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Posts posted by FRANK NITTI

  1. Understood, my apologies. I'm tired of seeing campers thinking they have skill like this guy:


    ?? And you're probably the type of person that thinks camping in a corner with a shotgun and a claymore in front of the door-way is "keen awareness". lol By the way, try to use hyphens next time you want to put words together. Oh, and "situational" isn't an actual word. :-/


    Back to the main point, I appreciate the tip on how to deal with camo-boltshot-campers. But, promethean vision isn't worth it if I have to replace hologram. Also, hologram is a good way to lure campers out of their corners for a second, if you know how to use it well.


    I sure would, especially if I had dumb opponents like yourself that don't check those corners nor take them wide. I'll use whatever tool I'm given to my and its best ability, especially against aloof, self-entitled scrubs. Oh and yes situational is a word you fool.



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  2. Another thing you guys are forgetting about the Boltshot is that it's a secondary. This means that it is not at all a disadvantage to have it as a CQC weapon if you rock a DMR. People are not going to use the Boltshot at range. They'll pull it out for close range. The DMR is not a "counter" to it.


    And again, there's a huge difference between charge shot plus melee, and charge shot instant kill.


    I feel like I have killed way too many players with the Boltshot where I would have been doomed with any other loadout weapon. Guy has me one shot. Run behind cover. Ring around the rosy him. Pop out as he inevitably gets just a LITTLE too close and get the kill. Repeat with another guy 2 seconds later.


    Yeah, this sort of advantage is fine for a power weapon. But a loud out weapon?


    I'm not exactly complaining. I have fun with the thing. But I do kinda feel it might be slightly OP in the scheme of things.



    You know what that's called, BAITING. You did exactly what a skilled player would in that situation. You guys must get something in your head, THERE ARE NO RULES ON ENGAGEMENT IN AN ONLINE SHOOTER. There are no rules of honor. We are all given a tooset and these tools all have a counter tool. If a weapon is truly OP, it will be acknowledged, weapons such as the Halo 1 pistol. However, unless someone is using real cheats aka via modified consoles etc, then anything else if fair game.


    A person has to be willing to question whether their own reactions were the proper reactions for a given situation.

  3. Let me clarify.


    1. Promethean vision isn't an absolute counter to boltshots, and while it is handy at finding campers, you can't use it all the time on a map with a lot of corners or hiding spots (adrift or solace), and isn't effective on larger maps. Besides, by making the boltshot so strong, it encourages continual camping throghout a game, not only making PV absolutely necessary, but stagnating gameplay.

    2. Going into cqc is a good decision depending on what weapon you bring to the table, what weapons you think they have, their shields, and the position you are in. The fact that it beats out the assault rifle, or other primaries at their most effective range is indicative of it being overpowered. Yes, sure, you can adjust your play style accordingly, but that isn't what we're talking about.

    3. Power weapons. Guess what, the boltshot has a similar range, and beats the sword and most certainly the hammer in cqc. I wouldn't say it deserves to be an ordanance due to it's limited utility even within its effective range, but when used right, which isn't nearly as hard as it should be, is overpowered for a secondary, or even primary in some circumstances.



    Entering CQC should only happen under 3 circumstances, 1. An ambush on an unknowing target if you have a melee power weapon, or shotgun class weapon.. 2. An ambush or assasination on a target unaware of your location. 3. A last ditch effort at survival when badly hurt.


    If you enter CQC any other time, it is your fault for dying (actually it is always your fault). As I said, clearly many people in this community lack skill. The AR is NOT a close range weapon, it is a close-mid range weapon. Close-mid meaning about 5-7 feet outside of melee range. Any closer and you are entering the OSK range of any shotgun class weapon, OHK of any melee class power weapon, that is your own fault.


    Shotguns, the sword, the grav hammer. ALL of these power weapons have a very fast attack animation. The grav hammer and sword having lunge animations. Unless the wielders of the weapons are ambushed (i.e caught unaware) or charge towards a person in the act of charging a Boltshot, they should never lose that encounter. The Boltshot cannot match the range of the shotguns nor their animation speeds, nor the sheer speed and mobility of the sword or hammer. The Boltshot cannot be held down like the PP as it will auto-fire and has a LENGTHY cooldown period. The gun is a one-trick pony, and it is VERY MUCH balanced. This coming from a person that personally is not impressed by it.


    Stop rounding corners without coming out wide, and start paying attention before blindly charging someone or assuming a room is empty if you are not sure. This is what I do to great effect, seeing as using Promethean Vision is not even required to deal with Boltshot users. Then again, I am likely more skilled and possess a better understanding of compeitive mindset than either of you.


    Many of you guys lack either skill or situational awareness (maybe both), and justly should suffer the consequences of dumb decisions.

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  4. Watch out everyone! We got a Hardass over here!!


    First of all, dont call me "Ignorant" and such, you havent a clue of what you are talking about. For example: I dont run around with just a DMR and Pistol, i use a DMR and Assult RIfle. I like to charge into battle with the Assult rifle when possible, but i can switch to the DMR if i need to kill a enemy at a range. Unless ive been playing halo incorrectly all my life and never found out im supposed to use the assult rifle like a Sniper rifle and try and long range people with it.

    Also i dont use Promethean Vision, i got better things to use, like Regeneration Feild, and Auto-Sentry.

    On the comment of "onlybigjims ignorant comment" thing. No s*%$ sherlock, of course theres more diffrences between the weapons. But, your right the fact that both weapons kill at close range is totaly not simmilar in any way or form...


    "My main point here is," Who are you to point your finger, you are obviusly out of your head. So go take a chill pill and stop tossing your damned stones around.


    I'm tired of people like you. Nobody has to play according to your playstyle or play in a fashion that you find agreeable. THERE ARE NO ARTIFICIAL RULESETS, THERE ARE NO RULES OF HONOR. You are given a toolset, so are they. If you CHOOSE not to use Promethean Vision, that is your choice. It is there to be used, if you forgoe it for another option then you deal with the issues/consequences it presents.


    What I believe it is, is that gamers in general are not very skilled. They don't appreciate the psychology of online shooters, are one dimensional, and feel so entitled that anything that goes against their chosen "playstyle" is overpowered. It is a bunch of nonsense. If you are so predictable that you need someone to explain to you how to not charge in like an idiot, how to be situationally aware etc then you are unskilled as it is.


    Everything is not OP, everything does not need to be nerfed. The gun is balanced, it is your lack of skill that is the problem. WHEN DID GAMERS BECOME SUCH SOFT, COMPLAINING ******* MORONS?

  5. ?? Most of your kills were from the Saw and the scattershot...not to mention grenade throws...? What was supposed to be impressive about this? Oh...and you were able to get a snapshot by waiting for a guy to come out of a door way that only led him through a bridge...? Good job? lol


    And, the next time you say boltshot isn't cheap, try dealing with a whole team that uses it while also having camo. Yeah, what a fun game...


    Gamers like you annoy me. Always making excuses, shotgun and grenade throws? You are the kind of gamer that would make an excuse for any type of death you get. There are no rules of honor in online gaming, there is no artificial ruleset to be followed. You either have the skillset and situational awareness to perform or your don't. PERIOD.

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