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Cryptic Ferret

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Posts posted by Cryptic Ferret

  1. Got a new mlg style map for you guys. This one is called Schecter. Named it after my guitar for no reason. I've got a video of me walking through it. My last map I put up was Logic, hope you guys liked that one. I've spent some time playing the "competitive" maps and got more of a feel for what people expect in this game. This is my result.


    Gamertag is Cryptic Ferret


    p.s. Can somebody take a screenshot that doesn't blow? I don't have a capture card or anything.


  2. Well, I posted over at waypoint. This game has so much potential, they just need to expand the multiplayer to encompass a wider verity of players, not just what sells. Here is a little more I added at waypoint:


    Being a competitive gamer, I have felt left out for years in the halo series. With no ranks, everybody just goes for kd and doesn't care about team work or winning. Also, the game gets boring much faster. Maybe there could be an option to not show your rank? I know many people with really low ranks don't like seeing them. Maybe at least have a way to tell which bracket you are in in-game? Like a color coded system from halo 2, ex: Purple/green was 31-33 or something like that.

  3. My suggestions would be:


    Visible rank in-game

    Don't increase rank up for playing with lower skilled players (will eliminate deranking almost completely)

    more options for customs, ex, leech (taking enemies shied for your own by shooting them)

    Make the player card things visible in all lobies (I always go to customs when not playing because I dont like to stare at the main menu and not even know who is in my party)

    Make some smaller maps. The new map pack has no small maps. Harvest is NOT small. For a 4v4 is ultra gigantic.


    yep waypoint


    Oh, rly? I didn't know waypoint had a forum.

  4. Does 343 take suggestions from people on other forums? Like do they go to forgehub/halotracker/mlg.com? Just wondering because there is veried typed of people in different online communitities. Do they even take suggestions from people on here? Also, how do you suggest something? I looked for a suggestions thread but didn't find one. I'm also not very awake.

  5. Here is a symmetrical map made for ctf and slayer. There is an overshield on the map along with dmr's, br's, and some nades. Two opposing bases, middle ring structure, halls down both ends. Very simple design.


    I have a link to a youtube video of it:


    New to these forums. Hopefully I didn't break any rules or anything..?


    Oh yeah, gamer tag is Cryptic Ferret

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