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Forlorn Penguin

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Posts posted by Forlorn Penguin

  1. Maximize profits? Pretty sure $60 is $60. They have your money. Extra specializations don't cost extra. So why not include them in the game to begin with? Stupidity that's why.


    $60 is $60, yes, but they also collect interest from pre-orders. So by having something available only to early players, it provides incentive for customers to go out and pre-order, so that they are guaranteed to get the game early. Thus making Microsoft a profit.

  2. The people that pre-ordered got all the maps free plus plenty of bonus content.

    Also, they got the game at NO EXTRA COST, not in this country anyway.


    The only pre-order bonuses were a BR skin, some emblems, and some armor skins. The Map Pass and the specializations were not pre-order bonuses, they were included in the Limited Edition and the specializations could also be obtained by playing before November 20th.


    I'm sure it factors into matchmaking.


    It does not.

  3. I've always felt that blue blended in a little more in the previous games (not enough to really make a difference though), but it's such a light shade of blue this time, that I can't say it does anymore.


    Camouflage aside, I really wish that they would always make your team appear blue to you with the enemy team appearing red. Sometimes the constant switching back and forth can get a little confusing. It would be so much simpler if your friends were always blue, while the hostiles were always red, as red is commonly associated with hostiles in video games. Of course this could no longer be the case in matches consisting of three or more teams however.

  4. I believe 343i made a statement on Team Doubles. They said that the reason Doubles has yet to be available is because the maps for Halo 4 are too large for a Doubles game. This is some-what true with the exception of Haven and Abandon (maybe even Adrift). Essentially they said there were not enough maps to put into rotation for the playlists which is very true. They said they were working on a Doubles playlist and it would be a staple (not rotational). They were working on making forge maps for the Doubles playlist.


    That would make sense, I suppose. I don't see why they didn't make any other small maps on the disc though. Hopefully a good amount of the next six DLC maps are small to mid-sized.


    A few weeks ago they took down Slayer Pro in order to work on it and make it more competitive. I remember they specifically said they would put up the new Slayer Pro and Doubles after 3 weeks. I believe this coming Monday (Jan 7), will be the 3 week mark so hopefully i see it in the morning!!


    I guess we'll find out.

  5. The game is an attempt to win, how would anyone get enjoyment out of being put in a game that you lose within two minutes and no thats not an exaggeration. It's not over reacting it's just simply annoying which i know i'm not alone in.


    I don't play JIP games at all. Once I see full gamertags show up in the search, I cancel the search using the method in the video I posted earlier.

  6. Interesting looking map.


    I remember playing a custom gametype in Halo 2 called "Paintball". It was just SWAT, but players spawned with a Covenant Carbine instead of a Battle Rifle and the only allowed map was Beaver Creek. It was rather pointless, if you ask me. The gametype that is, not your map.

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  7. I would pick the Binary Rifle because it's brain dead easy. If I were amazing at sniping though and made every shot a headshot, then I'd pick the Sniper Rifle because I'd be getting OSKs either way, but the Sniper Rifle has more ammo than the Binary Rifle.


    I hate the Beam Rifle. For some reason, I can't hit anything with it. It feels like it doesn't have any aim assist or bullet magnetism.

  8. The kill cams are horrible in general, but the worst I've seen of them is the final kill cam in custom games. It always just shows a still image of the last person who died.

  9. It would be cool if each specialization had it's own stance.


    It would be cool if each specialization had it's own stance.


    It would be cool if each specialization had it's own stance.


    It would be cool if each specialization had it's own stance.


    I don't know why you said it four times in one post, but I agree.

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