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Posts posted by Noxus

  1. Unless Retro studios and 343 bumped into each other and had coffee sometime, I don't see it happening, buuut ya never know. :P


    Personally, I am an avid fan of both halo and metroid so I would appreciate it. Nice idea, btw.



    ~Vinyl Scratch <3

    XD Thanks. You neeeeeeever know.


    (Also, I hope another Metroid game comes out within the next few years. LOL) 

  2. So here's an odd thought I had. What if Nintendo and 343 made a game crossing the Halo Universe with the Metroid Universe? This thought was inspired off of the Haloid video on YouTube. But think about it for a second. I don't know how the story would be put together in a way that would seem plausible (mainly because I haven't given it much thought) but I do have some ideas on multiplayer.

    Players can choose between playing as Spartans and a version of Samus, each with different qualities.


    Both Spartans and Samus have unlockable armor which you can wear during the game.


    Spartans (Using Halo 4 Gameplay Mechanics)


    -Can customize Loadouts

    -Can use two weapons

    -Able to use different Armor abilities


    -Can call in Ordinance

    -Can't collect health powerups, beam weapons for Samus or ammo powerups on the map (That pertains to Samus)



    -Can unlock different beams and missiles for Arm Cannon (which would consume ammo except the Power Beam)

    -Able to use Morph Ball along with Bombs or Power Bombs

    -Different Suits which can help against damage or traversing terrain (Gravity Suit would help cross rivers in some maps without being slowed while Varia Suit would help lower damage and effects of fire and Ice weapons)

    -Can't pick up or use UNSC weapons

    -Health Bar (being able to store up to one extra Energy Tank and being able to collect health powerups on the map)


    Special Gamemodes

    Samus vs. Spartans- 4 v. 4 Reds: Spartans Blues: Samus

    Extermination- Co-Op or Competitive Firefight-like game where you take out enemy forces like Covenant (if they're still around at that point LOL) Metroids and Space Pirates.


    I know this idea is a bit "out there" but it's an interesting concept to think about. So tell me what you think. Feel free to add/change anything. Thanks for reading.

    • Like 1
  3. Donkey Kong 64. That is the stuff. Cocunut Guns are cool.


    Oh heck yeah! Those were awesome to use.


    I fail to understand how Halo 4 is not a "REAL" game.


    It's really the way people see video games. Everyone has their own so it's okay if you don't understand.

  4. Op, this is actually a side effect of skill based matchmaking :) You almost exclusively meet people as good as yourself. This is not fun. At all. And this is also the very precise reason only a fragment of the Halo 3 pop spent their time in the ranked playlists back in those days. People don't realize it as they're all screaming for a new skill system and even more refined frustration, but you know... people are idiots.


    Cod mix folks of all skill levels in matches, works better. You have your glory and your grief. More fun in the end.


    I do have a bit of a problem with this statement. I don't know about you, but I do prefer playing against people of similar skill. I don't want a game thats ridiculously easy but also not get utterly owned by the team/players. If someone is unable to at least be on par with similarly skilled players, that says something about their overall skill. There are such things as bad games which happens to all players at some point in time. But to be honest, I also kinda agree with those who are wanting a "new" skill system. In H3, you were not only ranked based on games but how well you did. More skilled players would be placed with other skill players for the most part. Same goes with the lesser skilled players. It's really about the skill balance of each game which (in my opinion) Reach and 4 lack. Control is also a candidate in this. Reach had an option to match you with seemingly similar skilled players. It didn't work all the time but the option was there giving the player control over what type of match they wanted. Halo 4 has none of that.


    I'm getting off topic though. Really, Halo has become more of a chore to play and thus made it not fun, at least for now. Halo 3, Reach, and 4 just aren't fun at the moment. I love the series for many reasons and I think a break would be nice to regain my composure and try to make the Halo games fun once more. Who knows, I may get that urge to play a quick game to help with the restoration of that joy the games can bring. But for now, I think I will just take a break from the games for now. Looking back now, the series doesn't deserve to be deserted, especially by a long time fan. Halo has brought me hours of enjoyment and that's what I want out of the game. Enjoyment. I don't want to feel as if I'm forced to play the game. It's like reading a book for fun and reading it for an English class. The book isn't as enjoyable if you're have to read it for a good grade. Anyway, this has gone on long enough and I may have strayed off of the main topic once again. I do apologize for this lengthy piece of text.

