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Posts posted by Froggy618157725

  1. What happened to assault? Am I just missing it in the options? I don't even see it as a custom type.


    There's griffball, which was originally just a custom variant of neutral assault, yet no assault. Although, it looks like yo can customize it to be sort of neutral assault? I don't see a way to get it to be multibombl or one bomb though.The default name, however, shouldn't be the name of a special variant. Also, it seem like the ability to save and name custom game types is gone as well.

    One of the great strengths of the recent Halo games has been the great degree to which you can customize the gametypes.


    In my opinion, Neutral assault is one of the best gametypes. It involved stealth, misdirection, and encrouaged cooperation. It was very tense, since you had no clue where the bomb was until it was armed in your base, leaving you a short time to disarm it.


    I see no option for controlling whether the flag carrier has a weapon, or what that weapon is, although you can set it to do no damage.


    Personally, I don't like the auto pickup/no drop. But regardless, it should be customizable. I notice that exists in 'griff ball'.


    Do asymmetric gametypes exist anymore? I see no option for 1 flag, which would be pretty critical for reasonable ctf games on the asymmetric maps.


    Dominion is a nice upgrade of territories, and I'd like to see what Extraction plays like once it makes it into the rotation.




    tldr: Bring back assault/recategorize griffball as a custom assault game. Add more customization to custom games.

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