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Posts posted by NDeezy415

  1. Crimson maps suck. Pretty much everything that others said above is true. Here's my additional 2 cents:

    Matchmaking (even just for ordinary slayer) will team you with others who own the maps, and will frequently make them part of the 3 map voting selection (which stinks, cause the new maps suck). Incidentally, most of the people who bought the maps are more serious halo players, so you'll get teamed with generally more skilled players of higher rank and k/d ratio (good or bad, depending on your perspective). PERSONALLY, I'd rather pawn noobs on maps that I enjoy than get dmr and vehicle banged on 3 new $hitty super generic maps. For all of these reasons, I chose to delete the crimson maps from my hard drive.

  2. Sometimes I have to drop deuce during a match. Sucks. That's when I look for a hidden corner, crouch, activate camo, and hurry the f up. Funny, that's probably what I'd do if I was a real spartan $hitting on the battlefield...

  3. Interesting point on sprint affecting the size of maps, I hadn't thought of that. I've heard similar things about the jetpack influencing maps on Reach. Nonetheless, I still think there is room for maps of similar scale to Haven. I share your frustration with spawn kills, but it's still a fun map and seems to be the most popular 4v4 slayer map.


    In response to the superiority of Reach maps, I'll admit that I didn't spend nearly as much time on Reach (really just didn't enjoy the multiplayer). That being said, it's difficult for me to address the maps individually. I will say, I seemed to play A LOT of slayer on those ****ty, ****ty forge maps. I hated sword base, as well as the other highly vertical maps. There was one large grassy map that I liked, I think it was a remake of a Halo 2 map (?), but it was still ****ty since I hated Reach gameplay (armor lock can burn in hell).


    At least Reach had some interesting stylistic variety to the maps. I still like most of the Halo 4 maps, but so many of them are stylistically similar (grays and browns, craggy landscape, ugly spartan structures). I really miss the variation of maps in Halo 3 (never played mulitplayer in 1 or 2), in both style and size. I mean, seriously, the three Crimson maps all look the same. They couldn't make a single one with a neon purple covenant theme? or another grassy map? a cool arena type or interesting base/building map? Hopefully next time, right?!

  4. Hey all,

    My initial impression of the Crimson map pack is not good. As others have pointed out, where are the nice, tight, small maps? At this point, Haven is really the only solid map that offers this type of gameplay (as evidenced by its constant selection in voting). I think the community has made it clear to 343 that we'd like more great small maps.


    Secondly, I really take issue with the artistic direction of the Crimson maps. None of the Crimson maps have any distinct stylistic elements that seperate them from one and other. It really appears that any one of them could be a continuation of the other, that they all sort of blend together. Why do all these Crimson maps look so dark, muddy, and ugly? This somewhat extends to the Halo 4 maps in general. What ever happened to the bright, varied, fun maps of the previous Halo games? Thank goodness for Haven, Ragnarok, and Exile, the only non "blah" looking maps (maybe this is why people like them?...)


    I'm crazy sick of the barren wasteland setting of so many FPS games. Halo was always a refreshing alternative, but with this ugly looking new map pack and the existing maps, I'm begininig to worry. Maybe the new maps will play fantastic and this won't even matter. I already love the multiplayer maps way more than weak-ass Reach. 343, keep up the awesome work, and please give us both some small maps, and some stylisticly unique maps in the future. Thanks!

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