  5. Curious, you mention leaving the franchise as opposed to not playing Halo 4. There is a difference there and wonder if you see it.


    I don't exactly see what you mean by a difference but it's not just Halo 4. It's the series as a whole. Lately I haven't been having as much fun as I used to despite my loyalty to Halo. I do want to enjoy it more but its become more of a chore to play...

    Perhaps it's not a farewell that you seek. More like a hiatus. Either way, follow your instincts and do what you must, Noxus.


    Probably....I think I'm just being over the top about this and need a prolonged break.


    Take a break? It's not going to be fun all of the time. depending on how I feel, I'll play a few games a day, and as soon as I get bored or start getting my @$$ kicked i stop playing or pop in another game.


    No use in forcing yourself to play something that your not enjoying.


    True... very, very true...

  6. I might end up Leaving the Halo franchise, not because it's declining, but because I don't find it fun to play anymore... It's really become more of a chore. I don't know... maybe it's due to my low skill or something. But I'm gonna think this over... what do you think though? Would it be better if I left Halo or should I push forward? I do wanna hear your opinions.

  7. An odd topic yes but I thought I may as well share it. Now, I have 2 controllers. One being the standard wireless controller and an Afterglow. After switching between them for quite sometime I noticed something. The Afterglow's sensitivity is higher than the wireless controller's. Confused? Allow me to explain what I mean. When I play Halo, I'd set my wireless controllers sensitivity to about 2 or 3 (I have a hard time aiming, don't judge me). But when I plug my Afterglow in with that same sensitivity, it feels more like a 5 or 6.


    Since my wireless controller is a bit damaged (thanks to my butterfingers), I have to use my Afterglow and I tend to do a bit poorly in games, even when I set the sensitivity to 1. I don't get why this is but whatever. I'm not concerned.

  8. Dominion is my favorite objective gametype out of all the others in the Halo series. I love the amount of strategy that needs to be in it as well as teamwork. I'm glad 343 put it in and I hope this remains in the future games.

  9. halo reachs nades were much more frustrating to me they had a random bounce... i love to chunk nades for fun tho. Best thing is to use the sticky detnator on my friend and let him walk around till he finds someone he sprints to them i set it off kill =D


    Ah yes, the Sticky Detonator... that's fun to use, but can get annoying when it's used on you a lot. XD

  10. If you really hate them another option to try is promethean vision. Nades are highlighted and seeing people's outlines through walls lets you know in advance when they're throwing them at/around corners.


    I agree that grenades are annoying with respect to the ability to spawn with plasmas, resulting in bad kids being able to cop out of an engagement occasionally when they get lucky enough with their tosses. But as for people blowing up hallways with huge volleys that's always happened in Halo afaik. It's not hard to anticipate when they're coming--just learn to recognize those situations and back off accordingly.


    I don't hate grenades. Everyone is getting this false idea that I do hate them. Yeah, the usage of spamming is in every Halo game. That I have learned to accept despite how much it annoys me. I do use a lot of PV and I do see these things coming sometimes. Other times it's so out of the blue I have little time to react. If I do happen to see these types of situations I usually just stay clear of them. It is avoidable but as I have stated it's when it's unavoidable.



    If your getting hit by 8 grenades at once, you might wanna reconsider your positioning...


    Just sayin.


    Well yeah, I do move if an area is being blown up by grenades.

    Him and that Eux guy should be friends:


    "I'm not complaining about grenades, it just makes me mad when they are thrown at me"


    Stop putting words in my mouth. I have made it clear that I don't care about the use if grenades as a whole and if you would've actually read my other posts in this topic you would've seen that.



    This makes zero sense. What you're saying is that grenades work and serve a purpose.


    Settled it.


    People who throw grenades well and place them professionally will win pretty much every time versus someone who just hocks them at any and every thing.


    FINALLY, someone gets what I'm trying to say.


    • Like 1
  12. now that is a qustion none of u can ansewer becase u need to find the best combo for YOU so test wepons abiltys packages etc and find the one that suits u


    Exactly. Play the game how YOU want. Not how others want you to play. Customize your loadouts based on your habits while playing. Example: If you find yourself running out of ammo fast, use the ammo upgrade in one of your loadouts.

