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Posts posted by Hartify

  1. For me, the thing that makes Halo what it is is the storyline that follows Master Chief and Cortana. While Halo Reach and Halo 3 ODST were enjoyable, they don't have the same value as Halo 1-4. Firthermore, in Halo 3 when Master Chief and cortana are seperated it just felt empty. With that in mind, I am anxious for Halo 5 to see if Cortana is brought back because without her Master Chief is just like any other Spartan except for being more skilled and lucky.


    No way they already killed her. makes no sense, plus she said in the story they have saved back ups of her.


    I agree if they kill off cortana like that then I will not buy Halo 5, to me Halo died after Halo 3, I mean I like halo 4, but I hated the ending. I wish they would use more of the halo books, like the book Halo: First Strike, Halo Reach should have been more like that book. Spartan III were not even made at that time, the Spartan II were just starting to make a name for themselves so that game screwed up the story. I also thought Cortana found a way to not go rampant in Halo: First Strike she took software from a covenant A.I so I do not understand why she still goes rampant. If I was Cortana I would ask "The Librarian" how the Forerunner A.I can live so long.


    They did a good job of following the books. the books just follow a different set of spartans. just different points of view. and if they followed the books exactly then there would be no point in the readers playing the story line.

  2. I have to agree. All the players that are stuck at 70 are disadvantaged. some of the extra from the specs do have significant advantages...if you are skilled in using them. I would also like to point out that continuing to play as a lvl 70 capped out also means that all the commendations that you complete...all the exp....pointless.


    Now, let me also clarify 1 thing...343 releasing the specialisations over time isn't bad...people will continue to play....IF THEY ARE ACTUALLY GOING TO GET THEM! getting to 70 took 3 weeks for me....and I didn't really play that much (mainly spartan ops) I am close to maxing all the enemy Commendations, for me currently that about 100k (in about 4 games time)....that 100k points I will WASTE.... WTF!


    Oh one last thing...for those not in the EU it does seem like 70cap will be over turned today (ish) I still have not heard anything about when my specialisations will be unlocked...not so much as a blank email!!


    im a level 28. barely play matchmaking, have a 2+ K/D. specializations have nothing to do with it. get good with the BR or DMR. stop complaining they did fine for there first game.

  3. If Halo 6 is the last installment of halo, what I'd really like to see is everything. All vehicles (from Halo Wars till Halo 6?) being able to be played in Multiplayer, including the Pelican and Phantom etc, all Weapons ever created in Halo, all the different types of species (Flood, Prometheans, etc.), all the left out characters (Jun(Noble 3), Those 3 spartans from Halo Wars, Fred, Kelly?) and maybe the biggest, most epic battle between the Flood, Forerunners, Covenant and Humans, where Chief might have to sacrifice himself to save the universe or something. Wouldn't it be awesome XD (Besides the fact it might take up lots of memory...)


    Halo wars was made by other people i believe so anything in that isn't going to, the flood are dead, the spartans you are talking about are dead or they are in they books by the time of halo 4 and 343 said they are generally following the books. and for flying phantoms and pelicans in multiplayer doesnt fit halo gameplay. in my opinion the only vehicles that should be in multiplayer are tanks warthogs mongooses and banshees.


    dude halo 7 8 and 9 have been confirmed


    thats not true only 4 6 and 6 have.

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