on the crutch "it's just a beta!" Now, when the game finally shipped and nothing much had changed since the beta did people really get flaming. Point is, people have always complained. It was only a set minority who were happy with the radical changes. These two threads introduce the ideas of sprint and jetpack to the 'Reach' community. These threads were posted before the beta too... the consensus was "no".





    And this AL hate thread is older than 5 months.




    And again, like I said before. Ideas sounded good to some when they were on paper, and maybe they still sounded good when they got to play with them for a while. It's only when you've lived with 'em for a long time do all the flaws really become apparent. That's why there appears to be a lot more hate now then before.


    My main point is though, Bungie didn't listen to the community. Bungie gave the community something and that was it (Reach started development after Halo 3. The community didn't really have a say as to what goes in and what goes out). Bungie tweaked their ideas as they saw fit based on data they received from players, but they didn't listen to the community. If they did we wouldn't have jetpacks in arena. Hell, we wouldn't have bloom or AAs in a couple of playlists. Anyway, I'm done with talking to you. I think you've failed to comprehend my first post, so why would another help.

  2. Okay so if you guys haven't noticed, ALOT of people converted back to halo 3 after the release of Reach. Before the release of reach however there were alot of complaints on things that people hated about halo 3, like.....the idea you can hit and kill someone with a melee after their shields are down just halfway......you wanted bloom..enable to separate the "noobs" from the supposed "pros"......and you wanted abilities, like jetpack, or armorlock, or even invisibility as examples. Each time after though, you complained alot more about the wishes you were granted, and in the end, lot of the community resorted back to the more classic halo ways of halo 3.


    I'm pointing out that for one, alot of you want the whole "shoot-beatdown" thing back now. Alot of you don't want bloom anymore. And alot of you don't want AAs. Making it closer to Halo 3 and the other halo games before it.


    I'm here to say that, you don't know what you want it seems. Bungie, when making reach, listened to the community alot more than they did with the previous halos, and in return, the community is leaving to play it's predecessors. The community seems to be wanting Halo to play more like old times. Does the Halo community actually know what it really wants? I mean it seems the more leash you give a dog, the more it pulls you.


    I'm here to ask, what do you actually think Halo 4 needs? I mean, just because you want it to be a sandbox game, doesn't mean it will turn out so great, there are plenty of sandbox games that haven't even got near a tenth of what halo 1-2-3 has brung in. It seems the Halo community always wants more, like a black hole. I would like to ask you today, what do you think the halo 4 actually needs?

    People like you piss me off. Why? Because you have no idea what the hell you're talking about. Who wanted jetpacks, bloom and all this other crap? Oh, the community? Right, you speak for the whole community, don't ya? If you were actually active on B.net, or knew what you were talking about you'd realize how dumb you sound right now. I don't mean to be mean, but please get your facts right. Let's search B.net, shall we?


    Who wants jetpacks, guys?!







    There's actually very few threads on B.net that put forth the notion of jetpacks being in Halo, and those that do are filled with people saying "NO!" with a few exceptions, but that's always expected. The majority never wanted jetpacks in Halo. Doesn't stop crazy 12 year old kids from making a thread about jetpacks though...


    Now, let's look for bloom.

    Nope. No threads came up in my searches outside of the Reach forum. Didn't seem like anybody wanted bloom.


    Complaints about melee?

    A few in the Halo 3 forum, but nothing really relevant. No one suggested the silly mechanic we now have. The only complaints I've found are a ) the huge lunge and b ) the fact that the player who has the most health, regardless of who smacked first, wins (Halo 3).


    Now, if we're talking about the Reach forum... well, before players played the damn game some of the ideas sounded good to some people (on paper, ideas always sound better than when they're executed), but at the same time there was a lot of hate for them before the game or beta even came out. I know I was against bloom and AAs right from the start. Even with the people that liked the ideas, they didn't suggest 'em. It was all Bungie's doing. Like I've pointed out, the majority of players were against jetpacks from Halo 2 all the way to Halo 3 (at least, the people on the forums). There were threads discussing the idea, and the resolution was: NO! Yet, Bungie decided it was a good idea to put 'em into Reach. Yup! Bungie really listened to the community, didn't they? Hm.... Anyway, back to ideas sounding good on paper, but not when they're executed. And this is completely true. Once players got a taste of what the ideas were really like a lot of people changed their opinions.


    Bloom, for instance. On paper it was a system that separated the good players from the bad. In reality it just added randomness and gave the bad players a chance against the good. It didn't do what it advertised. A lot of people hated it, and other ideas Reach brought forth, thus they went back to Halo 3. It's not that they asked for 'em and decided they didn't like it, it's that Bungie just gave it to us (even though there was strong protest against certain features *cough* *cough* armour lock *cough*). They don't 'listen' to the community as much as you make out. As they say, they make the games that they wanna play.