  13. This is a bit random but I felt it would be interesting to share. As we all know, Halo:CE was released in 2002 on the original Xbox. But what if it wasn't released then but instead a launch title for the 360 ( assuming Microsoft made it regardless if its predecessor's success). Do you think the Halo franchise would be as successful if that was the case? Or do think Halo would be more /less successful? I would like to hear from you guys on this subject.


    I personally think it wouldn't be as successful due to the fact that it would be competing with COD which would've had loads of time to build up a strong fanbase. Since Halo is a futuristic FPS, it would be considered odd by veterans on FPS games at that time...

    • Like 1
  14. I do agree with this. However, even if people did send 343 their complaints, that's won't stop people from expressing their feelings towards the Halo games on this fourm. Yes, it would be better to directly email 343 but 1. Who knows if they'll even read it and 2. Who knows if they'll take action based on those complaints.

  15. I did it's removal unnecessary, since it's a good game type to grab vehicles and other types of strategies that one doesn't usually pick on regular team slayer.


    I agree. It offered what Team Slayer or Regicide couldn't, big maps and more vehicle use. But as stated above, it did lack gametypes other than Slayer so I do kinda see why it was removed. Let's face it, people don't ALWAYS wanna play Slayer in a BTB game. Imagine an 8 v. 8 Dominion game or if they put CTF in. That would've made it at least somewhat more attractive.

  16. The story may have some faults but overall it's pretty good. Cortana's character was good in my opinion and when she died, I did feel some sort of sadness. It seems like you don't fully understand Cortana as a character and the impact she has in the Halo series. She's been there since the first game and we've been listening to her, taking her advice, and even engaging in a bit of conversation every now and then. Hearing her slowly become rampant and watching her die kinda makes you appreciate her character a lot more since now you know she's gone forever. This kinda goes with the saying "you don't know what you have until you don't have it anymore".


    Even though she may have been a side character it doesn't mean she wasn't important the story. Going to your cop analogy, even though the person providing Intel to the cop, doesn't mean they weren't. Imporrtant. In fact, they're one of THE important people since they provide the cop the details they need in order for the cop to do their job. They may not get any recognition but they're still important.


    My point is this. Cortana's death was a bit sad to see and had meaning behind it. She may not have been the "main" hero but saying that she's not important is entirely incorrect.

    • Like 2
  17. lol I wouldn't describe it as "can't seem to shut up" by far. The only line that fell into this category a bit and bothered me slightly was when Chief was saying "asking is not my strong suit" in response to something Cortana said in the second mission. This was the only line that I remembered as objectively unnecessary and something pre-Halo 4 Chief never would have said - not to mention that the Chief never displayed an affinity for "ironic" statements. It sounded more like something Marcus Fenix would say ^^


    But yeah, I really liked that the Chief was talking more. First, this is exactly the point of the Man vs. Machine theme in Halo 4 because it serves to humanize him. Second, it can be justified by the story itself, because Cortana gets worse and worse and the Chief one one hand needs to comfort her and on the ohter hand is also affected personally by her state, which makes him talk more of course - you never had such intimate problems in the previous Halos, it was just all or nothing, complete your mission or everyione dies.


    I completely agree with you. Having Chief speak more adds a lot to his character and is a welcoming addition to the Campaign. I think Nintendo should take note of having a character speak and implementing it into a story. They tried this with Samus in Metroid Other M and well... it didn't exactly go too well...

  18. I don't think it's wrong to grenade spam, but I don't think people use them the right way. Sure you can spam them, but I would do it for their tactical advantage. Few people follow this, but they're supposed to bring "campers" out. Now of course, that depends on where they are camping and at what angle...


    Getting campers is another one of those exceptions. I don't mind if people are camping and someone decides to spam them simply because they're camping...

    • Like 1
  19. Okay okay, people seem to be gettting the wrong idea here so let me explain. 1. This isn't a problem persay, it's, as the title says, A PET PEEVE of mine which I wanted to share. Yes, it does come with the game or any FPS in that matter. 2. I'M NOT against the use grenades as a whole. I'm just annoyed when like 8 of them are thrown at once and can't dodge them because of the sheer amount of them.


    This was just to vent my frustration at the practice, and NOT POINTING OUT A PROBLEM.

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