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Posts posted by pyromaniac

  1. Hello I am Deathreacont, leader of the SOD (Spartans Of Death). I am currently searching for new recruits to join my clan. You have to have a positive K/D ratio and be at least level 50. It is no a requirement but we prefer if you change the first part of your gamer tag to Death than whatever follows. We look for loyal members, respect the leaders of the clan.We are a competitive clan we are a loyal clan who is based off everyone not just one person.We love to clan battle, and we love having alliances with other clans. We don't want a bunch of people who trash talk or don't obey my orders.

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  2. Hi i'm clan leader pyromaniac2727m and im recruiting for my clan rogue warriors and i'm looking for good people who want to be in a competitive clan. we are mlg we have clan battles and clan meetings but i'm just starting out so it would be better to join now then latter when we are big. And we are undefeated and just know that we are going to make a counsel so its fair to all not just one leader to make decisions.



    ~Be able to talk

    ~Be good

    ~Have fun

    So if you would like to join my clan send me a msg we would love to have you so we can make a good clan and have fun while we make it to the top together.


    Hi im clan leader deathreacont and i need counsel members you need to be level 80 to be in it and you must have a positive k\d and you must chang your name to rogue space and then what u want the counsel decides if a clan member can be kick from the clan and they can also decides what happens to the clan but the clan leader can kick them to.

  3. I'm pyromaniac2727m and i'm a nice and helping clan leader and i was just posting this to see if there is anyone who would like to join my clan. i need to clan leaders and i need forgers and i need alot of loyal men to join me in battle to beat everyone. you have to be rank 50 to join and be mature.You should be on alot and u get dew xp suprises all the time we are mlg. i need a some clan leaders with me and i need division leaders to so msg me in the comment and i will see u on xbox live.

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