    I have no idea what Halo 4 needs, but I know what I want it to be like. Halo 2.


    Oh, last thing. Majority of the time when you ask someone, "what would you like the next game in the series to be like?" they'll say, "like the previous games, but better!" Not, "change practically everything we loved!" Only a few outliers say that... so yea, Bungie did good on listening to the community... if the outliers count as part of the community...

  3. No it's not true at all. Just a silly rumor started by the fact that Halo 2's 'servers' were shut down. The only reason you can't play Halo 2 online anymore was because the original xbox servers were shut down, not Halo 2's 'servers'. You won't be able to play Halo 3 online when MS decides to shut down the 360's servers. So don't panic. Halo 3 won't get it's throat cut quite yet.

  4. Sprint is stupid and it will never work in a halo game. The first 3 were amazing without sprint. why does the 4th need it? Halo does not need to be more popular either. The true MP fans know what a halo MP should be and reach blew. Just start again from halo 3 and work on equipment or something else. If aa's are in halo 4 i will not buy it. I sold reach about 2 months after i bought it because after playing halo 2 and halo 3 online for a sickening amount of time, i knew it was trash.

    Equipment were pretty bad too though.


    our fanbase(the real one not the kids) have always wanted inovation in our game and bungie could not think of anthing so they went with somthing new and original(AA'S).

    Speak for yourself, OP. Chang is only needed if it brings about something good. Needless change just for the sake of 'innovating' is stupid.


    Anyway, all AAs can burn in hell. Even sprint and evade. Give me one pro for either of them to be in Halo 4. There isn't one, and if there was I would be able to counter with 5 cons.

  5. 9.Please make Sprint a button, you have to have watched youstube, or read the forums, or just know from experience. AMROR ABILITYS ARE STUPID. if you disagree with me your not a halo fan, your a 12 year old who spams armor lock,invisability,and jet pack. the evade is ok and the bubble shield is pointless, but sprint is interesting,plus for the button layout is uniqe for it. but we all agree just make sprint a button, dont add armor abillitys, nobody like them and they ruined reach in alot of ways.

    Gawd no!


    That's definitely not something we all agree on. Sprint is rubbish and only serves to slow down the gameplay and frustrate players. We don't need any AAs. End of story.

  6. First up, this isn't 343's home (late, I know, but...). If you're looking for their official boards head on over to halo.xbox.com/forums/.


    if they did i dont think many people would buy it being that there is halo 3 it would not be worth the money the spend restoring it

    > implying Halo 3 is on the same grounds as Halo 2. Not even close, buddy.


    I'd love the restoration of Halo 2's online multiplayer, but I don't think it'll happen anytime soon. 343 certainly haven't said anything about it. We can hope though.

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  7. i heard from a friend that star wars battlefront 3 allows the player to fight on the ground, grab a ship, then fly up to fight in space. why couldn't halo 4 have that?

    Because if you want that you can go play the imaginary star wars battlefront 3.


    These threads always manage to make me cringe and they remind me why the community isn't in charge of Halo 4's development. Thank gawd.


    an awesome tittle screen like halo 3


    Now, this is something I can agree with. Halo, all the way up to 3, had pretty epic title screens. ODST and Reach were a bit lack luster...

  8. ZB is indeed a ton of fun. Though, you're not the only one still using camo and AL. I just encountered a team using camo on Countdown... it was a frustrating match to say the least. Can't wait till there's a ZB playlists with all those wretched AAs out of here!

  9. Can I have invite, I'm LEGENDARY! I can beast at Halo Reach. Plus, it would be really nice to play against the people who helped start it all.

    Like... only 1 or 2 guys at 343 are from Bungie. Plus, I know one of 'em got fired. So, if you really wanna play with someone who was fired by the creators of Halo... just sayin'.

  10. Much of each levels geometry is slightly off or changed.

    I noticed this too. Which got me thinking, what happens when you go into an empty space in CEA that's not actually empty in CE. You'd be clipping through the geometry if you switched to classic mode... unless CEA's collision maps are the same as the classic mode.

  11. but lets all be mature about this

    Comparing games isn't being mature. It's all opinion oriented and as such you can't claim one opinion is right and the other is wrong, for that is just an opinion.


    If you ask me, Quake 3 > all.

  12. The only bad thing is the people that spam the needle rifle, magnum and DMR, they just spam it now, it's too fast and overpowered. It's much harder than normal REACH. But I'll live through it.



