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IL MeanBean LI

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Posts posted by IL MeanBean LI

  1. havent u beat halo 3 on legendary? u see the frigate floating towards a planet that planet is the forerunner homeworld. or as its called the "legendary planet"

    thats the planet u see in halo 4.



    and plus im a bigger halo fan than you cruise. i have all halo games. mostly the only game series i play is halo. just to make sure i got halo reach (which came out 2 days after my bday) i didnt want anything but the money to buy reach.i know LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS about halo. i gave up my social life just to play halo.2 of my friends hadnt ever heard of halo and i managed to make them into halo fanatics. the first game that i ever played on my 360 was halo 3.i still have the origional xbox just for halo 1 and 2, and yea i know i can play them on 360, the first game i ever played on my origional xbox was halo ce. i played halo for the first time when i was 3 and loved it ever sence.



    What evidence do you have that supports the fact that it is the Forerunner home world?

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