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Posts posted by Rogue10000

  1. |It doesnt matter what reasons you come up with for why a game has to change or why it isnt like the previous games but it all comes down to one thing-


    Will people play the game, will it be seen as a classic like some of the previous games?


    For me, im struggleing to keep playing, i just dont enjoy the game, i played Halo one for over 5 years because it had 5+ awesome maps, Gulch, sidewinder, hangemhigh, ice fields, danger canyon, infinity, Halo 4 hasnt got ONE map that is HALF as good as any of those.


    also, CTF is my gametype, its all i play, and by this point it has been so watered down for the noobs its rediculous, if the team gets the flag past half way you might as well let them cap for the only reason they can die and respawn and keep edging the flag untill they cap, and past half the map they have less travel time than you. This wouldnt be a problem if i could play custom settings via a custom lobby, but they didnt think to include that in the game, im stuck with matchmaking and default map settings.


    In halo 1 very good players would miss with the sniper rifle from time to time, in this they made it so easy- average players seem to never miss.


    They can make it like COD or any other game for all i care, as long as the game is fun to play.


    But like i said, when all is said and done i probably wont play this for more than another few weeks while i played Halo one for well over 5 years.

  2. I just want to play CTF on classic settings, IE flag returnable and no cap without own flag at base.


    I hate the current settings, 90% of the time if the enemy get your flag over half way across the map you might as well let them cap it.


    The maps are ####, except for ragnorok which is merely ok. dont hold a candle to maps like gulch, sidewinder, ice fields, infinity etc.


    In CTF mode i allmost never get my hands on a power weapon, even though most of the time im looking for one because ive run out of DMR ammo,

  3. Rubbish


    Let me just say i havent played Halo since Halo 1, but i did play that for about 4 years..


    dam things sure did go down hill.


    1. i cant play with others on custom map settings (dont play xbox much so no friends)


    this would be fine if the default map settings for CTF didnt suck, i play CTF allmost exclusively and hate the fact flags cant be returned or the enemy can still cap when we have their flag.


    2. maps are meh, i played one map and i seriously got spawn camped the whole match.


    3, melee is far too strong, the sword is lame, lots of one shot weapons.


    4. the aim assist is rediculous, you really cant miss. (maybe this is the same in all console fps though, i wouldnt know.)


    5, run out of ammo after 30 seconds.

  4. I borrowed my friends xbox and bought halo 4 (huge fan of Halo 1 back in the day)


    but i cant stand to play it, its the auto aim. anyway i was wondering is there a game option i can select or anything to only join games where its disabled? or maybe it gets turned off after a certain rank?


    im watching the kill cam and the guys arent even aimed at me but they are killing me, unless that just the net lag, i dont think so because most of the time their aim looks erratic.


    maybe this is a lost cause for me, i should wait for a PC release hopefully ;(



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