    What don't people get? You can't 'spam' if you don't have bloom. You see, the only reason people complained about 'spamming' in Reach was because if one person spammed with bloom on, and the other paced like you're supposedly meant to do the spammer still won sometimes. This angered people because the player doing the right thing: staying calm, aiming and controlling his shots lost to the guy wildly spamming, panicking and being inaccurate. The whole thing led to random outcomes. If you don't have bloom it gets rid of randomness. The player with the best accuracy wins, End of story. No one thinks this is bad. Well... except for the bad kids that can't aim...


    However, if you're not talking about the ZB gametype but are referring to the 85% bloom gametype then I agree with you to an extent. I believe the 85% bloom just adds more randomness than anything. It's not 'overpowered' though, it's just showing you that you're a bad player. Sorry, but I'm just being honest.



    How can you say the pistol isn't overpowered? Lmao. I know you've been in some close-range battles with it where you died in half-a-second.


    The pistol is not okay this way, and I really hope it is nerfed soon

    The pistol is okay how it currently is. What's wrong with dying in "half-a-second" in close range battles? The other player had superior aim and won. Basically, calling the pistol OP is a case of "the other players better than me and I don't have a chance! WAAAAAAAAAA!" Aka, being butthurt at your lack of skill.


    With previous iterations of 'competitive' play in Reach the main weapon was the DMR, but with ZB we can also add in the pistol. The pistol excels at close to mid-range, whilst the DMR trumps the pistol at far and the more extreme end of mid-range. I don't see how adding in another weapon to the competitive sandbox is a bad thing.


    Man, it's 9:40PM in Australia and there are only 700 people on the TU Beta play-list and 2000 on Team Slayer. Pretty Disappointing. :(

    Its also way too hard now. Had 10 games in a row where my team scored only about 15 kills and the other team beat us in under 6 minutes.

    I know, it sucks. TS always has a crazy population, but the good playlists only manage to have a few hundred. That's why I play during the night and early morning (I'm on holidays, so I've got nothin' better to do :P). The only problem with this is a get a lot of foreign host... I still manage to do okay though ;]


    I don't see how you could complain about it being way too hard though. The other team has better players. What's the problem? You want the game to bring those good players down with crappy gimmicks so you can stand a chance? Because that's what Reach originally did, and the majority of decent players didn't like it one bit. Though, the way the system matches players up could be greatly improved. I've had a few games with completely hopeless teammates, and after the game I'd avoid them using XBL's built in 'avoid' feature, only to get them on my team next game!


    :yes Just goes to show the old saying is right: When you try to please everybody, nobody likes it.


    Thanks, Mr. O'Connor and 343 Industries! Your caving to the demands of the young, the ignorant and the just plain silly has done almost nothing to quell the fire of displeasure — all it did is just shift places. Excellent work. :rofl:


    I like it. So do many others. ZB is absolutely fantastic! Haven't had this much fun on Reach since it was released.

  13. The question in the thread is completely different to the title's question-what is this, I don't even-


    Well, to be honest, I'm not expecting much from 343. From what I've seen in CEA 343 seem to be concerned greatly with making things look 'flashy' and 'cool'. That's not a good sign... plus, having them say they've removed things from Halo 4 that had already been successfully prototyped and implemented into the game because they felt too un-Halo like really worries me. Those kind of ideas should've been scraped long before they went into prototyping.


    Basically, what I'm expecting of Halo 4 is an extremely cheesy, flashy campaign with lots of explosions, and a multiplayer mode that just makes us wish we were back playing Halo 2. I'm also prepared for lots of 'gimmicky' ideas. 343 seem insistent on "changing things up". That went real well last time... didn't it, Reach?

  14. Okay, I see a lot of people wanting sprint, even evade, to be permanent features in Halo 4... why?


    They're terrible ideas. Absolutely terrible. Do you know why Reach's maps sucked so much, and we didn't get one legendary map like Lockout, Guardian or Midship? It's thanks to sprint, amongst other things. But sprint dramatically alters the way players play the game and designers build maps. With sprint or evade we get a burst of speed, and to compensate for that speed maps need to be 'stretched' out more. People say that having sprint "speeds" up gameplay, but they couldn't be more wrong. It slows it down to a crawl. Maps get bigger, and when someone's one-shot it's possible for them to evade or sprint into cover; drawing out the encounter.


    Personally, for Halo 4 I want a competitive arena shooter. I don't want anything like bloom, AAs or equipment. Bring back the BR (or a utility weapon like it, better yet, re-balance the sandbox so weapons aren't bloody useless outside of their niche). Bring back competitive, medium sized arenas! With Halo 2, it really delivered when it came to good maps. I don't understand how map design went downhill after its release... especially BTB maps. I just don't find Reach's, or 3's maps fun to play on. Power-ups are also a must.


    NO load outs either. This isn't a class based game.

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