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Posts posted by unrivaled20

  1. Here is my random ass mini game.


    1. My gametag is Unrivaled20, but why don't you search 20Unrivaled just to make sure i didn't upload a super secert version of this there

    2. My name of my map might be in the title or i could have just done that to throw you off

    3.The gametype for this mini game is totally not the same as my title either i think you should try all the other ones first. that would please me

    4. Decription: Its a  mini game that doesn't suck. I know quite the oxymoron

    5. I refuse to post pictures. But for those of you who demand visual stimulation. here's a video


  2. I am just curious, How many of these maps will get tested with infinity slayer. I only say this because if you get say 100 entries. There is no way you will be able to get to play every map in Infinity slayer. If you take in to account that its 10 minutes for a game of slayer and that there already 18 entrants that would be 3 hours of gameplay and i think most people will submit maps toward the end.


    Unless of course you started playtesting already it would be a daunting task to test all the maps. So what are your criterea to get playtesting

    • Like 1
  3. I am trying to get a few working on my forge map.


    Objective games.

    1.I don't know which forge piece is for Oddball spawning

    2. I have place flag stands for my maps but it still says gametype not availible

    3. i place hill stands and i have the same problem


    General questions

    4, What is the difference between phased and fixed

    5. what is the difference between respawn zone weak, anti and anti weak

    6. how do respawn zones take priority. Ie do respawn points overide respawn zones

    7. what affect if any does changing the shape of the light object as well as other fixed objects


    Advanced options

    8 what is spawn sequence for

    9. what is user data for

    10 what is the difference between symmetry and assymetry

    11 how come the max and min count change when i place object sometimes



    12. How come when i ask a object to spawn every second mid air it will just fall and not spawn again in forge

    13. If i wanted to drop a rock into a mancannon every second throwing into the arena how would i accomplish this

    14. How do i change spawn time so it doesnt reset



    I really wish there was a guide for forge but its not in game

  4. I decided to make this list so people could easily find forge remakes to the favorite maps from past halo's. If anybody knows of any remakes not listed it would be great if you posted them


    Halo CE


    Halo 2


    Halo 3

  5. hmmm nobody has got any of these maps. This is what i have


    The Pit










    Cold storage

    Boarding action





    • Like 1
  6. I have a bunch of old halo map remakes if anybody is interested.


    I think i have about 19 maps from old halo games


    To get these maps


    1.Press Start to open your Spartan Hub.

    2.Go down to Settings & Files, and over to File Browser.

    3.Select Map Variants.

    4.File Share Search - my gamertag unrivaled20

    5.Download Maps

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